[3.2] The Blue Man(a) with Purple Skills -- 934k Tooltip ED, now with deathless Uber Elder video!
fl0yd написал:
1) Is it viable to level with ED and Contagion/Blight or should I switch to SR for that purpose? I'd like to learn the mechanic right on from the start thats why ED would be my first choice.
I have a section on two ways to level in the guide. Learning to play Contagion + ED takes a few minutes at most, so its not a problem. Leveling with ED is painfully slow, especially without damage nodes.
fl0yd написал:
2) Can this build be played as a leaguestarter ? Of course you need some currency to get it to end game content (especially for Indigon) but doing ulab and up to T12 in the first days/week is what I have in mind
Yes, but I don't know if Indigon will be unchanged by next league. If it is unchanged, at league start regrets are so cheap I would just play flicker or poets pen Trickster then swap after obtaining the rest of the gear.
fl0yd написал:
3) Firestorm in cwdt setup is only used for blinding or whats the point of it?
Blinding from range, since the flask creates a cloud at your feet. It reduces the ability for ranged enemies to hit you significantly.
fl0yd написал:
4) Do I use Blight only for Bosses and hard rares? In your videos you channel it only for some stacks and thats it. Or is it because the fight is already easy af?
One stack of blight to slow fast opponents who are hard to hit, or are too durable. Blight does not do damage, but increases damage taken.
Bit of advice, tap the button, never hold it. Tapping the button will also have a chance on each key press to restore mana, where as holding it can only restore mana on the first cast.
Undisputed best alpha tester since Awakening beta.
You mention using GMP with ED, which gem would you switch out for it? I also saw mention of a 6L contagion, but I couldn't really do any real damage when I swapped by ED out for it, did I do something wrong or? (That was on a t5)
As a last question: How do you deal with allies cannot be killed? I have been having some issues when the rare mob/totem isn't in plain sight...
I use GMP all the way up to T16 to quickly ramp up damage for trash. I remove void manipulation.
Allies cannot be killed is fine, because ED can still be applied to enemies with 1 life remaining. This means that you can apply ED to several targets, healing off of all of them, and walk up to the totem or rare and kill it. This could be a problem on predictive, in which case blight should do enough damage to kill after expending lots of mana.
Undisputed best alpha tester since Awakening beta.
Последняя редакция: Rhaegar_G#4953. Время: 30 марта 2018 г., 21:39:16
we were talking about gif 300k(there was 900k gif before idk why you changed it) toooltip in ho (700k dot) and i said it isnt achiveable without insanity(read BIS amy) AND bis gear with t1 mana/mana reg rolls. the gap in ramp between goood gear and medicore is like 500k dot dps, so me and other guys above were wondering where that significant difference mainly coming from
You're confusing tooltip and DPS, I never changed anything. Also insanity will not give more hideout damage than a mana regeneration alternative, as shown earlier. The biggest difference looking at your gear is not having a 6 link or a 60% helmet. The rest can be upgraded later.
If you want to get into the probability, since the amulet with regeneration is 4.3 times better, you need to at least get 5 10% restores in 5.55 seconds or 10 casts.
So the question is:
What is the possibility that 5 or more restorations of 10% Mana will happen in a 5.55 second period?
Using Poisson distribution, I will consider the sum of probabilities for restorations for 4 or fewer, by then subtracting that percentage from 1, the odds can be easily calculated:
f(x;λ) = (λ^x * e^-λ)/x!
The expected restoration is 1 on every 10 casts, on average. λ=1
So we consider the probabilities of 5 restorations up through 10, that is:
This gives a 99.634% certainty that 4 or fewer restorations will occur in a 5.55 second period. (10 casts)
1 - 0.99634 = 0.00366 or 0.366% chance that the amulet is better in hideout than a Mana regeneration amulet.
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Also, to prevent "he said", "she said" here:
Doesnt all of that simply mean Atziri's Foible is a BIS amu ?
From my calcs even with BIS T1 Insanity Amu im still 500 mana regen below Atziri's Foible...
Using PoB ofcourse.
Im also curious why i cannot ramp up to your damage (or even half of it...) with better mana regen gear (beside armour ofcourse and quality gems i have in swap for now..)
IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766
[3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9
[2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired]
Последняя редакция: eragon1111#0889. Время: 31 марта 2018 г., 14:10:44
Doesnt all of that simply mean Atziri's Foible is a BIS amu ?
From my calcs even with BIS T1 Insanity Amu im still 500 mana regen below Atziri's Foible...
Using PoB ofcourse.
Im also curious why i cannot ramp up to your damage (or even half of it...) with better mana regen gear (beside armour ofcourse and quality gems i have in swap for now..)
your helm needs rerolling, needs +1 on chest, and all the important gems need quality. you're also only 78.
Doesnt all of that simply mean Atziri's Foible is a BIS amu ?
From my calcs even with BIS T1 Insanity Amu im still 500 mana regen below Atziri's Foible...
Using PoB ofcourse.
Im also curious why i cannot ramp up to your damage (or even half of it...) with better mana regen gear (beside armour ofcourse and quality gems i have in swap for now..)
your helm needs rerolling, needs +1 on chest, and all the important gems need quality. you're also only 78.
Care to explain rerolling ? +1 chest is out of question as it costs over 80ex (at least the only one ive seen - 1.5 headhunters) and im lvling quality gems in a swap.
Even around 90 i dont think ill be able to reach 600-700k with this setup and pretty much every item here is BIS.
My PoB shows ill reach over 5100 mana regen with 6800 max, but that doesnt seem feasible to reach ~~ 6000% spell dmg.
Ps. Quality on those gems means squat shit as its around 1% of total max spell dmg.
IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766
[3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9
[2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired]
Последняя редакция: eragon1111#0889. Время: 31 марта 2018 г., 15:38:59
Doesnt all of that simply mean Atziri's Foible is a BIS amu ?
From my calcs even with BIS T1 Insanity Amu im still 500 mana regen below Atziri's Foible...
Using PoB ofcourse.
Im also curious why i cannot ramp up to your damage (or even half of it...) with better mana regen gear (beside armour ofcourse and quality gems i have in swap for now..)
your helm needs rerolling, needs +1 on chest, and all the important gems need quality. you're also only 78.
Care to explain rerolling ? +1 chest is out of question as it costs over 80ex (at least the only one ive seen - 1.5 headhunters) and im lvling quality gems in a swap.
Even around 90 i dont think ill be able to reach 600-700k with this setup and pretty much every item here is BIS.
My PoB shows ill reach over 5100 mana regen with 6800 max, but that doesnt seem feasible to reach ~~ 6000% spell dmg.
Ps. Quality on those gems means squat shit as its around 1% of total max spell dmg.
Divine the helm til 50/60. I think you really underestimate how powerful a level 26 ED is.
Is it possible you don't have the proper checks marked in PoB? I doubt that assumption given the depth of your posts, but check it out. Save his PoB link and compare it to yours.
EDIT: I also think the weapon is huge as well, that shaped claw/sai adds more mana to your pool than Brightbeak does.
Последняя редакция: saigatenozu#4158. Время: 31 марта 2018 г., 17:36:46
Doesnt all of that simply mean Atziri's Foible is a BIS amu ?
From my calcs even with BIS T1 Insanity Amu im still 500 mana regen below Atziri's Foible...
Using PoB ofcourse.
Im also curious why i cannot ramp up to your damage (or even half of it...) with better mana regen gear (beside armour ofcourse and quality gems i have in swap for now..)
your helm needs rerolling, needs +1 on chest, and all the important gems need quality. you're also only 78.
Care to explain rerolling ? +1 chest is out of question as it costs over 80ex (at least the only one ive seen - 1.5 headhunters) and im lvling quality gems in a swap.
Even around 90 i dont think ill be able to reach 600-700k with this setup and pretty much every item here is BIS.
My PoB shows ill reach over 5100 mana regen with 6800 max, but that doesnt seem feasible to reach ~~ 6000% spell dmg.
Ps. Quality on those gems means squat shit as its around 1% of total max spell dmg.
Divine the helm til 50/60. I think you really underestimate how powerful a level 26 ED is.
Is it possible you don't have the proper checks marked in PoB? I doubt that assumption given the depth of your posts, but check it out. Save his PoB link and compare it to yours.
EDIT: I also think the weapon is huge as well, that shaped claw/sai adds more mana to your pool than Brightbeak does.
Ill check say, claw thingy, i dont really need Brightbeak beside zoom zoom.
ps. upgraded helm
IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766
[3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9
[2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired]
Последняя редакция: eragon1111#0889. Время: 31 марта 2018 г., 18:21:21
Could you explain more on how "Attacking in place with shield charge will rapidly refill mana" ?
Im sorry i dont understand why is that.
Trickster Ascendancy sets the mana cost of movement skills to 0, but also has 20% chance to refund 10% of maximum mana on using a skill. There is also the Insanity amulet, but that is mostly for maps with no regeneration.
Undisputed best alpha tester since Awakening beta.
Could you explain more on how "Attacking in place with shield charge will rapidly refill mana" ?
Im sorry i dont understand why is that.
Trickster Ascendancy sets the mana cost of movement skills to 0, but also has 20% chance to refund 10% of maximum mana on using a skill. There is also the Insanity amulet, but that is mostly for maps with no regeneration.
Hey, added a question about Atziris Foible based on your calcs earlier and it seems like perfect one is simply BIS. Do you see any other option if someone does not care about no regen maps?
IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766
[3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9
[2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired]