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What's more damage canibal fire eaters or slave divers?
Hello fellow Spectre Summoners :-D

To give you an idea how it works in SSF with regards to clear-speed and surviveability I recorded a T16 Chimera on AW8 with a corrupted non-identified map.


And for reference the current gear and PoB:



Hello, where can i find a passive leveling stept by step for staff. On first post there is one for wand/shield with milestones, but for staff is only for lvl 95 and 100 passive tree.
Thank you.

Shaper is actually fun again, if done on AW8
And I even died once when I tried to place a ball outside his AE chaos, seems its lethal again


...and since he dropped me finally that fragement, I went to the Uber Elder

Only AW3 since I did not know what to expect after the Atlas change. Used a few portals :-D



Dumb question but what do I gotta do to get 5 spectres?
Important line from patchnotes! :-)

- Adjusted The Awakener Storm and Desolation skills to do less damage to minions.
Thinking about leveling another summoner to try out slave drivers. I have been playing phys skellies from league start and also played them last league, they melt bosses, but map clear leaves a little to be desired, its not bad, but not amazing either.

Im guessing Slaver Drivers are going to provide quite a bit better map clear compared to physical skellies?
Danzanus написал:
Can give advice to have more survivability? Have around 7300 HP. Usually it was more than enough, but this league die from time to time have no idea from what just 1 shot. Different maps etc. Maybe i missed something.

My gear:

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Any ideas what i can improve to survive or damage or both? Budget i have around 12ex for now.

Are you running nasty map mods or something? Only 1 shots i've seen are from building insanely strong metamorphs or ignoring their mods. I typically avoid multiple proj and skill chaining when doing mindless mapping.
Последняя редакция: Vaildez#6753. Время: 8 янв. 2020 г., 18:16:33
Hemanse написал:
Thinking about leveling another summoner to try out slave drivers. I have been playing phys skellies from league start and also played them last league, they melt bosses, but map clear leaves a little to be desired, its not bad, but not amazing either.

Im guessing Slaver Drivers are going to provide quite a bit better map clear compared to physical skellies?

Slave Drivers both melt bosses and clear maps stupidly fast.
Vaildez написал:
Hemanse написал:
Thinking about leveling another summoner to try out slave drivers. I have been playing phys skellies from league start and also played them last league, they melt bosses, but map clear leaves a little to be desired, its not bad, but not amazing either.

Im guessing Slaver Drivers are going to provide quite a bit better map clear compared to physical skellies?

Slave Drivers both melt bosses and clear maps stupidly fast.

It sure does look like it yes. I have not been playing this league all that much, so i have about 11-12ex right now. Should i go for the Pledge of Hands build or just stick with wand and shield?

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