[3.4] Zerphi Poet VD - Easiest Uber Elder build - Twinned kill - 20000+ life recovery per sec

saragart написал:
This build is epic!

Quick question: Why choosing CWDT level 20 with immortal call level 1? would it not make sense to either drop CWDT to level 1 with immortal call 1 or get them both to 20 to get longer phys immunity? (or is it to endure cwdt does not proc on each hit and immortal call expires as soon as possible? I would love a bit of explanation as it seems very intentional)

ps. I hope it does not get nerfed too badly for another league as i will get it to level 100.

Thanks for a great guide!

You want CWDT level 20 for Enfeeble level 20.

You dont want IC level 20 because you want it to be lowest duration possible so that your Blood rage's degen comes back as to not drop your Zerphi's effect. The IC is literally only there to proc the 50% life recovery pantheon, nothing else.
Thanks for the build. I was able to try it with the Zerphi's late league price drop. Managed to kill Uber Elder face tanking everything and I was finally able to kill Aul (only depth 277, but with fire 2 extra projectiles + frenzy charge on hit).

I'm running purity of ice, purity of element, anger and herald of ash to get the most out of my watcher's eye. With Enlighten 3 + Aul's uprising, it leaves me with only 15 mana, but it's more then enough to keep Zerphi's running with RF.

POB: https://pastebin.com/EyG2Bjir
Thanks man this is the only way I could ever do Uber Elder:

Just stand still and pew pew.

Here's my take on this for Delve.


I'm planning to play poets pen on 3.5 as I've never used them for endgame.

How about this build for league start? Every item in the build is an "expensive item" for me XD
Can I use it to farm the currency? I was planning on going arc/lightning warp.
I'm an average noob who leaves game after t10-14, never done guardians or shaper/elder.

I really like the idea of facetanking as other poet pen builds needs to avoid most mechanics and I'm not very good.

I'm trying to decide what poet pen build I will play.

Many thanks!
Последняя редакция: Tojara1#7526. Время: 30 нояб. 2018 г., 10:44:47
Hey i was wondering besides Volatile dead , wich Skill gem you can use to play too ?
Schwitzberger написал:
worldpk написал:
yvonnars написал:
Noob here, this prob sound really stupid: so I degen mana by using RF + MoM, and RF only ends when I hit 1 hp, so I have to find a safe spot to stand and let RF stop? I feel so uneasy to be so low hp.

Thats exact. Although you have enough time to tp out(if in map) or go back to the mine entrance.

What i twnd to do when looting stuff after delve is to just keep attacking at least twice every 4 seconds and loot my stuff then start a new delve

its a very expensive build with tons of uniques... its probably the worst league starter ever

I understand it is worst league starter but doesnt this character have to start to level up somehow unless you do an entirely new build and then respec once you finish (sounds expensive if you going to respec an entire skill tree)

So I was wondering how do people start this build off in a new league?
Do they first use another build to gain some currency then start this build second? Or do they start with this build however with 1 or 2 different skills then respec minimally into this build?

build will go down as a classic along with lowlife CoE ST. Thank you markusz
Will this build be available and effective after the change to Zerphi ?
i mean will we still be able to face tank über elder ?
if no or yes ? is there anyway to adjust the talent to make us able face tanking ? increasing leech Maby , etc ?
any update or recommendation because the change to zerphi would be appreciated it .
Последняя редакция: XxSpardaxX90#4479. Время: 4 дек. 2018 г., 20:47:49
XxSpardaxX90 написал:
Will this build be available and effective after the change to Zerphi ?
i mean will we still be able to face tank über elder ?
if no or yes ? is there anyway to adjust the talent to make us able face tanking ? increasing leech Maby , etc ?
any update or recommendation because the change to zerphi would be appreciated it .

No because you go to 0 regen after getting hit
XxSpardaxX90 написал:
Will this build be available and effective after the change to Zerphi ?
i mean will we still be able to face tank über elder ?
if no or yes ? is there anyway to adjust the talent to make us able face tanking ? increasing leech Maby , etc ?
any update or recommendation because the change to zerphi would be appreciated it .

No because you go to 0 regen after getting hit

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