[3.5] Scion Aurabot with Shavronnes - 14 Auras 3 Curses
" I think shaper amulet with 5% reduce mana reserved is a nice and cheap alternative to "Presence of Chayula" and let you pick 13 auras. But i still prefer "Presence of Chayula" because it have more ES (1500 to 2000), chaos res and stun immunity. If you remove "Revenge of the Hunted" (3 points) and pick "Golems Blood" you lose 16% ES and 34% armour (around 2% PDR), without iron skin flask you go from 88% PDR to 86% PDR, but you get +170 ES regen... does it worth? What you think about this passive tree version? http://poeurl.com/bQZv MM - eMeeMe
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" too many life nodes for an ES based aurabot, you're reserving life anyway, just pick up more % ES nodes and you'll be tankier. quick recovery isn't really worth it as its only offering you life regen. start the build as a scion, take path of the witch, then disconnect the witch ES nodes from the rest of the tree, you'll still hit abut 75% phys damage reduction which is fine considering theres no investment besides iron reflexes and a granite, you'll get free endurance charges from enduring cry anyways, sustain this with life gain on hit in some form, or vaal clarity |
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" The life nodes are converted to Energy Shield using the jewel "Energy from Within" and im picking them because they give armour or other status like life regen (=ES regen) or resistances. The objective of this build is to let you play lazy and relax without dying. Whats the point of having enduring charges and have to cast warcry every 10 seconds? If i have enough ES regen i dont need "life on hit". And "life on hit" dont work with ES, you need to pick "Ghost Reaver". MM - eMeeMe
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golems blood shouldnt cost you X% ES
if you are converting the nodes via energy from within on the topside you can shift your conversion to golemsblood - that should minimize the loss. usually you run better with es nodes and a 8%ES jewel with faster start of ES recharge and some stats than with life nodes and energy from within. since ES nodes are a little higher compared to life nodes (usually). [additional stats can be: maybe 16 int for additional 3%es, maybe 7% life with chayula, and other stats - maybe dex or res if needed. and/or armour/evasion if you rly want it, id advise against it though - if its on the jewel ok, if not dont bother] since the Energy from within nerf from 18% to 6% i dont use it nearly as often (Mending is an exeption for me) play around in PoB a little to check if you still like it, i personally dont like Energy from within anymore. about the 90% armor loss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9VTa73wmIw its a short video about defense mechanics. The ES part of the vid is outdated(or at least nerfed), the armour mechanic though is still the same if im not totally mistaken. long story short: armour is a good defense, yet for the realy big hits you will never have enough armour to get the 90% reduction (to get that you need 90times as much armour as the incoming dmg) and if you get hit with a 10k hit... well you get it i asume =) having a decent amount of armour is good, yet it gets worse of the hit is BIG good to mitigate all the stray shots you may eat as aurabot, yet it gets worse the higher the initial hit is. €: best ways to defend against phys dmg is the 15% reduced phys flask(basalt?), endurance charges (as stated in the post above me i think) and conversion to any element via flasks like taste of hate, or the wathcers eye with "converts X% phys dmg to *element with purity of elements on" oh and fortify - dumb me^^ have a nice day Waechter Последняя редакция: Waechter#7137. Время: 27 марта 2018 г., 6:23:14
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I appreciate all your feedback and ideas, and correct me if im wrong, because i dont know all the game mechanics and this game is a bit complex.
I play to relax and i want to enjoy the game without been worried about to pop up a flask every 5 seconds or have to cast some warcry... The objective of this build is to have good a balance between give the maximum damage for the player im supporting and have a great survivability. When i start playing aurabot i begin with "Victarios Influence" and i had two problems, poison/chaos damage and get hit with physical damage. The first thing i did was to pick the passive "Iron Reflex" and my survivability increased a lot. The second thing i did was change from "Victarios Influence" to "Shavronnes" and my survivability increased even more. For what i read and according to the in game character info, to Path of Building and Gamepedia, endurance charges, flasks, armour and etc, all apllies to Physical Damage Reduction except "Fortify". For my experience is better have an high Physical Damage Reduction even if its estimated, than have a lower Physical Damage Reduction. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Physical_damage_reduction Physical damage is mitigated by the sum of all #% additional Physical Damage Reduction modifiers, up to its 90% cap.[1] These modifiers can be calculated for example from: -Endurance charges -Basalt Flask -Soul of Steel -Summon Chaos Golem -Oak bandit reward -Armour https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Fortify Fortify is a buff that grants the player 20% reduced damage taken from hits for 4 seconds.[1] This does not apply to damage over time, since it does not hit. #% increased/reduced Damage taken when Hit modifiers are calculated after armour, resistances and endurance charges.[2] MM - eMeeMe
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I am enjoying the build so far very much, although I miss the enlighten 4s and the enchant on helm. still very strong aurabot :)
just a quick question though... how you get the insane movement? I mean I do have the unique boots and the belt , but I am like 55% movement speed.. which node(s?) did I miss? thanks for the reply |
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" the issue is that energy from within only converts nodes in range, and using that jewel on every life node just isnt an efficient use, a flat es abyss jewel will be far better and saves you skill points. as for iron reflexes and shavs, those are both good options if you dont want to flask. builds with shavs use voidbringer gloves for the +1. the reason for enduring cry is to help the carry since you can share endurance charges to him, you can even use the vigil and vigilant strike to give him fortify if you wish. edit: i took a look at your standard character MM_aurora, and you could quite easily push this character to 9k ES with just a few skill tree and jewel changes. even more considering its standard and you could quite easily acquire some 45+ ES 15 int jewels. (i used ~30 ES jewels). remove all the energy from within except the top left near melding. (your other two arnt even near active life nodes) remove void barrier and skill other 6% ES nodes (if you can fix your res with other means) Последняя редакция: Alloxya#2320. Время: 2 апр. 2018 г., 0:07:29
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" I use "Chemist's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline" a perfect roll gives you +70% (40%+30%) increased movement speed. MM - eMeeMe
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" I know how energy within works, but in STD i have some with 9% and 10%, and the life nodes i pick they give more status like armour, resistances, ES regen, etc PS: i hate have to use flasks all the time! " Because ES on kill? with "Shapers gloves" got higher defenses. " Nice tip! I complete forgoten that i can share charges. " In POB, at lvl 100, in STD, with the items i have, i will get around 10.400 ES. Last passive tree version: http://poeurl.com/bQZv MM - eMeeMe
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