[3.6] Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Strike / Molten Strike - The Immortal Ascendant - Excels Everywhere

I have been enjoying this build a lot this is only my second league and it's been a lot of fun with this.

I was wondering if I could get some advice and what to upgrade. I can clear all maps just having trouble with the bosses. Specifically t16

Here's my pob: https://pastebin.com/00F2Cbpm

I know my jewels aren't the greatest I just dont know what stats to get to benefit me the most.

I want to change my tree up but i dont have the intelligence to compensate to use lvl 20 enfeeble.
Would it be better to replace the taming with a ring that has life, intelligence, and res?

I have a few ex to spend on gear.
any help is appreciated thanks!
noxignis написал:
Been enjoying playing this build, I've gotten 2 5L oros and Kaom's heart but right now I'm not sure what to upgrade next. Do I save up for 2 or 3? might of the meeks, get the impresence or get better rare gears? My flicker damage is somewhat lacking sometimes especially against rare mobs, and my molten strike cant really melt those rare delve monsters sometimes too so I've included a 4L double strike for some boss damage.

Hey Noxignis,

Glad you are enjoying!

The Impresence amulet is by far the most value for the price. Flammability curse will greatly increase your damage vs white/magic/rare monsters (Around 1.3x more damage).

6 Link on both flicker and molten strike will give 1.4x to 1.5x damage on the respective skills.

These 2 things will get you the most value for their cost.

+3 molten strike helmet will give 1.43x damage on molten strike but appears to have greatly rise in cost recently, get this one last.

If all these upgrades are done at once it will almost triple your damage.

Also may be worth replacing the increased duration support, it does not have good synergy with immortal call as it only modifies the base duration of 0.4 seconds. An ancestral protector totem will give you 1.2x damage when it's active (it's a multiplier on total attack speed) and may help much more with killing beefy units.

Jonzies26 написал:
I have been enjoying this build a lot this is only my second league and it's been a lot of fun with this.

I was wondering if I could get some advice and what to upgrade. I can clear all maps just having trouble with the bosses. Specifically t16

Here's my pob: https://pastebin.com/00F2Cbpm

I know my jewels aren't the greatest I just dont know what stats to get to benefit me the most.

I want to change my tree up but i dont have the intelligence to compensate to use lvl 20 enfeeble.
Would it be better to replace the taming with a ring that has life, intelligence, and res?

I have a few ex to spend on gear.
any help is appreciated thanks!

Hey Jonzies,

Blind on hit on an abyss jewel will help a lot vs T16 bosses as a lot of them try to hit you with attacks that can be evaded. Molten strike hits so many times that even a very low % chance to blind will keep the blind up almost permanently. Blind lowers their chance to hit by an additional 50%.

I'd also advise leveling your blood rage up so it doesn't activate from CWDT, if you take a big hit you don't want to take an extra degen effect activating on top of that. Feels a lot better controlling it, if you know it's gonna be an easy fight turn it on, if it's a hard fight keep it off.

Bleeding immunity on your life flask will help a lot too, unless I'm missing something I don't see a way for you to get rid of bleeds.

For jewels prioritize high life rolls before damage. You already have 2 which are really good. Regarding rings I would drop the taming until you've beefed up more. If you need resists remember that you can temporarily fill holes in resist with the passives underneath the scion start (+36% res each).

Int on rings would let you shuffle those passive points around and connect to duelist start. If you drop "mana flows" passive, disconnect from scion start and use bless orbs on your Impresence amulet for the highest implicit roll you only need +19 int on rings which shouldn't be too hard. More life on your gloves wouldn't hurt either.

Overall though gear looks really good, GL!

- Scion Build Guides -

Flicker / Molten strike - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180571
Thanks for sharing. I wanna show little hint here. (May be it was mentioned somewhere) Player can swap Atziri's footstep to Corrupted Windscream Reinforced Greaves https://imgur.com/1MayNb6 and clear +1 curse nodes from here https://i.imgur.com/tmsDtgo.jpg, mid side https://i.imgur.com/kaT5vIO.jpg
and left side https://i.imgur.com/JjZOmor.jpg of the tree.
Then invest them on nodes with fire penetration.https://i.imgur.com/ZRwBwR3.jpg

It can boost the damage if players lack of penetration mod on Watcher's eye. With this changes there persists health difference in 145 life. I think it will help to clear maps little faster.
Последняя редакция: Nighteryn#3862. Время: 2 окт. 2018 г., 9:54:11
So does picking up all those physical damage nodes boost our fire damage since our 2h only does fire?

Also why have 2 wildfire jewels if 1 of them isn't reaching 40 str? Or are you moving else where or what? I think the 5% hp on the far left should be sacrificed for the 1 +10 str also on the left side. That way you get 40 str within the second wildfire range.
Последняя редакция: FondleMonster#6284. Время: 2 окт. 2018 г., 13:47:47
FondleMonster написал:
So does picking up all those physical damage nodes boost our fire damage since our 2h only does fire?

Also why have 2 wildfire jewels if 1 of them isn't reaching 40 str? Or are you moving else where or what? I think the 5% hp on the far left should be sacrificed for the 1 +10 str also on the left side. That way you get 40 str within the second wildfire range.

1) Physical damage nodes are turned to fire damage through the jewel:

2) The wildfire jewels don't need to have the strength nodes allocated to be active. They just need to have a certain quantity of strength in their radius. Can easily test it by removing the jewels, the reduction in molten strike magma balls is visibly noticeable.

Nighteryn написал:
Thanks for sharing. I wanna show little hint here. (May be it was mentioned somewhere) Player can swap Atziri's footstep to Corrupted Windscream Reinforced Greaves https://imgur.com/1MayNb6 and clear +1 curse nodes from here https://i.imgur.com/tmsDtgo.jpg, mid side https://i.imgur.com/kaT5vIO.jpg
and left side https://i.imgur.com/JjZOmor.jpg of the tree.
Then invest them on nodes with fire penetration.https://i.imgur.com/ZRwBwR3.jpg

It can boost the damage if players lack of penetration mod on Watcher's eye. With this changes there persists health difference in 145 life. I think it will help to clear maps little faster.

Thank you for this. Even with penetration it's quite good.
- Scion Build Guides -

Flicker / Molten strike - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180571
Monhsaroh написал:
Thank you for this. Even with penetration it's quite good.

In damage value without of watcher's eye is 7,458 with such changes.
Последняя редакция: Nighteryn#3862. Время: 3 окт. 2018 г., 3:07:12
Yo @Monhsaroh

I got a question

If I can get an extra endurance charge from the templar area (making total 6 charges) by sacrificing 2 life nodes, should i do it?
Just a note, i am already at 7,4k hp and the life nodes i can sacrifice are the ones i WILL get in the next 2 levels.

Whats your opinion?
Are endurance charges worth it? I was thinking that maybe more than 4 charges are irrelevant because u get 1 every second for the last 4 seconds, then if you get hit you get immortal call from cwdt meaning you never get to have more than 4 unless something weak hits you which in that case you dont need to have them anyway.
Последняя редакция: nel0angel0#2485. Время: 3 окт. 2018 г., 5:03:26
My friend said Slayer better than Champion, you think that right?
- edit: Nevermind, I misunderstood what I was seeing.

I have some of the equipment to try this build out already (5L Oro's in particular) so I might be able to give this a shot.
Последняя редакция: Kitsune_Michiko#5704. Время: 4 окт. 2018 г., 7:34:02
Hello. Using this build for about one week. I like it a lot and would like to hear your suggestions what should I change next. In near future I want to get Watcher's Eye and replace belt to Stygian Vise. Also change gloves for something better. Any other suggestions for change? And what should I look in belt\gloves other than Life?(Resist for sure.)

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