[3.8] Demi's Infinite Tinkerer, the Lightning Trap Saboteur (EVERYTHING/BUDGET VIABLE)

DeMiGodking102 написал:
dlargo21 написал:
sorry forget to update my account..it should be okay now.

gear is generally fine, bit low life on a few pieces. aim for higher. your jewels are pretty garbage, your flask setup is wrong as well. you've leveled your enfeeble pretty insanely high beyond what your cast when damage taken can cast as well. might want to use the blasphemy enfeeble setup instead of heralds

thanks demi, now i know what i should be doing..will get on it tonight..

thanks, appreciate all of your help..
Hey Demi,

Im running this Setup right now in league.

I think the new synth weapons are made for this ;)

(obviously no shield charge, just flame dash)

simple mouseover dps (with heralds and wrath) - I also specced pierce nodes as Im not using the gem.

Последняя редакция: starputzer#4525. Время: 22 марта 2019 г., 2:37:01
reinaldo1409 написал:
Webl3y написал:
PrivateJoker13 написал:

It does not work properly with tinkerskin. You need ~224% trap trigger radius (the 170 easily off the tree and a 54%+ jewel) to trigger all your traps reliably on normal sized enemies and to proc power/frenzy/tinkerskin generation and recovery. Honestly chain reaction is a waste and if you get that you're much better picking up the ele penetration node.

Very interesting thanks and it's a finer point of trapper builds that I had no idea about. As a new player it really helps when people explain in detail like that, I appreciate it.

i really like to read your explanation DEMIGOD, its good or not worth take chain reaction, for the infinity traps?

What is the verdict on this?
The only reason you'd forgo chain reaction is if you're hitting the 224%+ break point for trigger radius or you're more interested in the frenzy/power charge generation and tinkerskin recovery. Personally I think it's a waste of 2 ascendancies but it's pretty commonly documented (plus you can test it yourself).

Chain reaction won't allow you to reliably maintain your power/frenzies both because the enemies aren't proc'ing the traps - your ascendancy is.
PrivateJoker13 написал:
The only reason you'd forgo chain reaction is if you're hitting the 224%+ break point for trigger radius or you're more interested in the frenzy/power charge generation and tinkerskin recovery. Personally I think it's a waste of 2 ascendancies but it's pretty commonly documented (plus you can test it yourself).

Chain reaction won't allow you to reliably maintain your power/frenzies both because the enemies aren't proc'ing the traps - your ascendancy is.

for lazy guys like me Chain reaction = quality of life.... For min/max, pick up another ascendancy(if you have mora than 225% area of effect traps) TY I I understood now
Hey Demi,

Just want to check is the crafted Sambar scepter still the best option for a weapon? Just got multi mod so think i could craft one.

You made me curious about purifying flame, could you post a build guide for it? What passives to modify,what jewels to replace....etc, as you mentioned the general build is basically the same, but there are some modifications.

And what damage potential does this have over lightning trap, or ice trap?
Great build, had quite some time, but im rerolling if anyone is interested in this weapon pm me >)

Great build, had quite some time, but im rerolling if anyone is interested in this weapon pm me >)

Having a lot of fun with this build, ive made some changes to it to suit my playstyle more and its great. got his helmet today, im so used to paying multiple exalts for helms that i was very happy to see that i could buy this base for 1 chaos then crafted it with an essence.
Последняя редакция: Frauztea#1725. Время: 24 марта 2019 г., 14:47:21

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