[3.7] Face-Cannon Frost blades Assassin. Face Tank everything! (Shaper, Uber elder video added)

myhorseisamaz1ng написал:
what exactly boss?

Can't remember now but its one of the guardians that out dpsed my leech. There's also the elder that I can't fight.
MD140 написал:
myhorseisamaz1ng написал:
what exactly boss?

Can't remember now but its one of the guardians that out dpsed my leech. There's also the elder that I can't fight.

guardians are t16, that is not even close to t13 :) im still at t13-t14, so cant advice u here.
the only advice - grind few more levels before going guardians.

ps: facetank is nice, but watching videos and reading wiki before hard encounters will highly boost ur effectiveness :)
Последняя редакция: myhorseisamaz1ng#1083. Время: 15 июня 2018 г., 6:42:27
Pretty solid build, nice end-game, but you need to reach 5k + HP to avoid one shot in this league, and still can get it in t14+ incursions with 5.8k, just need a really focused play style for hard maps, not an entry level build, mechanics are basics but gameplay and gear scaling fit experienced players better
oneshots in incursions is pretty rare, but ones in t14-15 abyssal gaps happen very often :)
What is the best thing of jewel connected with mode "while affected by Hatred" ?
Frutiqdiebossin написал:
What is the best thing of jewel connected with mode "while affected by Hatred" ?

Seems like crit strike chance, cuz price is the highest.

Great build, still didn't make uber elder and some item upgrades. Like before was stated - sometimes u can just die in one shot by group of monsters with sick map mods combination - even with enfeeble.

WB is the fastest movement skill, but also from time to time u just go back in place where u were before, which increase ur chance to die... Dunno what's the cause, but thats really frustrating and I'm considering change WB to something else...any suggestions?
Последняя редакция: pritus90#6971. Время: 27 июня 2018 г., 6:16:01
Im following this build too and its quite nice, I reached red maps now, just need to +20% gems and get last jew socket, but what I want to add is -
since its expensive to get all high HP + good stats on gear I dont really have 6k HP, so I thought to switch quicksilver for rumi/granite flask just for dangerous boss/packs fight(gives bonus 10% phys dmg reduction) feels safer that way.
it will not load skill tree for me, anyone else has same problem?
What do you think about swapping a Bloodseeker for a Touch of Anguish in the offhand? The +1 chain and cold damage can boost the clearspeed even higher. I think it may even compensate for the loss of instant leech for half the attacks, but I gotta make some more testing to know for sure.
Ookabuki написал:
What do you think about swapping a Bloodseeker for a Touch of Anguish in the offhand? The +1 chain and cold damage can boost the clearspeed even higher. I think it may even compensate for the loss of instant leech for half the attacks, but I gotta make some more testing to know for sure.

you dont leech enough off tough bosses without both bloodseeker's been tested just saying

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