[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices
Hi, Guffin! Thank you so much for such a fun build! Having a blast with it so far. I'm sitting around 530k~ DPS (BF) and around 300Kish for Reave, and I'm positive I have ways to go!
I'm aware that most of my gear can be upgraded, but I was wondering what you'd recommend first -- getting a 6L? Taste of Hate? 2 socket Tombfist? I'm sitting at around 5.8k HP, and have a second watcher's eye ready to slap in at Lv90~ approximately. I'm in the territory of HUGE investment upgrades, and I was curious what you think will give me the most bang for my buck, so to speak. Do you think I'd be able to up to T15/16/ShaperGuardians with what I have so far? Thanks again! Cheers. |
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" Yo, like I said it's up to each and everyone individually how to play their characters. So it's cool that you try to explore new avenues :) That said, reading the Guide does help to solve 95% of the Problems you encounter. Using 2 Claws is a significant DPS downgrade over using a statstick, even just an white sceptre would be better. You can only attack with one weapon at a time, but BF will alternate between weapons if it can. That means it attacks once with your strong weapon, and then once with your very weak other one, bringing your overall DPS down by a lot. If we only have one weapon usable by BF tho, it will only use that one to attack but still gain any Boni from our offhand. This is the concept of Statsticks. I explain all of that in the gemlinks/gear sections tho, and even provide tradelinks for the right ones. You are NOT to poor to buy them :P. If you read my Guide you would know that we use magic flasks that you get while levelling and that drop heaps while mapping as well. Your Corruption Roar is very good and will never need to be replaces. You can buy a good stat stick for like 2ex as well. The Tombfist thing is nothing new, it is stated in the Guide that nothing beats these for us. It seems that you are rather new to the game, and it's always fine to have questions since most mechanics are not properly explained ingame. Hope I could help you out a bit :) That said, I take offense everytime people ask questions or do stuff that I explicitly recommend against in the guide, or dont follow the guide at all, and then ask here why they are having a rough time. I know these people don't want to annoy me or something like that, but: I put a lot of time and effort into this Guide, and it covers 95% of everything you need to know. I think. If you ask stuff that is clearly explained in the Guide, I won't waste my time to help you in depth. Just. Read. The. Guide. And maybe I should have a coffee before replying to this stuff :D " Hey mate, glad you're having fun with it :) Second Watchers Eye? I guess you mean you will replace your current one? Since you can't use 2 at once. As for Upgrades, I recommend respeccing to the Might of the Meek Trees (and buying 3 Meeks :P). It's the same DPS, while giving you more Life, Res, and more reliable Crit. Just respec the whole part with Heart of Oak and Aspect of Lynx. Your Statstick is ok, your Claw is good (but could use Crit to feel a lot better). I would try looking for a Innervate/Hypo+Inc AoE helm to make mapping even faster and safer if thats a concern. Flasks are ok, but personally I would have dropped all Life Flasks by now. Or at least drop one more for a Stibnite or Quartz. The Rings and Amulet are the biggest offenders in my eyes, they are all pretty bad. Check out some of the Endgame Trade Links, and maybe remove a mod or so from the search to find some cheaper results. Like this: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Incursion/YQwvq6CY Just an example, you can do better. These should all be very cheap to upgrade tho. As for the rest: I would upgrade to ToH before getting a 2 socket Tombfist. ToH is great for survivability and damage everywhere, makes a noticeable difference. .
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I have around 100c and I want to upgrade the build. I'm currently at 68k reave DPS in POB and 112k with BF.
Not sure whether saving up for 6L belly is the better option than buying stuff to buff reave as I'm clearing maps okay except for Single target and survive-ability on harder bosses. IGN: EwarShanks EwarBooms EwarTank
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" Yo dude, thanks for checking by :) Well, spend 2c on respeccing 2 points, and connect your tree on the right side :P Gives you 1 free point. That said, if your map clear is fine I would go for a 5link Belly probably. 4 Link doesnt hold up for too long, and it's easy to get 5links. Maybe check how expensive the 5link Prophecy is, might be cheaper than a 5l Belly itself. After that, craft 40+ Life on your Twostone Ring. Survivability comes from more HP, the higher our Life Pool, the higher our Leech is. Your Ruby Ring and Amulet could be better, there should be some 10/20c options I bet. Same goes for the Belt, you can get more Life and the same offensive Value for a low cost. Also, go for your Uber Lab soon. Will give you a lot of Skillpoints which you can invest in Life, etc. Carries are like 3c right now if you want a smooth experience. After all of that, maybe safe up a bit for 3 Might of the Meeks (~90c right now). Everything else looks cool for now, gimme a shout if you have other questions :) . Последняя редакция: Guffinn#6759. Время: 11 июля 2018 г., 19:59:09
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Hi, thinking of starting a character for this build. Is there a way to craft the shaped helmet? Cant find any in the market with high life, so I was thinking of crafting one myself. Do I get any shaped itemlevel 85+ or so helm and slam essence of greed until I get Increased area and Innervate/hypothermia?
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" https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Incursion/zakBLRS4 Actually a lot of cheap helmets with high hp , Guufin is having some hard time with people that dont read guide so please read carefully:D |
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I've read the entire build post probably a few times. I'm sorry it someone else has already asked this in the thread. What base ring is better Steel or Opal. When I punched it in POB opals came out on top. I know stat priority is added phys then %ele. Hypothetically if both rings had the same stats which base is better?
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T15 temple; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrVnnJF1tJQ
not really hard content but shows the clear speed :) |
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" Yo, I didn't specify the differences because you should always compare options in PoB. In a theoretical world, where you have 2 Perfectly divined 6T1 Opals/Steels, they are extremely close to each other. Whichever one comes out ahead depends on your other gear, but 90% of the time it's steel rings by like 20k DPS or so.
Opal/Steel for PoB
New Item Opal Ring Elder Item Crafted: true Prefix: {range:1}AddedPhysicalDamage6 Prefix: {range:1}WeaponElementalDamage5 Prefix: {range:1}AddedColdDamage9 Suffix: {range:1}IncreasedAccuracy9 Suffix: {range:1}IncreasedAttackSpeed1 Suffix: {range:1}CriticalStrikeMultiplierUber3 Quality: 0 LevelReq: 80 Implicits: 1 {range:1}(15-25)% increased Elemental Damage Adds 9 to 15 Physical Damage to Attacks Adds 22 to 40 Cold Damage to Attacks 7% increased Attack Speed +400 to Accuracy Rating +20% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier 42% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills ------ New Item Steel Ring Elder Item Crafted: true Prefix: {range:1}AddedPhysicalDamage6 Prefix: {range:1}AddedColdDamage9 Prefix: {range:1}WeaponElementalDamage5 Suffix: {range:1}IncreasedAccuracy9 Suffix: {range:1}IncreasedAttackSpeed1 Suffix: {range:1}CriticalStrikeMultiplierUber3 Quality: 0 LevelReq: 80 Implicits: 1 {range:1}Adds (3-4) to (10-14) Physical Damage to Attacks Adds 9 to 15 Physical Damage to Attacks Adds 22 to 40 Cold Damage to Attacks 7% increased Attack Speed +400 to Accuracy Rating +20% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier 42% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills " Cool Video, ty for showing that :) Don't forget to use your Vaal Reave from time to time to get more AoE tho :P . Последняя редакция: Guffinn#6759. Время: 12 июля 2018 г., 17:09:17
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" Thanks Guffinn! I bought a 5L prophecy and linked my Belly for 22c. I've tried to get a new ring and/or amulet but the fact I need intelligence is causing the prices to be muuuuuuuch higher, it sucks. Really finding it hard to get any upgrades with 100c :( IGN: EwarShanks EwarBooms EwarTank
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