Just another Arc trapper (UBER ELDER DEATHLESS). Facetank minotaur + crazy damage (millions of dps)
" -For damage, dual Shimmerons are BiS. Starting with 1 Shimmeron + shield is also a good choice. -A rare scepter/wand is enough to do Uber Elder if you don't want to invest more. -A rare helmet with 10% phys dmg taken as cold/lightning/fire damage is also recommended. -Life from a rare shield is also good for leveling :D You will have more than enough damage to do any bosses. Последняя редакция: koros#0896. Время: 10 авг. 2018 г., 9:10:12
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" Even t17 shaper is trash -> my older build can't even do Shaper/ t16 Guardians deathless-.-.... Traps got such an easy time that only uber elder consider end game for them now :/ Последняя редакция: mic01851165#0058. Время: 10 авг. 2018 г., 12:52:34
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" Btw, I did some interesting math in PoB for my build though. I'm dual wielding wands, and if I have 0 power charge, my dual wield wands do higher dps, while if I have 3 power charge, Shimmerin do 30% more dps , and if I have 5 power charge, dual shimmering do 50% more dps. Power charge is rly important to Shimmerin indeed. Последняя редакция: mic01851165#0058. Время: 10 авг. 2018 г., 12:53:08
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Just did my last Uber Elder kill with a Tinkerskin+MoM variation. It was a very smooth kill. About the same in term of survivability, DPS was more than enough. Totally fine without Tinkerskin. I only used Clarity in the fight. PoB of the kill: https://pastebin.com/XdUiHsbm Последняя редакция: koros#0896. Время: 11 авг. 2018 г., 23:43:06
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Thanks for the awesome build, loving every minute of it. I got the Automaton Arc effect, and it just feels good. :)
Quick question though: I don't quite understand the Blood Rage setup. You say that the BR effect should stop as soon as IC kicks in, but I still see BR (I did the correct gem order). Is that a bug or am I missing something here? Thanks in advance! |
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" I explained on page 79 if you're interested. |
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" Thank you so much! That makes perfect sense now. |
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Trigger area > Chain reaction...if you got enough trigger area, then chain reaction doesnt screw uptinkerskin. I have recommended several ppl to NOT follow your guide..since it lack defence and offence. With more work you will get there. Gl outthere :) |
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" At least be specific about your view about why you think the build is bad. Imo, the core of this build is its (pantheon+BR/IC). With the basic tree, you can choose to pick templar side or go deeper into scion side. Power charges or not is also optional. MoM or not is also optional. And he mentioned in page1, iirc. Again, I have no clue why you think the build is bad, when, again, the core of the build is the (pantheon+BR/IC) setup and anything else is personal preference :| =================== But I do agree that I feel MUCH better to play with Tinkerskin+MoM, no more unwanted 1-shot. Better overall survivability. Offence shouldn't be mentioned because dps will always be more than enough :) |
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" Would you enlighten me what kind of one-shots you're talking about?. I can facetank Minotaur. Only thing I can't tank are shaper slams in the shaper and uber elder fights. Tinkerskin + MoM is a viable option. Gives you extra EHP while not preventing you from throwing traps. I played it in the temporary league myself until I could afford a 6link Loreweave. You can get much EHP with a lower investment than the pure life version. However your mana regen will never even come close to your life recovery! This means you have to keep swallowing mana pots after every hit. Otherwise the additional EHP only count for the first measly hit. This also menat that for bosses I tended to run out of mana flasks, which in the end stunted my boss killing capability. To sum up: I had exactly the opposite experience. While tinkerskin is a good starter chest and can help you push into endgame easily, especially with MoM, the endgame just feels WAY worse than with loreweave. But that's just my personal oppinion. Последняя редакция: Sequel#7409. Время: 13 авг. 2018 г., 16:21:40
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