[3.11] Tesla Cyclone | Destroy the Game | All Content | Super Fast! | Spin 2 Win |
" Hiya, Thanks for the kind words. If fast leveling is what you like, then yeah, I would say that everything is easy to get and the clear speed is super fast. You can even build it for more movement speed and aoe if you are solely sticking to mapping for fast levels and not trying to push shaper farm etc etc. you can get the +1 weapon range jewel from the quest line, there are movement speed nodes that are very easily obtainable and if you like, I did post earlier a build concept idea for HC and even a safe variant in the guide to make sure you get through the 10 acts if you want to take a cautious and calculated approach to survivability first and then transition. Totally up to you. The damage even works well solo or in groups if you have a friend that is leveling with you / supporting your damage. |
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" Awesome, thanks! |
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No problem at all. Feel free to ask any other questions that you may have.
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Been playing this build all weekend, and abselutely love it. Definitely gonna be my league starter next league.
Could you do a part on how to gear this build for MF, without losing the ability to do maps quickly. |
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" Hiya! Thanks for the <3. I have been wanting to add an MF section for those that would like to see it. If I have time later today or early tomorrow, I will add a section and post when it is up. |
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Played a build like into early maps, goes through most stuff without worries. However I do run into quite significant issues when there is loads of chaos based damage abound. Using a mostly unique setup (some rares while working up cash for full setup), which means a current -60 chaos res. Are there any suggestions to solve this? Been thinking about adding a few chaos res jewels, or just change the rares I still use into chaos res items, but would love to hear better options to sort some survivability.
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First off, I want to say this looks like a great guide/build. I am still pretty new to the game (bestiary was first league), and I am thinking of taking this build into the May Flashback Event as my starter. I personally am looking for a fast mapper that can really grind out some levels/gear to try to fund other characters to see what I like the best. I think I will probably have this as my mapper and then make a bossing character with funds. I have a few questions though (and sorry if they've been asked, as I didnt read all 10 pages of comments)
1. How is survivability while leveling/early mapping? I am a tank player in all games and I hate dying fast. I usually face tank stuff as much as I can, while still trying to go fast, so I want to make sure I can stay alive as number 1 priority. I know you linked other "tankier" trees, but I just want to make sure. 2. Going off of number 1, in your honest opinions, should I go with this build or maybe try a more standard Slayer cyclone build. I know this was talked about in the FAQ, but it was mostly about high damage where I'm more worried about tankiness/speed for mapping specifically. 3. How much do the tanky variants of the build slow down the mapping? Is it extremely noticeable or will I still be fine on speed while getting a lot tankier? 4. Anyway to break down gear with how important each piece when starting out? I know the jewels and the ring are number 1 priority, but what should I focus on after that? 5. I'd love to hear anyone's recommendations/advice for me regarding this build or maybe a recommendation to other fast/tanky mappers. Thank so much for taking the time to makings this wonderful guide and answering questions. Последняя редакция: sethers656#5161. Время: 29 апр. 2018 г., 17:59:00
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" Ok I put a little magic find section in the F.A.Q. in the guide. Feel free to check it out! <3 |
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" Thank you for the question. Now, I want to answer this without sounding like a complete elitist POS. I would comfortably say that roughly 98% of the builds in this game, do not address chaos resist at all outside of a Hardcore situation. So the first questions are how new are you to the very few things in this game that actually do chaos damage and are you playing softcore or hardcore? If playing softcore, again I'm not trying to sound like a superior being, is to simply get better at fighting mechanically against the very few enemies that can dish out any threatening chaos damage in the game. If playing hardcore, the softcore answer stands and I would add, you CAN get 1-2 rares in the build that have some chaos resist. A little bit of resist goes a LONG way in terms of mitigation. I really do not suggest putting stock into the chaos resist with this build personally. I've never had a single issue with it and unless GGG changes the way chaos damage hits the character (which has actually gotten better over the years), I do not see my perspective changing on it. Again, you can add it in if you are playing hardcore and want to be as safe as can be. Can't fault you for never wanting to die, I just do not think it's necessary. I hope this helps. |
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" 1 - To sum it up, You kill everything including bosses so fast, that tanking for the 1-3 seconds (if that) is a breeze. Try out a tankier version if you are new and want to dip your toe in the water before jumping in. 2 - The tankiness of the build compared to a standard Slayer cyclone build is only the difference of getting Vaal Pact or not in the build. If you want more of a face tank quality, grab Vaal Pact when mapping. The speed on the other hand, this build has way more of and can clear maps a lot faster. 3 - You're worrying too much. If mapping is the goal, all variants of the build will crush all maps while providing tons of speed. 4 - Follow the guide. The only thing I'll add is, getting a good/cheap other options weapon in my guide is a great start. Making sure you cap resists and the rest is in the guide. 5 - No offense, this forum post is about my guide and questions and discussions about it. Please do not ask for adverts for other guides in it. It's really tacky and does not show any respect for the person who puts time to offer information to the community about a build in general. I get that you want the best experience POE has to offer and you are interested enough to read guides on how to do that. If you want to educate yourself, try downloading Path of Building. A ton of builds out there offer pastebin codes to the builds. You can simply punch them in and see the offense/defense (for the majority) of builds and make an informed decision. I hope this helps. |
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