[3.3] The Grave Digger - Volatile Dead Auto-Miner / All Bosses, All Map Mods
I'm sorry, i'm not very good at understanding mechanics so sorry if this is dumb.
I'm not likely to make enough to get Zerphi's anytime soon, but i've gotten Scolds, Shimmeron x2, and have an exalt on standby to buy a WE with the Clarity mod (i take it i dont need to worry about what the other mod is until i want to optimize for super-endgame?) and a level 21 Volatile dead. I'm currently 62 and will transition as soon as i get Uber lab. I take it i should run Shimmeron, but what should i run alongside it, another wand, or a mosaic kite shield like you? Or is there a unique shield to look out for as an alternative? Also do i still run the Arakaali trick on the 1 shimmeron setup? After shield charge nerfs, is it truly still worth using? Surely Flame dash serves our purposes since it also procs arcane surge for us. Thanks in advance. Love your build concept. edit: nevermind, i decided to play recklessly and it works at 65 with two ascendancies. But definitely could be safer, gonna take the ascendancies asap for more regen. Still unconvinced on shield charge though. Since we already have a quicksilver flask and flame dash. Im not sure where im gonna squeeze all my resists after putting in stuff like the Elder belt and not sure how im gonna sustain with 1 hybrid flask (now running blood of the karui, div distillate, and the hallowed hybrid alongside granite (will replace with diamond flask after i get 4k life and both ascendancies) and the quicksilver Последняя редакция: Nethicite#2012. Время: 16 сент. 2018 г., 12:43:45
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Dual Shimmeron will be stressful without a Zerphi's, especially if you're using them early on and all the time (as opposed to just for bosses). Arakaali will never proc during combat if using Shimmeron—it still has some utility between/after packs, but do not pair it with blood rage.
Shield Charge has the advantage of granting fortify and is still quite zippy with a Brightbeak. But as you say, Flame Dash is a lot more viable now. It's all about moving fast and keeping that % regen up. If Flame Dash is ticking that box for you, then it's all good. " Correct. Grab that Eye ASAP. It is critical for your sustain. Последняя редакция: kechari#5629. Время: 16 сент. 2018 г., 12:54:14
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Thank you.
Just got Merc lab, 3.8k life now, still running my Tabula. Sometimes get a shitload of degen, im assuming its the Unearth thing you talk about. I've found that bossfights require me to flame dash in for arc surge proc, VRF, start blasting, the moment i se my HP bar start to sink, blast flasks once or twice, while continually mashing VD until the degen catches up. Sometimes i go in and find myself out of flask charges and with degen cuz i ballsed it up or something. Im thinking this should be much more manageable after i get the saboteur regen. I was initially running 1 Shimmeron + shield (manageable degen decent dps), decided to give Shield Charge a try and you are right, its great for zipping around, feels terrible in prop-infested places though, or in claustrophobic delves. Until i get more sustain i might drop 1x shimmeron (you said not to use bloodrage, so im taking it that your dual shimmeron gem setup is outdated? i would consider phase run instead just for QoL for the cwdt because of those oh-shit moments in delve when you're stuck in darkness immune mob packs.) edit: sorry, just read the earlier posts - you're saying replace shimmeron outright with double void battery or just one? And throw away the bloodrage link? I will definitely be trying to make Shimmerons work for now since Void Bats are like going to be one of the very last things i will try to acquire in this case - priority now is to get a 5/6link with resistances and life (+1 probably later), elder flasks belt, and more optimized jewels for life, resist and mine laying speed. Последняя редакция: Nethicite#2012. Время: 17 сент. 2018 г., 3:16:53
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" Shimmeron was changed such that ANY critical strike will trigger the degen, even spells originating from mines / traps. " Yes, with tabula, incomplete ascendancies, Shimmeron, and no Zerphi's you're playing just about the most reckless version possible! Consider running Arctic Armour to help tank Scold's hits. " For any number of Shimmerons you'd throw away Blood Rage / immocall. " For the price of two Void batteries at the moment, you nearly have a Zerphi's. So, at that budget level there's a choice to make: - The higher regen, degen, and damage potential of Dual Shimmeron + Zerphi's + Fevered Mind, or - The much more straightforward and safer (but lower damage potential) Dual Void Battery I'm still thinking this through myself, which is why the build hasn't been officially updated for 3.4. You're very much on the frontier, here! Последняя редакция: kechari#5629. Время: 17 сент. 2018 г., 4:04:27
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I've added a theoretical BiS POB for 3.4 to the guide. If anyone runs into issues with it or any other aspect of the guide, please let me know. I've not played this version myself in 3.4, so feedback is instrumental.
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Ok so started with this build yesterday,
Leveling was such a pain for me just because ive never played traps/mines, Anyhow thats beside the point. Respecced into VD at 65 and was a steep learning curve with how to use the flask and everything but finally getting there. I have a few points to ask about, 1. Which is better in 3.4 Void Battery or Shimmeron? I see Shimmeron has about 80k more damage at endgame is that worth it? 2. When do you actually use your offhand(shield Charge) between mobs or just when you are moving about? So do you Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine, X , Charge, Charge , X , mine , Mine or do you use it purely when you went the wrong way and have to cover some distance? 3. Fevered Mind How do you sustain the mana cost of this? it feels alot more clunky using this, Is it Necessary or only as needed? 4. Loreweave for endgame or shaped +1 Chest? |
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Looks like you swapped out some of your life pool to damage, to compensate for non dual Shimmerons damage potential looking at the PoB. Also that instinct jewel lmfao. I cant tell. Is the movespeed and such that worth it? Wouldnt the quicksilver be adequate with inc. Effect or inc movespeed?
Ill keep you updated. Having a lotta fun. @Hackulowv Arc Traps for leveling. Links can be found elsewhere. Tabula helps. Lightning spire for single target - drop them all on the rare/unique. Maybe consider a clarity for the trapping spam leveling. Shimmeron does work if you can handle the degen. But void is safer like OP said. The brightbeak setup is adequate for mapping. I only swap to shimmies for nastily tough rares and bosses. The degen is quite nasty without zerphis. I see you're following his new Shadow tree. In his old tree which im hsing he takes some mana regen nodes which i raced for asap - i found them to be just barely adequate. |
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" 1. Shimmeron adds quite a bit more over Void, but you may prefer the safety of Void. Up to you. 2. Past a certain damage threshold, your wand setup becomes necessary only for bosses. 3. Don't touch Fevered Mind until your character is nearly done and polished. The mana / hp gained through levels matters a lot here. Edit: as does familiarity with the play style. 4. Depends on the Loreweave. Can't go wrong with a well-rolled version of either. Последняя редакция: kechari#5629. Время: 19 сент. 2018 г., 5:48:53
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" I think it works out to 26% spell damage, 3% attack speed, 45% crit multi, 9% move speed and 8% max life. Hard to beat for 4 points. " The bulk of your regen should be via Watcher's Eye. Still, I wonder if the mana pool is high enough to be comfortable with the new Shadow start if using Zerphi's. It may be necessary to pick up Deep Thoughts. Последняя редакция: kechari#5629. Время: 19 сент. 2018 г., 9:48:59
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So i only have one jewel slot empty right now, sitting at about 4.5k HP right now. Capped resists, running div distillate.
Im having a bit of difficulty on one or two delve spots right now, might be lack of levels. Was wondering if you have any ideas on how to improve on life pool/survivability? Obviously no Zerphi yet nor ToH. Or Dying Sun. Still saving up (playing pretty casually this league due to IRL stuff) And where else aside from the jewels can i sneak in more Mine Laying speed? Последняя редакция: Nethicite#2012. Время: 25 сент. 2018 г., 12:46:58
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