3.3 Incursion Ele Hit Deadeye
![]() Hey everyone TheDynamicDuffy here with my first ever PoE build so i hope you enjoy. I sometimes also stream on Twitch you can find me Here Twitch.tv/TheDynamicDuffy PoB Link: https://pastebin.com/PPuk0df3 Video guide coming soon! So what is this build? Well this is a Elemental hit Ranger build that makes it so you only deal Fire damage. I have played this build for some time now in the Incursion league and i really do enjoy it alot feel free to look my character up :Duffy_pew_pew https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/thedynamicduffy/characters So lets start is this build easy? Yes it is Can i start a new league with this build? Yes Is this build cheap to run? Yes & No Does this build require any specific unique items? Yes & No Can i map/endgame boss with this? Yes Can you run Ele reflect maps? No you will just die! Can you do bosses that reflect such as Atziri? Yes with a unique ring and the pantheon powers yes Firstly leveling i would simply level this build as a normal bow build either with tornado shot or lightning arrow you may need to respec points before mapping but that is something easily done. If you wish to level as Ele hit then feel free it can work very nicely aswell. So lets move on to some Skill tree leveling layouts. Now these do not need to be followed 100% its just a rough guideline. Bandits: Help Aliria Manaregen and resists are great. Level 30 Passives (with these choose either start with Projectile Damage nodes towards Ballistic Mastery for more early Damage Or Start evasion & life & go towards Finesse either works fine just depends how comfortable you are with bow builds https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.3.1/AAAABAIAAABeBbUILhGBGY4j9jB8TZJRR1b6Y6d9dX8rjX2Nv5smm42n1LvjxKLTft1G6Nbtg-4O73r-uv7I Level 50 Passives https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.3.1/AAAABAICAABeBbUF-QguDkgRLxGBFr8ZjiP2JpUqCysKMHw2PUp9TZJRR1PPVUtW-l3yYRBh4mHrYqxjp2egaU5sjHBSd9d4-XpTfXV-3X8rh3aJ04w2jX2NuY2_myabjZ2qp9S0xbvjwuzEos96037dRuOf6NbrY-2D7g7vevK4_W7-uv7I Level 70 Passives First off you think why the Hell is this Guy getting avatar of fire on a ranger so much wasted travelling on the tree and yes your right but until you get/afford a Xoph's Heart and ungrade it we kind of need it alot Once you have the item feel free to respec that point somewere else. Ok here is where you might need to pick up some extra Strength nodes if you have or plan on getting a Khaom's Heart for extra life and damage later on this is optional but does really help. As for the Jewel Node this is where we will socket out First Combat focus it wont trigger the hits cant choose lightning untill you grab both +10 dex node either side of the Jewel. https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.3.1/AAAABAICAABeBAcFtQguDkgRLxGBEZYUdRVDFr8Zjh0UI_YmlSoLKo0rCi0fMHw2PTbYN9Q6WEkbSn1Ms02SUUdTz1VLVcZW-l3yYRBh4mHrYqxjp2egaU5sjHBSd9d4-XpTfXV-3X8rf8aD24d2idOMNo19jbmNv49GlSCbJpuNm6GdqqKjpMKn1KyYr420xbvjwfPC7MSiz17PetAf037UI91G45_o1utj7FXtP-2D7g7veu_r8WzyuPfX_W7-uv7I Level 90 Passives This is where you can choose from some options 1st option https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.3.1/AAAABAICAABeAdEEBwW1BfkHHgguDkgRLxGBEZYT2hR1FUMWbxa_GY4dFCF2I_YkqiaVKgsqjSsKLR8wcTB8Mfo2PTbYNuk31DnUOkI6WEkbSVFKfUt4TLNNklFHU89VS1XGVvpbr13yYRBh4mHrYqxjp2egaU5sjHBSdvd313j5elN9dX7dfyt_xoPbhs6HdonTjDaNfY25jb-PRpUglS6bJpuNm6GdqqCfoqOkwqfUrJivja_rsQG0xbvjwTPB88LsxKLI3M9ez3rQH9N-1CPWit1G3ajjauOf6NbrY-xV7T_tg-4O73rv6_DV8WzyuPfX-tL9bv66_sg= 2nd Option Grabbing a Extra jewel slot https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.3.1/AAAABAICAABeBAcFtQceCC4OSBEvEYERlhPaFHUVQxZvFr8Zjh0UHxgj9iSqJpUnqSoLKo0rCi0fMHEwfDH6Nj022DbpN9Q51DpCOlhJG0lRSn1LeEyzTZJRR1H7U89VS1XGVvpbr13yYRBh4mHrYqxjp2egaU5sjHBSdvd313j5elN9dX7dfyt_xoPbh3aJ04w2jX2NuY2_j0aVIJUulcybJpuNm6GdqqCfoqOkwqfUrJivjbEBtMW748HzwuzEosjczRbPXs960B_TftQj1ordRt2o42rjn-jW62PsVe0_7YPuDu967-vw1fFs8rj31_rS_W7-uv7I Final tree Now this is my final tree i understand its not perfect but i like it so please feel free to use or change it how you want it Now i go for damage an extra jewel near Avatar of fire and below at Point blank just my preference i also need to pick up 2 +30 strength nodes as my gear doesn't provide much strength. You can grab some extra life or resists if you wish if your feeling to squishy. https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.3.1/AAAABAICAABeBAcFtQceCC4OSBEvEYERlhJpE9oUdRVDFm8WvxccGGUZjhqBHRQfGCGwI_YkqiaVJ6kqCyqNKwotHy6UMHEwfDT3Nj022DbpN9Q6QjpYSRtJUUp9S3hMs02SUUdRdFH7U89VS1XGVvpd8mEQYeJh62KsY6dnoGlObIxwUnF5d9d4-XpTfXV-3X8rf8aD24d2idOMNo19jbmNv49GlSCVLpXMl4WbJpuNm6GcxJ2qoqOkwqaZp9SsmK-NsQG0xbciu-PB88LsxKLI3M0WzerPXs960B_TftQj1ordRt2o42rjn-Xm6NbrY-xV7T_tg-4O73rv6_DV8WzyuPfX-tL9bv66_sg= Ascendancy:Now here is where i will prob get the most hate i think Why deadeye why why why......ill tell you why I prefer Deadeye over anything else i enjoy gathering winds for that extra move speed and extra evasion. But why not Raider then for more ele damage and attack speed you may ask well if you want you can grab Raider instead its preference at this point. So let talk about point allocation Deadeye: Normal lab: First i take Either Gathering Winds if feel squishy or have had bad gear drops. If i am confident with my gear i take Powerful Precision. Cruel lab: This is where i take either Gathering winds or powerful precision which ever one i chose not to take in normal lab simple Merc lab: This time around i take Fast and deadly for the attack speed Projectile damage Accuracy and the Blink arrow cooldown. UBER Lab: No this is where we respec I take points out of Powerful Precision So i can grab both Far Shot & Ricochet Again that is preference. Raider: Normal Lab:I would start with Way of the Poacher Cruel Lab: Grab Quartz Infusion How ever this is where you need to change a gem in you setup to include Onslaught. Merc Lab: Grab Avatar of the Slaughter Uber Lab: finally pick up Avatar of the veil Pantheon:Its prefrence unless running Atziri personal i use Soul of Solaris for my major and for my minor i use Soul of Abberath unless fighting Atziri then i swap my minor to Soul of Yugul Right now lets look at gear Helm: There are a few options here Light poacher, Devoto's Devotion But personally i prefer Starkonja's Head for the bonus Life it gives This is my current helm Note: the colors of the sockets are not set in stone its just what i had left to play around with. As for helm enchant try for Ele hit attack speed or Ele hit damage i got lucky and got the +40% damage after 4 Uber lab runs. Chest: Now this is where it can get different I am currently using a not the best rolls but it does the trick in order to use this i have had to pick up additional strength nodes on the tree to make this work. How ever if you can not afford a Khaom's Heart then any rare chest with Good Life and Resists can really help if you do go for a rare chest look for these color sockets 3 green 2 red 1 blue these are the colors that will be used for out main skill setup. Gloves: Here we want any decent Rare gloves that give life and or resists if you do have a Khaom's heart look for strength. My current gloves: Boots: Same goes for boots as gloves except look for 30% move speed if you can. Current boots: Belt: Same for belt get life and resists strength if needed you can use an abyss belt for an additional jewels socket. Current: Weapon: This build is based around as we make use of the pointblank Node on the tree i know the knock back makes a little annoying but it is needed to max out damage fully. Quiver:Ideal a Woe Skewer Spike point quiver Would be best With crit change crit multi life resist mana leech and added ele damage sadly im stuck with this for now. Neck: Again life resists & Strength if needed. Once you get to the point where you can afford a Xoph's Heart/blood you use that but they are always highly priced. Current: Rings: These are must have items 1st resists burning damage cold conversion and destroys ignite enemies so no ressing skellies 2nd Resists mana regen lightning damage conversion. Flasks: standard flasks bleed & freeze removal Diamond for crit if you go that route on the tree Wise oak and a jade flask for more Evasion Jewels: Combat Focus are needed no matter what These jewels convert you Ele Hit to only do FIRE damage which is the main point of this build with out these its not really worth doing this build then these jewels are not to expensive early on and after a few days of the league there cheap to pick up. 1st jewel node Above Herbalism 2nd jewel node just right of Instability Gem links: 6L Body or Bow [ This is my main setup for damage 4L Now these are for helm, gloves and boots just depends what sockets you can get. Note: Clarity is not needed i run it because i had mana issues to start with not no more with it. If you chose to not use it then run a portal gem or something to fill the space also save on portal scrolls. :P So why this setup of gems well ill explain. Bow/Chest: Ovb Ele Hit, Ele damage for more damage. Mirage archer is optional but for deadeye really good if playing raider swap it for onslaught. Combustion more fire damage. Fire pen you penetrate them. ;) ;) And Finally GMP (Greater multiple Projectiles) for more arrow spread for killing trash For bossing swap out Mirage Archer & GMP For Faster Attacks & Ice Bite Gloves: immortal call And cast when damage taken reasons and vaal haste for extra buff vs bosses Boots: Blink arrow and faster attacks for faster casting of blink arrow Summon flame golem gives us a damage buff And for me Clarity or portal. Helm: Orb of storms as we are up close on bosses along side Power charge on Critical for free power charges not 100% of the time but some times then Curse on hit with a nice Projectile Weakness to help lower the targets defense against your attacks. Now for running things like Atziri Where oh no but Reflect becomes a small issue well i got you covered on that you will need 1 which needs to be in your left hand ring slot NOT the right when trying to kill Atziri So try to be over capped on some resist when having to swap and ring out to kill her. In addition to swap you pantheon to Soul of Yugul for extra reflect protection. Need more Giraffes! Последняя редакция: thedynamicduffy#0180. Время: 16 июля 2018 г., 9:32:15 Last bumped13 июля 2018 г., 14:59:07
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I am wondering how can you deal with your mana? I have a lack of mana while mapping. Thanks |
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i run a clarity gem to help out but i take a mana leech node Below the Herbalism Node on the skilltree
Need more Giraffes!
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