Kay's Summoner Memorial Page | New Guide is linked inside!

have you thought about testing out scinteel synthete spectres? I have them if you are.
I might be silly for asking but why do we anoint "Death attunement" when we take it in the tree? Is this from the old guide? and what alternative would we use if this is the case?
ImpulZze90 написал:
Demianime написал:
mhm my spectres (SD) are dieing on T1 maps... seems like i do something horrible wrong here... Q_Q

youre desecrate is ony lv.3, so if you resumon youre spectre they are only lv.28 maximum. or did you have the leveld one in your inventory?

uhu? seems like i right clicked the game by accident.... but still, since the new Raise spectre way, only the gem lvl from raise spectre should matter anyway. Not the lvl of the minion anymore. Correct me if i am wrong
IGN: Demikun
Последняя редакция: Demianime#3669. Время: 22 июня 2020 г., 17:46:29
Jexxer написал:
I might be silly for asking but why do we anoint "Death attunement" when we take it in the tree? Is this from the old guide? and what alternative would we use if this is the case?

After you can annoint Death Attunement, you refund those points to spend elsewhere.
robymekka написал:
Extremly noob question here, but is there a way to "save" your spectre ? sometimes they just dissapear :(

Really scared that when i get my redemption spectre they will dissapear and i will have to search for the influenced map again ?

Is there a trick to "save" them to your hideout ?

Thank you in advance

If you have an alt that's level 28, you can desecrate them with your main, log out, log in with your alt, raise a spectre with him and then log back out. That way if you ever lose them, you can do the same with your alt - log in, desecrate in your HO to add them to the pool, then log back in with your main. You can do this to save a few different types of specs if you aren't sure what you want to need and they are hard to get, like xoph's spiders or redeemers.
For Redemption Sentries you guys are using Hatred + Haste or Hatred + Skitters ? Wich one is best suited for RS ?
Penguian написал:
have you thought about testing out scinteel synthete spectres? I have them if you are.

People ask about these often, but they always get crapped on in this thread for some reason. The only thing I can think of since they are harder to summon or acquire than RS they are not more mainstream.

I was able to switch to scinteel synthete from slave drivers and it was amazing the difference even before switching Gems. I played with Redemption Sentries all last league. I am thinking of sticking with the scinteels this league. I am getting screen clearing one hits just like RS, but the scinteels have much greater attack speed so clear is great even with terrible gear.

Also no need to swap gems for bosses so far, but I think you can swap out LMP if you want. Good thing is the Gems are about the same as RS so switching over later will be easier.
since they nerfed molten shell, what are you guys using? steel skin? immortal call?
ikkyhirsch написал:
For Redemption Sentries you guys are using Hatred + Haste or Hatred + Skitters ? Wich one is best suited for RS ?

all of them if you use Devouring Diadem, Hatred + Haste+Skitters
Hey guys!

I am ps4 player, so have to wait another couple days before Harvesting. Meanwhile i am trying to find some ways to make this build even more console friendly. We have very slow and pure balanced economics here so gearing is much harder. New league looks so promising on selfcrafting most of the gear thou :-)

Anyways my questions are about EE triggering/curse applying.

1. Why everyone is using ArmaBrand with RS & SD? HolyFlameTotem hits more targets and requires just one button click (which is important on console) can apply curse and give frenzy charges with Victarios shiels? According to Wiki: "Trap, Mine, and Totem skills trigger EE as they inherit your offensive stats, which includes keystones and passives".
So why brand over totem?

2. Since we do not use blasphemy to apply curses its either very slow clearing with manual casting on every mob pack or lacking a lot of damage from ele weakness on averything except bosses. I am going to try https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Profane_Proxy this ring instead of skitters chilling. I suppose skitters will apply curse to every mob which is just great. What do you gyus think about it? We sacrifice one life ring and chilling from bots to get a lot of damage with no button clicking. Is it worth it?

P.S. Kae, thanks for the great guide!

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