Just another Arc trapper (UBER ELDER DEATHLESS). Facetank minotaur + crazy damage (millions of dps)

GingerBeast написал:
I recently picked up a Mark of the Shaper ring and I was just wondering if it is supposed to be procing the lvl 20 Volatile Anomaly. Mine does not seem to be.

Since you don't kill yourself - no, it can't procc
GingerBeast написал:
I recently picked up a Mark of the Shaper ring and I was just wondering if it is supposed to be procing the lvl 20 Volatile Anomaly. Mine does not seem to be.

Like all on-hit effect, it doesn't trigger from traps because it is not who you do it.

You don't take reflect damage as well because you're not doing the attack.
yo, thanks for the build, mixed it a little bit with waggle's approach, added something from my own ideas.

at the moment running shapers mark with a nice elder ring, no auras, clear mind, full mom, around 7500 EHP, 16300 average hit Arc tooltip, 50+ spellcritchance without charges, 508 multi, mana regen is so high that i throw traps almost for free, but the coolest I can share is this dagger i bought for like 60c

(posting with forum tools doesnt work somehow)

even on 3 power charges, shimmeron is only 7.7% dps higher on average hit. sacrifice whirling blades? never. :)

and my gems are even not 20/20 besides of 21/20 Arc (not even vaal Arc)
Последняя редакция: RushBone#0065. Время: 21 авг. 2018 г., 14:51:15
RushBone написал:
yo, thanks for the build, mixed it a little bit with waggle's approach, added something from my own ideas.

at the moment running shapers mark with a nice elder ring, no auras, clear mind, full mom, around 7500 EHP, 16300 average hit Arc tooltip, 50+ spellcritchance without charges, 508 multi, mana regen is so high that i throw traps almost for free, but the coolest I can share is this dagger i bought for like 60c

(posting with forum tools doesnt work somehow)

even on 3 power charges, shimmeron is only 7.7% dps higher on average hit. sacrifice whirling blades? never. :)

and my gems are even not 20/20 besides of 21/20 Arc (not even vaal Arc)

To be fair, the higher number of Power Charge you have, the bigger dps difference between shimmeron and other main/off hand. (generally ppl go for 5, some build go for 6th despite it may be too costly in terms of points. May sacrifice some hp for it)

Also x 2 Shimmeron contributes to even larger dps difference.
mic01851165 написал:

To be fair, the higher number of Power Charge you have, the bigger dps difference between shimmeron and other main/off hand. (generally ppl go for 5, some build go for 6th despite it may be too costly in terms of points. May sacrifice some hp for it)

Also x 2 Shimmeron contributes to even larger dps difference.

this is true, dualwield shimmerons on 5 charges is like 50% more damage, TIL
Последняя редакция: RushBone#0065. Время: 21 авг. 2018 г., 23:40:38
Just Thank you for this build, one of the most powerfull i have played...
LUCK is not a factor !
Managed to kill Uber Elder.

Gear on Uber Elder:

My jewels are kinda bad (except Eye).

I chose to wear Kaom's Roots so I can't get stunned or slowed. I managed do it with third set. Altough I fiddled with auras during combat during the first try and that got me killed. Also prophecy triggered and some tormented spirit possessed Shaper. And second time I got both almost down before I ran out of portals. If you know the fight better than I, should be doable with just one set.

Sidenote: Killed Minotaur by facetanking. I don't know how the falling rock thingy exactly works, but I wasn't hit by those. The tactic is to stand by Mino so he doesn't burrow. When he slams, you just dodge behind him and stay close. Perhaps I got lucky with dodge and evasion, but the fight was deathless and quick. Imo Minotaur is the hardest guardian, others have stuff which are easier to dodge.
Последняя редакция: Wermine#1485. Время: 23 авг. 2018 г., 2:00:17
Wermine написал:
Managed to kill Uber Elder.

Gear on Uber Elder:

My jewels are kinda bad (except Eye).

I chose to wear Kaom's Roots so I can't get stunned or slowed. I managed do it with third set. Altough I fiddled with auras during combat during the first try and that got me killed. Also prophecy triggered and some tormented spirit possessed Shaper. And second time I got both almost down before I ran out of portals. If you know the fight better than I, should be doable with just one set.

Sidenote: Killed Minotaur by facetanking. I don't know how the falling rock thingy exactly works, but I wasn't hit by those. The tactic is to stand by Mino so he doesn't burrow. When he slams, you just dodge behind him and stay close. Perhaps I got lucky with dodge and evasion, but the fight was deathless and quick. Imo Minotaur is the hardest guardian, others have stuff which are easier to dodge.

Just want to comment that with Shimmeron, getting any more crit chance from Jewel / accessories is an absolute waste of space/ time/ money.
Go check PoB, the dps boost is like 200~ only which is just pathetic (if you include lucky flask)
If you want any dps boost from jewel, go for crit multiplier all the time. 15% multiplier itself equates to 1000+ more dps PER TRAP.

The thing is crit rate suffers extreme diminishing return after your crit rate becomes so high, while crit multiplier boost is expenantial -> the higher your crit rate the bigger the boost.
The proportion is just on a different level, one suffers from diminishing return while the other rises exponentially.

PS: With Grace + some evasion + dodge + blind + physical dm taken convert to elemental, I can't imagine why you can say Mino is the hardest Guardian.
You can literally facetank him and kill him in around 5 secs without him doing any other dangerous move. (If you stand in front of him, he won't use his dangerous dive move)
For me, the hardest Guardian for Arc trap is definitely Hydra.

Последняя редакция: mic01851165#0058. Время: 23 авг. 2018 г., 15:00:31
mic01851165 написал:

Just want to comment that with Shimmeron, getting any more crit chance from Jewel / accessories is an absolute waste of space/ time/ money.
Go check PoB, the dps boost is like 200~ only which is just pathetic (if you include lucky flask)
If you want any dps boost from jewel, go for crit multiplier all the time. 15% multiplier itself equates to 1000+ more dps PER TRAP.

Thanks for input. I haven't upgraded my jewels or other gear after I got Shimmerons. If I wanted to continue flashback, new jewels would be my top 1 priority.

mic01851165 написал:

PS: With Grace + some evasion + dodge + blind + physical dm taken convery to elemental, I can't imagine why you can say Mino is the hardest Guardian.
You can literally facetank him and kill him in around 5 secs without him doing any other dangerous move. (If you stand in front of him, he won't use his dangerous dive move)
For me, the hardest Guardian for Arc trap is definitely Hydra.

Yeah, I just learned I could facetank him. Perhaps I'm still in the mindset of Flameblaster, who tried to ran away and sometimes got slowed and rocks start to fall and Mino just bursts out of the ground 1-shotting me. Then I re-enter the arena after death and 0.04 seconds later I'm dead =)
Just wanna comment I did Grandmaster Trial easily first try no death with Arc Trapper too.
I did not change ANY gear that's not my normal map clearing/ boss killing setup, aside from changing the 6th link on armor to block reduction gem to kill the 100% block grandmaster.
(Can check my gear in the page. A totally normal setup with no special input)

It was very easy, much easier than any of my other builds because it can set-up before the fight.
I use the shield to get free power charges before I trigger the barrier, and throw 5 traps (23 total) and instantly explode them.

Now I get why people call Arc trap cancer because it can easily beat cancer(grandmasters) too.

Последняя редакция: mic01851165#0058. Время: 23 авг. 2018 г., 16:49:07

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