[3.4] Zerphi Poet VD - Easiest Uber Elder build - Twinned kill - 20000+ life recovery per sec

I think it was unlucky crits or some bad timing on the fire bombs. It deals up to 13k fire damage and ignores 50% fire resistance. You also lose 1% of your MAX fire resistance every 10% life the boss is missing.
Also I don't Know by how much you overcap your fire res but maybe a mod like ele weakness + the fire ignore was enough to lower your MAX res enough.
Последняя редакция: OCELOT69350#1550. Время: 18 окт. 2018 г., 9:43:27
The_Rain_Man написал:

the only difference i can see between the two is my build has more attack speed and AOE

and going the duel route i get my arse stomped out strait up. But with how it is built my way it is un stoppable ? duelest way i had 9.1k life and 65k tooltip volatile dps. My way has 8.3k life and 63k dps..any one got any insight on as to why it didnt work for me that way?

I do

Something Most Poet Pen Build Will Warn you About.

1. Having the Wrong(too fast) Attack Speed will SKIP the triggering of spells.
This lower your survivability by a lot because your skipping.

2. Tooltip dps is only remotely useful. One of the closest thing to accurate would be Icestorm(Whispering Ice). Simply because it doesnt show dps, but on hit basis. Even then.. You never know how many time it really hit lol. :)

To quote "The Man" about his showcase on Twinned Uber Elder.

Márkusz написал:
This part is only a showcase, you don't need this much defense for a regular Uber Elder.
The gear wasn't fully optimized at that fight, I was in a hurry because I didn't know when they gonna patch the fight, so I had more attack speed than the cooldown would allow, so I was losing on some DPS

In Short. The Attack Rate must be = or lower to the trigger cooldown of the wands. If it is too high you will skip gems.
Последняя редакция: petitcrabe1#0259. Время: 18 окт. 2018 г., 12:29:31
petitcrabe1 написал:
The_Rain_Man написал:

the only difference i can see between the two is my build has more attack speed and AOE

and going the duel route i get my arse stomped out strait up. But with how it is built my way it is un stoppable ? duelest way i had 9.1k life and 65k tooltip volatile dps. My way has 8.3k life and 63k dps..any one got any insight on as to why it didnt work for me that way?

I do

Something Most Poet Pen Build Will Warn you About.

1. Having the Wrong(too fast) Attack Speed will SKIP the triggering of spells.
This lower your survivability by a lot because your skipping.

2. Tooltip dps is only remotely useful. One of the closest thing to accurate would be Icestorm(Whispering Ice). Simply because it doesnt show dps, but on hit basis. Even then.. You never know how many time it really hit lol. :)

To quote "The Man" about his showcase on Twinned Uber Elder.

Márkusz написал:
This part is only a showcase, you don't need this much defense for a regular Uber Elder.
The gear wasn't fully optimized at that fight, I was in a hurry because I didn't know when they gonna patch the fight, so I had more attack speed than the cooldown would allow, so I was losing on some DPS

In Short. The Attack Rate must be = or lower to the trigger cooldown of the wands. If it is too high you will skip gems.

So what I'm taking out of this, both variations are completely fine, you just have to make sure your APS matches with your CDR so you dont skip attacks, say if you are using same gearsets for both variations, one has the correct APS but with the other you would skip attacks and therefore be in danger?
Having too much attack speed doesn't really affect your survivability. Zerphis scales from mana cost of frenzy * attacks per second. Your dps will suffer though.
In his case it doesn't matter how much recovery he had, a one shot is a one shot.
Последняя редакция: OCELOT69350#1550. Время: 18 окт. 2018 г., 13:10:50
Chridian написал:

So what I'm taking out of this,

That im possibly wrong because of what OCELOT just said. Seem like what he said make sense. Will look more into your build.
petitcrabe1 написал:
Chridian написал:

So what I'm taking out of this,

That im possibly wrong because of what OCELOT just said. Seem like what he said make sense. Will look more into your build.

oh no not my build, im just leveling this, but im keenly following the conversation because I like to learn all the mechanics behind a build even if i'm following a forum guide so I understand it properly!

Another uber elder down

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And got a ilvl 86 abyss belt when doing elder guardian map

too bad not suitable to the build

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Chridian написал:
petitcrabe1 написал:
Chridian написал:

So what I'm taking out of this,

That im possibly wrong because of what OCELOT just said. Seem like what he said make sense. Will look more into your build.

oh no not my build, im just leveling this, but im keenly following the conversation because I like to learn all the mechanics behind a build even if i'm following a forum guide so I understand it properly!

Same Icon! Got confused lol
OCELOT69350 написал:
Having too much attack speed doesn't really affect your survivability. Zerphis scales from mana cost of frenzy * attacks per second. Your dps will suffer though.
In his case it doesn't matter how much recovery he had, a one shot is a one shot.

The interesting thing about it is though i have done countless kills of pheonix and uber and all of the rest of it and never have been 1 shotted i kill pheonix rather easily actually.There was no bad map mods i always triple check. He killed me very easily twice on the duelist build the 2nd time he killed me i left the same map open and switched the build back and went back in and killed him. His fire bombs barely scratched me i wasted him pretty quickly like i usually do.

With my build i have abit higher attack speed and AOE my attack speed with frenzy charges is 4.63 and have 20%CDR from my belt.

Duelist i would have had a little lower IAS and much lower aoe i didn't actually check what it was.

Also my fire res with duelist was waaay over capped. it is much lower with my build i always kill him with a ruby flask on the go aswell though.

So what do we reckon it was just the wrong attack speed?
IGN: Elem_Mental

Lets all drink red bull jump out of a plane and hope for the best.
question...can this build facetank aul the crystal king too? i didn't encounter it yet though. i manage to balanced all resistance

Последняя редакция: patrickshu#3095. Время: 18 окт. 2018 г., 20:53:13

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