[3.4] Zerphi Poet VD - Easiest Uber Elder build - Twinned kill - 20000+ life recovery per sec
I am not sure if we have enough videos for showing this build in action.
Today I spontaneous decided to record and publish one fight. Path of Exile 3.3 Uber Elder: brainless, stressless, moveless, deathless (Zerphi VD) https://youtu.be/EY7Y9mHQEVI |
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" I would add this video in the topic header is very revealing, if only not nerf=) |
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Anyone tried to transition to Peots Pen VD as fast as possibly after league start? How do you do this? I played a lot of zerphi VD Pathfinder this league, and I love it! For the flashback league, I plan on starting with it as soon as possible, and maybe even pushing to 95 and higher. I enjoy the way you can do everything with this build. From Uber Elder, Über Lab and even fast mapping.
Is it smart to start with a strong league starter like sunder champion or arc trapper, to get currency fast until you can get zerphis and poets pens? Should I start with a hybrid pathfinder sunder something and just transition into VD with poets pens and Zerphi VD when ever I have the money to get the items over time? Never planned on going for a „late game/expensive“ build right from the start.. Maybe you guys can help me! :) I plan on grinding 12h+ a day for the first few days! |
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poets pen levels fast
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Any suggestions to my next major upgrade? Thanks guys. (Level 71 and STR on rings so I can wear chest)
Последняя редакция: Warbeast275#0114. Время: 29 июля 2018 г., 1:53:47
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Has anyone ideas or experience in reaching best way level 100 with this build?
I am 98 and now i loose nearly same xp i earned through deaths. |
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" First of, you shouldn’t even die once with this build. 6-7k life and a few resists and no one will kill you ever. |
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Yes that's the theory. My gear is not the reason for dying.
More I am searching a strategy or any hints for compensating having not enough skill or sometimes paying not enough attention or whatever. It's my second league and it would be first level 100 char. So i am not experienced with any strategy for going on 100. And maybe there are good build-special stragtegies. Maybe not. And maybe there isn't any good strategy for me. Dont't know, just looking for brainstorm or ideas. |
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" First of all this build isn't meant for lvl 100 push as it's not a fast mapper. The aim of this build is to be a boss killer. It will be quite slow and very boring to push higher than 98 with this build. Abt you dying with this build, you must keep in mind this build will tank most of the damage mechanics but sometimes not all, like standing too close to strongbox with explode/detonate in a T16 map with deadly mods. So character placement and flask management is very important. |
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Thank you vvamic. I see too it's not the fastest mapper, it is just my personal goal to reach 100 and i'am aware it's not most effective.
I loose about 130% xp during level 98. Yes, a bit boring but it's ok for me, so it would be reachable. Today i tried T14 (Waste Pool) and it seems to be smoother. My unlucky tries in past are T16 Underground Sea, T16 Gorge and T15 Belfry. Now i had a bit better feeling. But i have only 17% so far. I will see... And yes, in early tries ony reason for dying was not having often enough an eye on flasks. I "fixed" my behaviour. But enough dangerous moves of mine causes deaths... So with T14 it could work better. I keep this and will test other T14 too, maybe T13, depending on my map pool. |
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