[3.4] Zerphi Poet VD - Easiest Uber Elder build - Twinned kill - 20000+ life recovery per sec

Kshatry написал:
Hello, i have a question:
I dont understand why its lvl1 BM used with frenzy, why not 20/20 for reduced HP usage?

cause we use zerphi flask ? did you look at the build at all ?
Agita написал:
Kshatry написал:
Hello, i have a question:
I dont understand why its lvl1 BM used with frenzy, why not 20/20 for reduced HP usage?

cause we use zerphi flask ? did you look at the build at all ?

I mean, zerphi flask states that it heals for skill's MANA cost, while with BM you dont use MANA.
No need to be cocky.
Последняя редакция: Kshatry#3662. Время: 30 сент. 2018 г., 0:13:14
I'm trying out this build, but my hp seems kinda low when I use coil - 5650, in Kaom's it's not that bad (over 7000).

What would you suggest to change ? (still need to finish leveling, I'm 83 atm)

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What map mods to avoid with this build? Besides ele reflect...
Capt_Mifune написал:
What map mods to avoid with this build? Besides ele reflect...

Instant recovery from life/mana on sextant for sure
Márkusz написал:
Fixed the tree link in the guide.

Please let me know about any suggestions for the guide, or If I missed something important in the most recent patch

Instead of connecting between Elemental Overload and Cruel Preparation, how about going between Arcanist's Dominion and Mind Over Matter? The end result swaps an int node for str, for a marginal amount of life.

wheeble написал:
I dont know how to lower it though. The only piece of gear I have attack speed on is the gloves, and I am not using Blood Rage either so cancel that one out. I swapped out the Roots for a different corrupt to reduce frenzy down to 3, and I really cant remove any from the tree.

I can't pull up PoB right now, but a few possibilities: Lower level/quality on your gems? Lower attack speed gloves? Power Siphon instead of Frenzy, so you won't get frenzy charges?

Capt_Mifune написал:
What map mods to avoid with this build? Besides ele reflect...

Decreased rate of recovery can also hurt, if you're on a map with heavy hitters and you're not way overstacked on healing.

Kshatry написал:
Agita написал:
Kshatry написал:
Hello, i have a question:
I dont understand why its lvl1 BM used with frenzy, why not 20/20 for reduced HP usage?

cause we use zerphi flask ? did you look at the build at all ?

I mean, zerphi flask states that it heals for skill's MANA cost, while with BM you dont use MANA.
No need to be cocky.

Which doesn't conflict. Zerphi heals based on a used skill's mana cost. Not a used skill's mana spent. (For another case where this distinction is notable: Indigon.)
Последняя редакция: Shani#7118. Время: 30 сент. 2018 г., 7:30:03
Hey good day ! seems like your pob skill tree no longer work because of 3.4 patch cahnge ! any chance we got an update?
Is cwdt+Immortal call supposed to be canceling out the zerphi flask effect? never noticed it till now but everytime my IC goes off i have to reapply zerphi flask.
Capt_Mifune написал:
What map mods to avoid with this build? Besides ele reflect...

when in lab that i had "perma" life and mana boost from dark shire, i remove blood magic from frenzy in order to allow mana actually spent .

While you can ignore all curse if you have a curse remove quicksilver flask, as well as not running ele reflect (can do phys reflect), i don't think there is any not doable modifier.

Die a few time to shaper guardian BTW due to boost in damage and i tried to tank the attack all the time.

Reduce flask charge may make the map more difficult but still doable
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Kshatry написал:
Agita написал:
Kshatry написал:
Hello, i have a question:
I dont understand why its lvl1 BM used with frenzy, why not 20/20 for reduced HP usage?

cause we use zerphi flask ? did you look at the build at all ?

I mean, zerphi flask states that it heals for skill's MANA cost, while with BM you dont use MANA.
No need to be cocky.

Even with blood magic it counts as mana while using zerphi's, hence lvl 1 blood magic gem, you really should read through the guide instead of trying to spread misinformation.

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