Allure_5 написал:
Hi man, if i were to run shroud of the lightness, what gem am i removing? cold pen support or is it anything else?

cold pen as it does not stack with the built in penetration gem in shroud of the lightless
ign: ROCSpoe
Последняя редакция: RocsPOE#4482. Время: 5 июля 2018 г., 23:28:44
nikbee написал:
Great build, I really love the quick playstyle of it - switched at 89 over from a blast rain trapper saboteur, so refreshing!

Can basically run any map except ele reflect, and map bosses in small arenas which cannot be instantly killed such as reef are suboptimal.

Now i wonder how using wise oak plays out for you? I found it better to run a mana flask instead so that if you do get hit, you can refill mana as otherwise due do MoM you are pretty much left to running.

Also wondered, what is your tooltip dps without any charges? Basically got similar gear to yours except i still need to quality and lv my gems to 20/20, my tooltip dps: 61.377k (6L)

Great to hear! yes it's pretty fun and yes agian phasing bosses are a bitch . as for wise oak i think its better than a mana flask it gives a lot of dps if you your cold res is the highest uncapped around 300k fully buffed. I never really found myself dropping to 0 mana at all with warlords mark on hit.
ign: ROCSpoe
RocsPOE написал:
nikbee написал:
Great build, I really love the quick playstyle of it - switched at 89 over from a blast rain trapper saboteur, so refreshing!

Can basically run any map except ele reflect, and map bosses in small arenas which cannot be instantly killed such as reef are suboptimal.

Now i wonder how using wise oak plays out for you? I found it better to run a mana flask instead so that if you do get hit, you can refill mana as otherwise due do MoM you are pretty much left to running.

Also wondered, what is your tooltip dps without any charges? Basically got similar gear to yours except i still need to quality and lv my gems to 20/20, my tooltip dps: 61.377k (6L)

Great to hear! yes it's pretty fun and yes agian phasing bosses are a bitch . as for wise oak i think its better than a mana flask it gives a lot of dps if you your cold res is the highest uncapped around 300k fully buffed. I never really found myself dropping to 0 mana at all with warlords mark on hit.

Okay well then guess I should give it a try, just have to reshuffle for cold res to be highest then.. btw. normal Atziri isn't even worth mentioning (matter of 2mins), the t16 vaal temple map bosses get pretty much killed instantly, and just completed yellow elder as a breath as well - so yeah moving into higher content with ease so far :)
I was a bit apprehensive when I first saw this build (not very many replies in the thread) but it looked like alot of fun in the video so I went with it anyway, and boy am I glad I did.

Doing t10+ maps with a tab and 1 ex budget at level 70, and at level 85 with a bit more investment got a deathless Shaper and Red Elder. So much fun!

The only thing I've changed is that I run Shroud of the Lightless instead of Cloak of Defiance, since I just didn't feel like I needed the extra survivability.

10/10 would pulse again!
Dewdson написал:
I was a bit apprehensive when I first saw this build (not very many replies in the thread) but it looked like alot of fun in the video so I went with it anyway, and boy am I glad I did.

Doing t10+ maps with a tab and 1 ex budget at level 70, and at level 85 with a bit more investment got a deathless Shaper and Red Elder. So much fun!

The only thing I've changed is that I run Shroud of the Lightless instead of Cloak of Defiance, since I just didn't feel like I needed the extra survivability.

10/10 would pulse again!

:D yeah shroud is probs the best i just happened to 6l a cloak thanks for the kind words
ign: ROCSpoe
Cloak of Defiance Bis for sure? Otherwise good build example of a buffed skill. =)
Lvling this atm, ez as hell with lvling items anyways (assassin is godly too with 100% more crit first), will prolly use Green Dream for frenzies tho + just a few passive point differences.

Edit: Shroud huh, alright will look into it! :)
Последняя редакция: Maredasan#0725. Время: 8 июля 2018 г., 10:39:07
Amazing build man !

It costs less than 2 ex to get up and running. Can freeze all the bosses up to tier 16 and Guardians are easy to handle since we chill and blind them. However, for phased bosses like Colosseum boss, I can't kill them fast but can freeze them easily.
Looks Really Nice ^^

I think i will sell my Windripper Ranger ^^

EDIT: Crazy Build ^^
Последняя редакция: perling#1856. Время: 9 июля 2018 г., 14:28:23
Very fun build so far. Since I can only afford a 5 Link atm, which gem would you take out?
Gonna try this as my last build this league just because of the new herald effect.
Gonna see how far i can take this with a 60-70 ex budget.

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