[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices
" You are more than fine to tackle Shaper. One last thing I can recommend: go to the Endgame Gear Section, and scroll down to the "Bossing" Segment. I go over some Gear Choices for Endgame Bosses like Shaper there. Gl and hf :) " Yo dude, ty for considering this Build and gz on the nice Items :) I played this Build during Bestiary as well, so I tested Farruls a bit. Obviously it's nice for Damage, and you could go Jugg or ideally PF instead of Raider then. That said, I don't consider it necessary at all as our DPS is already way overkill. And importantly, the Life from Farruls kinda sucks. We got enough Damage to steamroll everything, but more Life means more Tankyness AND for a Leech centered Build such as this: Leech scales off of our max Life Amount. So more Life = Stronger Leech. Couple these things with the fact that these days, getting shoehorned into mediocre random Rares with the Aspect on them, and I won't really recommend Farruls. It's still great and you probably won't miss anything when using it, but I won't recommend it in the Guide. Slayer Jugg and Slayer PF are all options, personally I'd go with PF for the good feeling of Flasksustain and way better Pathing than from the Duelist Start. So yeah, you can use it and go PF for example. I just don't 100% recommend it, especially considering its price. Regardless, you will have success with it I bet :P Feel free to keep us updated on how it goes for you, if you wanna give the Build a shot :) " Hey mate, cool to hear back from you :) I appreciate the kind words, glad you could take something from the Guide overall! And big ty for the Headsup regarding Hale Negotiator! Totally forgot about that. I will include in the Bossing Segment eventually, besides the Lightpoacher. It's a bit rougher to fit in due to no Allres, but it won't hurt to include. Once I find the time to cut down on the Letter Amount at least, currently at the 50k Limit again. Your Gear, especially those Rares and some corruption, looks hella awesome! Gz on that :) While Charged Dash and Bloodseeker kinda deviates from the Guide a lot, it's obviously your Character. As long as it's fun and you're having success: do what you want. I'm glad my Guide could help you along the way, and it's cool to see you found a variation that suits you :) Thanks again for the kind words and feedback. Any goals left this League? .
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" Usually I'm out of the league at this stage, but thanks to a combination of the delve mechanics and your build, I'm still very much engaged and actively mapping and delving. Gonna get the McFlurry to lvl 98, while attempting to upgrade gear if possible, like the claw and some jewels, and maybe switch to focusing on bossing then. I feel, other than the incredibly strong base that is the build, is that it's a v good template to experiment with other skills or gear choices, as the farrul discussion, for example, was an interesting one. Yeah! Had some luck on gear this league. For bossing, would be going back to the standard McFlurry setup with the recommended higher end gear: Последняя редакция: Quixote77#2013. Время: 2 нояб. 2018 г., 12:13:23
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Hey! I ran into the problem of not being at full hp, and i dont know why is this a thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBAcYMufg0M - as you can see on the video, in big intense fights i jump between 6517 to 6525 (max), thus not getting benifits from Damage on Full Life.
At first i thought about Blood Rare dealing this bit of dmg, but it doesnt feel so... My items, just in case:
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And flasks (dunno why tho):
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Does anyone know what am i doing wrong? |
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" Yo dude. It is indeed Bloodrage. And you count as on full Life even when the Number is lower. That is answered in the FAQ: as long as Regen>Degen you are on full Life, but your Globe will never show the full Number. If you check my Videos, it is exactly the same. And I see you have your BR in a Cwdt Setup. It is heavily recommended to use a seperate 20/20 one to get the free Attack Speed Boost it offers, and be able to activate it before the first pack in an given map/delve and be sure to guarantee 100% uptime. Your Gear is looking good btw :) But if you want a Pseudo BF Helmet, and a real 6link for Reave I'd recommend an Elder Helm for BF with 30% more Ele from Essence of Horror, Conc Effect and +3% flat Crit to socketed Attacks. Hope that covers it :) . Последняя редакция: Guffinn#6759. Время: 3 нояб. 2018 г., 12:01:56
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" Hmm, strange :/ But thanks, now im not gonna be bothered about it :)
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And I see you have your BR in a Cwdt Setup. It is heavily recommended to use a seperate 20/20 one to get the free Attack Speed Boost it offers, and be able to activate it before the first pack in an given map/delve and be sure to guarantee 100% uptime.
To be honest im playing with this "stupid" setup just to press less buttons, turned out its fine for t16 with my gear :) With "bossing" items i have it 20/20 to turn on manualy.
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But if you want a Pseudo BF Helmet, and a real 6link for Reave I'd recommend an Elder Helm for BF with 30% more Ele from Essence of Horror, Conc Effect and +3% flat Crit to socketed Attacks.
Honestly i started questioning having AoE/innervate helmet, since i have Lightpoacher for bossing (where i use BF, and not Reave), becouse right now i wear with gems in it just to swap them faster, whenever i switch to bossing setup. Maybe i should just get "only mapping" helmet, with like, lots of HP (i dont need resistances, have 78-153-84) and something else that's good? Unfortunately, nothing aside "good hp helm" is coming to my mind.... Im looking for new amulet, and currently looking at this:
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Lapis Amulet +30 to Intelligence -------- +15% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier +72 to maximum Life 1.9 Life Regenerated per second Gain 15% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage 19% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills 24% increased Global Critical Strike Chance -------- Shaper Item Is this a worty upgrade, or something else for the same budget (3-4ex) could be found better? sorry for terreble englando Последняя редакция: Yokzjumper#7916. Время: 3 нояб. 2018 г., 17:22:51
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Can you look over my gear and see why I'm doing only about 10% of your total damage with reave and bf? I must be missing something>
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" Thanks a lot for your tips ! i managed to save up for a ' unnatural instinct ' ( 18ex atm ... ) with my mf char. So now i'm ready to go ! i also crafter my first ' good ' item ( my weapon ) and i'm very proud of it. Anyway, now i'm grinding for xp to reach ~95+ in the mean time, i was wondering if the op could take a look at my build/tree, if i should improve something asap ? my ' biggest ' issue right now is still the dsp. Not the BF one dont get me wrong, but for now i'm not doing bosses, i'm just wandering arounds maps/mines. Any idea to improve reave dps ? i should maybe switch to full reave setup in my belly of the beast.. and i'm loving when everything pop on the screen with the herald, and it doesnt happen that often ( maybe i lack of crit chance idk ) anyway, if you could suggest how i should improve my setup the most, would be awersome ! and thanks again for your beautifull guide |
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" I mean, the Helmet is pretty nice because while mapping we can use Reave AND Bf, which makes it a lot smoother/faster. But if you only wanna use 1 six Link (if I understand that correctly), you can just grab a Rare Helmet with 100+ Life, Accuracy, and maybe "nearby enemies have -X% to Cold Resistance". As for the Amulet: that is something you can check in PoB yourself in a matter of Seconds, and have 100% accurate results :P So I recommend to go ahead and use it :) " Hey mate, ty for checking back with us here :) Right now you are missing some Flasks and importantly: the Conversion Watchers Eye on your Character. I assume you just parked that somewhere else? That said, here is your Character optimized for Boss DPS: https://pastebin.com/aD4TQyt4 4.1 Million Shaper DPS. That's with the full bossing Set tho, so 5 DPS Flasks, Lightpoacher, Bubonic Trail, correct Gems etc. as explained in the Guide. That's more than enough DPS to shred anything in the Game, idk what you are struggling with. The difference in our DPS mostly comes from me having better Rares and a higher Level. That's all. So: no idea what to tell you really. You have enough Damage as is, and the "rest" compared to me is Rares, Enchants and Gem Levels. Hope that kinda covers it :) " Yo, shoutouts to threeseconds for answering some Questions while I was away :) And hey mate, gz on the purchases! As for what to improve on your Character: overall your Gear looks really solid and you definitely know how to gear this Build! That said, a Belt with more WED should be easy to get. The Amulet could also easily be better (Phys, Multi, Accuracy, WED), but I guess you need the INT. Same goes for the Opal. Idk what that Helmet you're wearing is supposed to be :D It offers next to nothing for BF or Reave alike, at this point a 20 Innervate/Hypo + 20 Inc AoE Helmet for Reave should be cheap to get. That said, I strongly recommend you to use the Gem Links I recommend in the Guide. I also laid out the 6l for a Reave for mapping. It is highly advised to get a 20/20 Blood Rage for the Attack Speed and self cast it. And in general, your are missing Quality on somne of your Mainlinks as well as HoI (the inc Cold Damage is global). Your Flasks are pretty suboptimal. A perfect or one off perfect Atziris is dirt cheap by now, no Reason to not get it for the free Damage. A Taste of Hate instead of Sins Rebirth will not only offer more DPS, but also a significant Survivability Boost. Your effective Crit Chance with Reave right now is 86.52%, which is more than enough to see constant Shatters. Be sure to keep your Diamond Flask (and all the other Flasks :P) up constantly while mapping. That said, if you want more Crit Chance/Freezes and Shatters: path the lower arm of the Primeval Force Cluster (10% Freeze Chance for the loss of 4% WED, which is nothing), drop Fangs of Frost for the whole Fencing Cluster (80% Crit). That's all that comes to mind for now. Feel free to let me know if that could help you at all :) .
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" I leveled this badboy and I'm finally now slowly getting into the mapping and gearing stage. At the moment, I'm using a BR enchanted Tempest's Binding for Reave and chest for BF. Still not sure what I prefer because I'll probably be doing elder UGS for the most part on this character. We'll see how it feels. So far I'm liking it. The character is still only level 75 so I don't have access to steel rings yet. I'm just using random placeholder rings for now. The reason I wanted to go for Farrul's is because I got a hold on a fairly sweet amulet: I went for pathfinder over juggernaut for travel reasons. Accuracy is a bit low now, but I'll be getting it on both rings so it should be fine. Overall it feels good. Cheers for the build and for the reply as to my tweaks on it. You've been immensely helpful. Will give a final update when I get the rings sorted and get some levels. Dash UPDATE: I bought a sambar for 30c, spammed 150c at it and exalted WED: Последняя редакция: DashDigital#6524. Время: 5 нояб. 2018 г., 9:35:53
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Hi all; hi Guffinn. First of all, I wanted to say 'thanks' - this build is the furthest I've ever played into PoE, first time getting to maps, and so far it's been a lot of fun and pretty smooth.
I kind of feel like I've hit a wall though - actually, it felt like that fucking endboss was the wall, and I only got past Kitava by essentially suiciding myself into him & his minion waves 20+ times. And Izaro basically one-shot me on my one attempt to get through Merciless Labyrinth. : \ Since folks in this thread seem willing, would someone mind taking a look at my shit and seeing if there's anything immediately glaringly obvious I need to change? (I have a Tabula Rasa, but dropping the Life/Resist on my chest feels suicidal when I'm already nearly dying on almost every pack in T1/T2 maps). ...also I'm aware having my CwDT in the Moonbender's is *not great*, what with the Lightning Warp triggering at inopportune times, just... not sure what to do about it. >_< Thanks in advance. Addendum - I happened to luck into Hrimsorrow & Oskarm gloves, and Ungil's Harmony amulet; dunno if any of them would be worthwhile to try and fit in while I'm still trying to assemble some semblance of a worthy kit? |
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