
OmniPulse написал:
At lvl 84 now. Running all white maps pretty easily, as well as some yellow maps up to t8 (all that's dropped for me atm)

Toxic Rain is leagues better for leveling up until you hit lvl 55-60 before it falls off a ton. Though it might be that i'm not really build for it. ATM i'm just using it to apply withered to enemies.

Poison and Virulence uptime is really easy to maintain. I dropped a few nodes because I wasn't really having any difficulty with it. Clearing groups I averaged around 30 Stacks while actually hitting the pack. Stacks did drop off on bosses to around 10 or so.

Are you planning on sticking with Cherrubims? I'm torn on what chest to go for the 6L with.

My gear so far and I'm level 73 thinking of making a pule single target toxic rain in my chest and doing the 6L on the bow not sure yet.
aeri0r написал:
CA will get really good for map clearing later on, i can run maps really fast with it, BUT i also really struggle for singletarget now and all my speedbenefit gets broken at bosses..

How do you manage/plan ST?

Wither + Spell Totem + Faster casting so the stacks go up faster.

I dont have any issues for single target at the moment. Still leveling tho, ST isnt the fastest and the best but is decent for me at least.

For people that are currently leveling a CA build , I would suggest to pick up quill rain as a leveling bow and can be use up until low maps.
Последняя редакция: TsunaH#3575. Время: 2 сент. 2018 г., 6:22:17
How do you get enough intelligence for the coming calamity?
loudas1999 написал:
How do you get enough intelligence for the coming calamity?

Fertile Mind Jewel
Any update on the build?

New PoB?
is high physical damage dosen't scale on dot damage???

sorry for noob question

Just finished act 10 with this build. Kitava was extremly smooth.
Most of my gears need to be upgraded except maybe the bow that I bought for 1c and spam alt to get +2 to bow gems.
I'm still somewhat new to the game so sorry if this is a noob question.

I've seen a lot of questions involving GMP reducing damage too much, what do people think of Death's Opus as the bow choice? the additional shots giving similar effect to gmp without reducing the overall dmg, high physical dmg +buff%(100%+ Physical) which then adds to CA's chaos conversion
most of you seem to use despair with blasphemy.personaly i feel like this setup is not that good since blasphemy range is quite low.i prefer to go barrage-gmp-curse on hit-despair.like that you have a single target to build virulence + a curse on hit and with the peirce from tree+drillneck,virulence can stack pretty damn easy on pack with a few barrage.

i prefer to run grace with iron reflexe.with a jade flask i can have insane evasion for max dmg reduction.

tree: http://poeurl.com/b3Yy

Последняя редакция: zakariusqc#1505. Время: 2 сент. 2018 г., 15:38:24

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