[3.15]Fire&Flamethrower Traps Saboteur/Strongest Combo in the Game/League starter+Boss farmer

What helm ilvl is enough to successfully craft life and "Nearby Enemies have -9% to Fire Resistance"?
soulsofblack93 написал:
19/12/2019 update: New videos up for Metamorph League.I also played as a Scion this time.Check the videos and gear section and message me in game if you have any questions.

Will ya make a guide for Scion too? And does it work better then with sabo?
Also, what do u think about using Flammability instead of Aspect of Spider?
(Anger + Herald of Ash + Flammability). Thanks!
praxh написал:
What helm ilvl is enough to successfully craft life and "Nearby Enemies have -9% to Fire Resistance"?

That mod comes from Scorched fossil so there is no ilvl requirement. (84) ilvl is the best you can try on any helm because of Tier 1 resists but it's all RNG so a lower ilvl helm also works.
Trasffa написал:
First, thank you for this build, I really enjoy it this season. I have a question regarding this quote, though.

soulsofblack93 написал:
I’m using the “Slavedriver’s Hand” that is exclusive to the incursion league.But thanks to today's mechanics you can access league specific items very easily so you can even find this at a league start in under a week.

Would you have time to explain how you'd farm that piece ? Seems like a game changer for this build.

You need upgrade the Sacrifice room to level 3 in Alva's temple and then combine Architect's Hand with Vial of Dominance which results in Slavedriver's Hand.Normally people are selling this gloves for more than 1ex at league start but it drops in price after a week.I always craft my own because it is cheaper but you need that lvl 3 room so it is a little RNG.
praxh написал:
Also, what do u think about using Flammability instead of Aspect of Spider?
(Anger + Herald of Ash + Flammability). Thanks!

Flammability is a good choice but i won't replace Spider for that.If you are playing with 1h+shield or dual wands/daggers you should craft "Trigger socketed gems when you use skill" and put flammability in your weapon.
Kurokâ написал:
soulsofblack93 написал:
19/12/2019 update: New videos up for Metamorph League.I also played as a Scion this time.Check the videos and gear section and message me in game if you have any questions.

Will ya make a guide for Scion too? And does it work better then with sabo?

I really enjoy playing as Scion.Damage is way higher compared to Saboteur thanks to Inquisitor/Saboteur combination.I'm thinking about making a video guide soon so i will mention her on that video.I don't want to add much here because this thread is about Shadow.
soulsofblack93 написал:
Kurokâ написал:
soulsofblack93 написал:
19/12/2019 update: New videos up for Metamorph League.I also played as a Scion this time.Check the videos and gear section and message me in game if you have any questions.

Will ya make a guide for Scion too? And does it work better then with sabo?

I really enjoy playing as Scion.Damage is way higher compared to Saboteur thanks to Inquisitor/Saboteur combination.I'm thinking about making a video guide soon so i will mention her on that video.I don't want to add much here because this thread is about Shadow.

So in your profile you went with PF instead of Inquisitor. Was that mainly just a QoL with flasks and the extra move speed or is there something I'm missing?

Buddy is leveling a Sab and I'm going to be doing the Inquis/Sab Scion. Build looks good and Sab is performing very well so pretty excited to see where this goes.

Nice thing about being way off meta is a 21/23 Fire Trap is 25c and a Flamethrower Trap was 10c. Kind of crazy

Последняя редакция: Mech_#6261. Время: 29 дек. 2019 г., 14:03:29
Mech_ написал:

So in your profile you went with PF instead of Inquisitor. Was that mainly just a QoL with flasks and the extra move speed or is there something I'm missing?

Buddy is leveling a Sab and I'm going to be doing the Inquis/Sab Scion. Build looks good and Sab is performing very well so pretty excited to see where this goes.

Nice thing about being way off meta is a 21/23 Fire Trap is 25c and a Flamethrower Trap was 10c. Kind of crazy

Yes you figured out everything already.Inq+sabo has insane damage but pathfinder is a huge QoL for mapping and also shines at fights like Uber elder where you can't genereta lots of flask charges due to being in a boss fight.Check my profile for the gear btw cause i changed it a lot on my scion.I will update the forum also.Now scion has a completely different item setup that you can't do on a shadow/saboteur.
Hey guys

So I'm new to the forum, sorry about that, but i posted my build so far here for POB: https://pastebin.com/LWqFTw7Y

My profile is also open, please look at the char "Mine_Flame", i would like some feedback on my items on my char if you guys have some time for it.

Thanks for a nice build!

Best regards Cardoc12345

EDIT: Thanks for help with the linking of items

Последняя редакция: Cardoc12345#5747. Время: 6 янв. 2020 г., 8:26:42

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