[3.4] Pasta's Dex Stacking Build Crit(Barrage/Scourge Arrow LA/TS/Ice Shot) All Content Viable

Since people seem to get varied results, I decided to do 15 more attempts crafting a bow (using the 4 fossil method with jagged, serrated, corroded, metallic). Only two of them got the relevant mod (cold per dex), so it would seem I was just very lucky earlier. I'm editing my posts as to not potentially spread misinformation.
Последняя редакция: rainbowslol#6426. Время: 23 сент. 2018 г., 19:34:59
It's definitely a very, very rare mod, i think the tier of a tyrannical roll is about right.

I've thrown probably 10 ex worth of currency in forms of alt/aug, chaos, fossils in all variations at my bow just for shits and giggles and to see if maybe a mirror roll happens, i got the Shaper mod I think twice in all those attempts.

You'll definitely have a much better chance with the proposed fossil combo, but that also amounts to just under 1 Ex per attempt, so it's costly no matter what.

I think it's a very fun crafting game and great to hunt, but like the last few leagues when i played this build and recommended it, people really need to leave the bow for last in their upgrade process.

(Or luckily craft one/find one on the side before starting the build ;)
Hello! I'm following this guide and another as well just kind of trying things. I made this chest the other day

And I was wondering what you think about this kind of amulet

Unfortunately I have barely any currency now and just shaped my atlas for elder underground sea...Bought 6 maps with bloodlines and 3 sextants and shaper/elder pingpong but only 1 t16 dropped in all of them so im having a hard time saving to get a better bow than this, which is really slowin me down
Crafted a bow with Prismatic, Serrated and Metallic Fossils. Unfortunately i have no free Suffix for crit Chance.

with the bow i used before i dealt more Damage as it seems although it didn't have the shaper mod.

is unnatural instict necessary?

Got lucky for this mirror item :)
Just started the build. It seems to make sense, I will try and update later how it is going and what changes I made, if any.

On another note, what did pasta get banned for? lol
EdiniyBog написал:
is unnatural instict necessary?

It shouldn't be required. It wasn't even available pre 3.4. If you can get one it just gives a ton of stats for the points invested.
my next improve is the bow or change tree? i know i have to change pathfinder ascendancy! thx you
I can adapt this build with this equipment?

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