[3.10] For Scion - One Punch Girl (Crit. Infernal Blow / Cyclone w/ Facebreaker + Rigwald's Curse)

Rieselle написал:
Thanks for the build!

I love Infernal Blow, but I'm a beginner and will mostly play SSF.

Can this build work without the required items, using a weapon? (Obviously losing the "punch" concept...) What recommendations do you have for weapons / equipment to use whilst leveling, before obtaining the required items?

Actually started the league running this build, has been decent dps wise.

Facebreakers are 100% affordable, and honestly easy to get too in the incursion if you know what you're doing.

Lycoside however will be expensive, great old one ward will suffice til you get one (high +phys damage).

Fun build, never played IB ever so this was a nice change.
Последняя редакция: Kaotic#3402. Время: 5 июня 2018 г., 9:21:55
Rieselle написал:
Thanks for the build!

I love Infernal Blow, but I'm a beginner and will mostly play SSF.

Can this build work without the required items, using a weapon? (Obviously losing the "punch" concept...) What recommendations do you have for weapons / equipment to use whilst leveling, before obtaining the required items?

I would say this build is not SSF friendly because of 3 key items required to make the build work. Especially Rigwald's Curse and Lycosidae.

You need good RNG to obtain those 2 items.

Facebreaker is a common drop so you will likely have less issue obtaining that.

For SSF, I recommend you to follow this build: Goddess Sword Spinning in Flurry

Downside, you will need to spend hours to farm for Oni-Goroshi.

You can use the same skill tree and use Infernal Blow setup listed in this guide. It should work.

If you don't want to farm Oni, then you can try this dual wield sword skill tree:

You will use a high damage sword in your main hand, and a Shaper stat stick (claw or dagger) in your offhand.


Kaotic написал:

Fun build, never played IB ever so this was a nice change.

Glad you are enjoying the build. :)

I was trying out the new Infernal Blow on my SSF standard guy and the single target damage is now insane.
kira1414 написал:

Glad you are enjoying the build. :)

I was trying out the new Infernal Blow on my SSF standard guy and the single target damage is now insane.

Agreed, single target is definitely viable. I'm just enjoying everything blowing up with one punch hahaha. Also, a warlord's reach early on HELPS ALOT. That +1 range is definitely a godsend.

Level 55 currently with a 5L and tooltip says 12k with just facebreakers, great old one ward, deidbell, and meginord's. But definitely feels more as everything dies within one hit, or a couple seconds. Incursions are SUPER EASY.
Последняя редакция: Kaotic#3402. Время: 5 июня 2018 г., 11:23:04
Hello, I decided to make Scion this league and your build is the most interesting from the ones I have seen.

I am quite curious of what can be done with it (in op I found only Elder mentioned).
1. General mapping ~ all tiers, are t15-16 with rippy mods doable?
2. Lab running ~ enjoyable or rather not?
3. Uber Atziri?
5. Can Haste replace Herald of Ice?
6. I noticed you played SSF (quite lucky you found all those items), is there some end-tier costly gear you would recommend? Except Headhunter.
7. Jewels' mods?
8. Is build levelling friendly? Any levelling tips?
9. How it handle Incursion end-game content (if there is one)?
10. Facetanking/survivability? Basically if you can set the border where you have to start dodging heavily and play careful.

Thanks for your time.
Teddyk92 написал:
Hello, I decided to make Scion this league and your build is the most interesting from the ones I have seen.

I am quite curious of what can be done with it (in op I found only Elder mentioned).
1. General mapping ~ all tiers, are t15-16 with rippy mods doable?
2. Lab running ~ enjoyable or rather not?
3. Uber Atziri?
5. Can Haste replace Herald of Ice?
6. I noticed you played SSF (quite lucky you found all those items), is there some end-tier costly gear you would recommend? Except Headhunter.
7. Jewels' mods?
8. Is build levelling friendly? Any levelling tips?
9. How it handle Incursion end-game content (if there is one)?
10. Facetanking/survivability? Basically if you can set the border where you have to start dodging heavily and play careful.

Thanks for your time.

Ans 1: I did not attempt T16+ in Bestiary as I feel the single target damage is lacking back then. But in 3.3, after doing a quick run on my standard SSF guy a few days back when patch hits, I don't see any reason why T16+ is not doable.

If leveling is a thing, I would probably re-roll rippy mods.

Ans 2: No issues with lab except weapon swapping for leap can be a chore.

Ans 3: Have not attempt Uber Atziri but if you are familiar with the fight, I don't see why not.

Ans 5: Do you mean Hatred? I would stick to Hatred as it provide more damage.

Ans 6: Yes. Was really lucky to get Lycosidae while leveling my very first character. Rigwald's Curse was from beast craft and Facebreaker was a drop.

The only end game costly items will be 6L Lightning Coil, and min/max steel rings.

Ans 7: It is listed in the guide. Check out Abyssal jewels section. :)

Ans 8: You can use Molten Strike (level Infernal Blow at the same time) with any 1H weapon to level till you can use Facebreaker.

With Facebreaker, you will want to focus on flat damage gears or you will feel a lack in damage.

Ans 9: I am not able to test the build inside Incursion but I would say everything should explode given how strong it is when I was trying out the new Infernal Blow in standard SSF.

Ans 10: My play style is to use Cyclone to proc fortify and avoid attacks (big and small) all the time so I can't provide very accurate gauge on face tanking hard content.

I would say it shouldn't have much issue since 6000 life with Lion's Roar + Taste of Hate will be able to mitigate most damage.

If I were to set barrier, I always evade big hits from bosses like Uber Izaro. I hate dying. :)
I'm having an extremely rough time now that I am low 60s. I'm getting pretty much insta gibbed non-stop. Any tips?
dasweb написал:
I'm having an extremely rough time now that I am low 60s. I'm getting pretty much insta gibbed non-stop. Any tips?

Your characters are hidden so I can't take a look at it.

General tips that I can give you is get life rolls on all your rare slots. You want flat physical damage on your rings. Abyssal jewels (refer to abyssal section in guide) with flat physical will add lots of damage for you too.

Use Deidbell and Loreweave if you are not able to cap your lightning resist with Abyssus + Lightning Coil.
Game is hard. (About 60+) Some tips for casuals like me.
The closer to mapping, the more I was using 4L Totem and Cyclone.
The damage is not bad, but picking all those uniques with Physical Damage leaves a little place for res and hp mods (build relies on 4 items with it). And I am obviously too poor to afford anything right now.
Both Helmets are scary, no leech on low life means it is crucial to acquire instant recovery life flask. I didn't even picked up Abyssus, because 40+% increased physical damage would probably mean being one-shooted everywhere.
Finish life mods to respec them after Merciless lab.
Mercilless Izaro's normal attacks were putting me on low life.
Anyway I am now 3k HP glass cannon (skill points level 58) that don't feel comfortable with T1 maps so I decided to leech for 80lvl (Aurumvorax + Jewels to cap res) while salvaging as much Chaos as I can.
After that I will purchase some cheap Steel Rings, try/buy Lab, roll Flasks, use all those stored skill points, acquire Rigwald's and hope I will get this build online.

Ah, and remember to keep your Blood Rage up, because multistrike with low attack speed feels like death sentence.

That 798% SSF Facebreaker. :)
Teddyk92 написал:
Game is hard. (About 60+) Some tips for casuals like me.
The closer to mapping, the more I was using 4L Totem and Cyclone.
The damage is not bad, but picking all those uniques with Physical Damage leaves a little place for res and hp mods (build relies on 4 items with it). And I am obviously too poor to afford anything right now.
Both Helmets are scary, no leech on low life means it is crucial to acquire instant recovery life flask. I didn't even picked up Abyssus, because 40+% increased physical damage would probably mean being one-shooted everywhere.
Finish life mods to respec them after Merciless lab.
Mercilless Izaro's normal attacks were putting me on low life.
Anyway I am now 3k HP glass cannon (skill points level 58) that don't feel comfortable with T1 maps so I decided to leech for 80lvl (Aurumvorax + Jewels to cap res) while salvaging as much Chaos as I can.
After that I will purchase some cheap Steel Rings, try/buy Lab, roll Flasks, use all those stored skill points, acquire Rigwald's and hope I will get this build online.

Ah, and remember to keep your Blood Rage up, because multistrike with low attack speed feels like death sentence.

That 798% SSF Facebreaker. :)

Deidbell's can't leech on low life isn't much of an issue. Especially after obtaining Slayer ascendancy. Overleech will heal you back up that you won't be in low life situation.

Abyssus will definitely need Lightning Coil to negate the 40% side effect. Without it, you will take too much damage.

Facebreaker is a pretty common drop. I probably found over 10 pairs and that is the best roll among them. :)

33 atm leveling is fast and easy, will report back when I am at maps. So far no issues and I don't see any happening in the leveling phase.

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