Death0rGlory1991 написал:
Also did the build, got a cheap Starforge.
Maybe you have to activate the cluster with the Iron Breaker, and Master of Fundamentals.
Just need to recolour the sockets on new boots. for Elusive and more survivabilty. Skilled a lot into Max life, because im getting oneshot pretty often. Don't know if Abyssus is that viable, but the DMG Boost is insane.
I have the Starforge since day 2, luckily bought for 120 C ;)
still missing decent Body Armour with minus Mana...
What do you think about it?
I am not playing delirium, but i have a scion in standard with abyssus (legacy) and other unusual items and she has stratospheric damage. You will need be careful with physical damage against you , like traps in laby , sirius and etc.
СообщениеByCrom#451019 марта 2020 г., 18:51:36
Any advice to upgrade the build (what to rush fast or to change ?) : I do need more damage and a bit of survivability.
And what's the ideal price for a -15 body armour w/ Life + Res pls ? (is it better to craft it or to buy it directly ?)
СообщениеRaygiis#620619 марта 2020 г., 18:57:57
ByCrom написал:
Death0rGlory1991 написал:
Also did the build, got a cheap Starforge.
Maybe you have to activate the cluster with the Iron Breaker, and Master of Fundamentals.
Just need to recolour the sockets on new boots. for Elusive and more survivabilty. Skilled a lot into Max life, because im getting oneshot pretty often. Don't know if Abyssus is that viable, but the DMG Boost is insane.
I have the Starforge since day 2, luckily bought for 120 C ;)
still missing decent Body Armour with minus Mana...
What do you think about it?
I am not playing delirium, but i have a scion in standard with abyssus (legacy) and other unusual items and she has stratospheric damage. You will need be careful with physical damage against you , like traps in laby , sirius and etc.
Yeah, i already noticed, that traps are hurting pretty much. thats why i tend to Use the passives into maximum Life for more survivabilty.
in Standard u probably can boost up to 5 times more damage, also its pretty decent already.
And also the Cluster boosts damage for Around 400k for 6 Passives which is also pretty nice.
When i get Elusive on the boots, i should be fine i think.
Raygiis написал:
Any advice to upgrade the build (what to rush fast or to change ?) : I do need more damage and a bit of survivability.
And what's the ideal price for a -15 body armour w/ Life + Res pls ? (is it better to craft it or to buy it directly ?)
I already burnt a lot of Currency, trying to get the Suffix(Delve only..) thats why its pretty expensive, or sometimes easy, RNG is your master...
i think they are around 3ex to open end.
I would recommend first to get a lot of dmg. Starforge/and you are also lacking a lot of physical boosts on your rings etc.
Do you ahve Problems with Maps/Bosses? Im a bit spoiled with my Standard Spectral Throw Impale. ^^
ByCrom написал:
shadowpotion написал:
Guys, can i get some help? I dont know what to do with Reflect on hiltless if u choose berserk path. My leech is not enough to keep me alive on huge packs. Soul tether is not that good with overleech, and ive already tried offering to the serpent, its even worse. Am i lacking hp right now? Not enough leech speed? My perks go wrong? I really cant figure out. Look in my profile, if you can suggest something, please.
I dnt like so much soul tether cause overleech goes to shield instead.
Anyway i supposed you are playing with blood rage up. Life leech has a cap, you can double this value with vaal pact, but not mandatory.
May be you need tree nodes with : X% increased total recovery per second from life leech , like Martial Experience , this will increase "speed" of incoming life recovery.
In Martial experience branch you can get 100% increased total recovery per second.
>You can try carnage heart amulet too, to increase leech amount and speed.
Thank you very much! Martial experience Fixed it all. Ill try amulet later if ill have issues again.
Сообщениеshadowpotion#716619 марта 2020 г., 19:29:04
in Standard u probably can boost up to 5 times more damage, also its pretty decent already.
With the appropriate arrangements it can be 10 times more damage lol
Now just waiting to see the potential of new cluster nodes can bring to build :)
СообщениеByCrom#451019 марта 2020 г., 19:38:34
Raygiis написал:
Any advice to upgrade the build (what to rush fast or to change ?) : I do need more damage and a bit of survivability.
And what's the ideal price for a -15 body armour w/ Life + Res pls ? (is it better to craft it or to buy it directly ?)
Lol, many items can be changed:
chest armor
abyssal jewel if you intend to mantain bubonic trail.
I suggest you to follow end game section of this guide with those recommended items.
Tree arrangement can be done as well . I would dismantle born to fight/butchery branch , going to diamond skin / jewel slot , using this points in anything could give more damage. May be making the triad with unnatural instinct , or going to kinect impacts, or martial experience..or going up above acrobatics on the tree..
Many options , i guess.
СообщениеByCrom#451019 марта 2020 г., 20:53:39
Anyone have an advice on what to look for in cluster jewels as a general rule?
Сообщениеsmarjancic#361220 марта 2020 г., 2:59:00
ByCrom написал:
Raygiis написал:
Any advice to upgrade the build (what to rush fast or to change ?) : I do need more damage and a bit of survivability.
And what's the ideal price for a -15 body armour w/ Life + Res pls ? (is it better to craft it or to buy it directly ?)
Lol, many items can be changed:
chest armor
abyssal jewel if you intend to mantain bubonic trail.
I suggest you to follow end game section of this guide with those recommended items.
Tree arrangement can be done as well . I would dismantle born to fight/butchery branch , going to diamond skin / jewel slot , using this points in anything could give more damage. May be making the triad with unnatural instinct , or going to kinect impacts, or martial experience..or going up above acrobatics on the tree..
Many options , i guess.
Thanks I'll see what's the most impacting for me in all that you said.
Death0rGlory1991 написал:
I already burnt a lot of Currency, trying to get the Suffix(Delve only..) thats why its pretty expensive, or sometimes easy, RNG is your master...
i think they are around 3ex to open end.
I would recommend first to get a lot of dmg. Starforge/and you are also lacking a lot of physical boosts on your rings etc.
Do you ahve Problems with Maps/Bosses? Im a bit spoiled with my Standard Spectral Throw Impale. ^^
Yes I'm actually often dying on T14+ bosses (and on conquerors) because of my dmg.
So do you think I'd be better for me to buy Starforge instead of the -15 Body Armour ? (If yes, is it better for me to buy it already 6L or to do it myself ?)
СообщениеRaygiis#620620 марта 2020 г., 3:56:04
Yes I'm actually often dying on T14+ bosses (and on conquerors) because of my dmg.
So do you think I'd be better for me to buy Starforge instead of the -15 Body Armour ? (If yes, is it better for me to buy it already 6L or to do it myself ?)
Cyclone depends a lot of weapon damage, so yes, you must change your weapon.
Starforge is very fine for this build and always shock :P
When searching starforge, order the list by pDPS , buy higher pDPS you can.
You probably will change chest armor after, to get 6L by yourself will be a pain and will cost a lot of currency, so is better get one ready to use.
СообщениеByCrom#451020 марта 2020 г., 8:53:50