[3.7 updated] Voidfletcher Deadeye (all core content cleared, budget options available, 600+ depth)

Wanted to drop by and ask for some help while also thanking you for the build, been having a blast!

I'm pretty much a brand new player. Started out this league with arc totems, got a lucky farruls fur drop and decided to try out this build with farruls fur/bite.

Here's my current items:

For the other jewels I'm going with watcher's eye (phys conversion to cold), lioneye, omen on the winds, 1 flat cold/life abyss and 1 viridian jewel with life and res (been having issues with capping my resistances.)

I feel pretty squishy with barely capped resistances (~80 fire and lightning) and 4.5k HP. Having trouble with Uber Elder and delve bosses, as well as deep delves. (T16 Mapping is a dream though.) I've sacrificed going for the Bravery life node in order to get the extra frenzy charges. Maybe there's something else I could sacrifice in order to get some more life?

Speaking of frenzy charges, I'm currently sitting at 7 frenzy charges, 3 from the skill tree and 1 from the gloves. Would it be benificial to swap out something for ice bite support for TShot? If so, what would that be?

Oh, and are we capped on life leech? Got the 0.2% leech of cold from the ring, but it might just be excessive I guess.

Sorry for all the questions, don't expect you to answer all of them - but any help is much appreciated! Also, any tips for gear upgrades is most welcome, as I feel at loss about what going for next (except helmet enchant). :)

Последняя редакция: sqvnig#1439. Время: 22 янв. 2019 г., 17:17:13
well, at 7 charges ice bite is slightly stronger than added cold, so if you've got that much you should probably make the switch. Alternatively ice bite should be a larger dps boost than faster attacks, but faster attacks is also in there to keep things smooth and quick so you're not stuck in place as long attacking, we can't afford to get locked in place on a build this squishy. So i'd probably just swap out added cold for ice bite for a small edge.

As for the life thing, 4.5k sound about what i had when i was using farrul's iirc. It's squishy, yeah, and if you wanted to there's a little more life you can grab instead of something or another. Bravery would be nice, and there's also the life and armor/ev minor nodes in the duelist starting path... that's just about all we're close enough to though. The build is heavily about manual dodging for bosses, you just gotta keep moving (circling them, usually) and knowing their telegraphs. I'm at 5.3k right now on my setup and it's no different aside from being able to *sometimes* survive a shaper ball or something, so i don't think going for more life is gonna be that big a help tbh.

Oh, and yeah, we've got 1.6% life leech, we don't really need any more than that with this kinda dps and hit frequency, so the cold leech on the ring isn't necessary by any means.

Osiris70 написал:
I actually have Queen of the forest: Loreweave could be a better choice?

spartiate34 написал:
Windripper and queen of the forest viable ??

QotF and Loreweave are both fine, though both will have less life than other options (and loreweave will be a pain in the ass to color). Note that this build doesn't get a ton of evasion, usually around 10k with tailwind up, and QotF would probably only add around 2k~ish, so unless you're gonna run Grace and load up on other evasion i doubt it's worthwhile, you'd just be sacrificing life and offense for a small amount of extra movespeed.

As for Windripper... well, thematically it kinda defeats the purpose of building around extra arrows to not use a bow with +2 arrows, but with the buffs voidfletcher got I do think most ele bows could make good use of VF with just dying sun alone, even without extra arrows from deadeye or a quiver corruption or Opus, so WR should work out alright for this build, especially provided a +1 quiver and deadeye's +1.

Note though that right now voidfletcher is bugged and doesn't actually have a cooldown like it's supposed to (it has a .5s charge recovery time, but it's supposed to have a .25s cooldown on the trigger too), and if that gets fixed WR would likely fire too fast to proc voidshot on every attack... right now my death's opus setup fires just fast enough that I would trigger it every attack with pretty good efficiency. Just a mild efficiency thing though, dropping faster attacks from the setup in favor of something else (pierce for ice shot and pcoc for tshot, i think) very well might drop windripper's speed enough.
Последняя редакция: Shppy#6163. Время: 24 янв. 2019 г., 16:01:24
bro the voidfletcher +1 arrow is so hard to find bought 1300 chaos of voidletcher ( like 80 - 90 ) raised the price of it and not single + 1 arrow lol
bro the voidfletcher +1 arrow is so hard to find bought 1300 chaos of voidletcher ( like 80 - 90 ) raised the price of it and not single + 1 arrow lol
Shppy написал:
well, at 7 charges ice bite is slightly stronger than added cold, so if you've got that much you should probably make the switch. Alternatively ice bite should be a larger dps boost than faster attacks, but faster attacks is also in there to keep things smooth and quick so you're not stuck in place as long attacking, we can't afford to get locked in place on a build this squishy. So i'd probably just swap out added cold for ice bite for a small edge.

As for the life thing, 4.5k sound about what i had when i was using farrul's iirc. It's squishy, yeah, and if you wanted to there's a little more life you can grab instead of something or another. Bravery would be nice, and there's also the life and armor/ev minor nodes in the duelist starting path... that's just about all we're close enough to though. The build is heavily about manual dodging for bosses, you just gotta keep moving (circling them, usually) and knowing their telegraphs. I'm at 5.3k right now on my setup and it's no different aside from being able to *sometimes* survive a shaper ball or something, so i don't think going for more life is gonna be that big a help tbh.

Oh, and yeah, we've got 1.6% life leech, we don't really need any more than that with this kinda dps and hit frequency, so the cold leech on the ring isn't necessary by any means.

Thanks! Got a few gear upgrades and some levels, picked up the bravery node cluster and I'm now at 5.1k HP. Things are going more smoothly now with way fewer deaths, including deathless uber elders.

A quick question though, would a multimodded +1 arrow elder bow be an upgrade to the death's opus? Or will it always be superior to any rares?
I have got some currency laying around and not much to spend it on (+1arrow voidfletcher is way too expensive at this point). Do you guys have experience with +crit watcher's eye vs +flat cold damage? how much of a difference is it and is it really worth it to spend 4ex on 1.8% crit watcher's eye vs 70-10x flat cold damage one?
hey, what do you use frost bomb for? just to apply the debuff? build looks interesting, think im gonna try it out! already done a caster and 2 melee builds this league so going to do an archer
sqvnig написал:
A quick question though, would a multimodded +1 arrow elder bow be an upgrade to the death's opus? Or will it always be superior to any rares?

Could be, idk, i'm not really inclined to try. I prefer having the 2 extra arrows, and opus has better crit capabilities than a multimodded bow. Way cheaper too.

Paulst1ck написал:
I have got some currency laying around and not much to spend it on (+1arrow voidfletcher is way too expensive at this point). Do you guys have experience with +crit watcher's eye vs +flat cold damage? how much of a difference is it and is it really worth it to spend 4ex on 1.8% crit watcher's eye vs 70-10x flat cold damage one?

if you have the same crit in the tree that i do as well as a crit chest (or farrul's/3 power charges), the crit eye is only slightly better without a diamond flask active and a bit worse with the diamond flask up. If you don't have a chestpiece helping with crit (and especially if you're using Hyrri's chest), you probably want the flat crit one.

I suppose it's worth noting that the %cold and %pen rolls are also both just about the same dps too in the long run, give or take a bit. So really any hatred mod you can get besides the conversion mod is useful to this build... the flat cold one has the added benefit of being both cheap and extremely nice for leveling though.

jimmate написал:
hey, what do you use frost bomb for? just to apply the debuff? build looks interesting, think im gonna try it out! already done a caster and 2 melee builds this league so going to do an archer

Just to debuff for single-target, mostly. An extra -25% cold resist is some ~20% more dps for tshot and ~27% more dps for iceshot and voidshot, it's worth taking a moment to cast against endgame bosses (though i don't use it for much of anything below t16)
Последняя редакция: Shppy#6163. Время: 28 янв. 2019 г., 19:52:13
With PF you can get +1 arrow from Alchemist + ascendancy + conq efficiency, do you think going PF would be worth it over deadeye since you get a lot more utility, safety, and speed for clearing?
Последняя редакция: Luqqe#3975. Время: 1 сент. 2024 г., 21:19:43

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