
So now that people have been messing around with this build which I was very interested in, how has it been working for everyone? I've only gotten the chance to play a little bit and am in the middle of Act 3. Upgrading gear here and there when I can and still hunting down the skill gems needed. Until I get some linked gear this build is just clearing mobs fast enough with 1 or 2 shots with the chaos DoT dealing all the damage. Loving how it melts the hp despite the ES still being up on some mobs. Leaves a good feeling inside.

Just curious what other gear to get around this build since the Path of Building only has a few pieces of gear.

Like what should I ideally be aiming for when I get to the crafting part?
Elvira_Mistress_of_Dark - 73 Dual Incinerate Totem and LMP Spectres Witch
Pyrgomache_FieryWarrior - 59 Lightning Arrow Blood Magic Ranger
Cutting_Undus_Throat - 33 Ethereal Knives Shadow
If anyone wants to look at my guy and tell me what you think. Im about to Start looking for an upgrade.
For everyone who is currently using conc. effect with CA. Is really viable to clear maps? Or just swap with efficacy for clearspeed?
zeldicx написал:
For everyone who is currently using conc. effect with CA. Is really viable to clear maps? Or just swap with efficacy for clearspeed?


i'm using conc with gmp for clear. Swamping gmp for swift afflication on bosses.
Ealier i swamped gmp for slower projectiles (havent empower yet)

Imo gmp with pierce give best aoe.

Was thinking about switching conc for effinacy but i will need more dmg to swamp it.

Did all t15 and one t16 (elder chateu) and was fine
I'm usually online at 18 gmt +1
Im using conc effect for clearing and its fine for packs. I think I will use gmp once i have a 6l bow and empower ready.
Wait, if every pod from toxic rain apply their own chaos dots and they can stack... doesn't that mean that decay from decay support gem can stack as well?
UndrcvrKiller написал:
If anyone wants to look at my guy and tell me what you think. Im about to Start looking for an upgrade.

Drillneck does not work on the CA cloud as well as your bow physical damage. If your cloud damage is higher than your on hit damage, get a +3bow and a better quiver.

KuronekoBestGirl написал:
Wait, if every pod from toxic rain apply their own chaos dots and they can stack... doesn't that mean that decay from decay support gem can stack as well?

decay does not stack, it refreshes

sielma написал:
zeldicx написал:
For everyone who is currently using conc. effect with CA. Is really viable to clear maps? Or just swap with efficacy for clearspeed?


i'm using conc with gmp for clear. Swamping gmp for swift afflication on bosses.
Ealier i swamped gmp for slower projectiles (havent empower yet)

Imo gmp with pierce give best aoe.

Was thinking about switching conc for effinacy but i will need more dmg to swamp it.

Did all t15 and one t16 (elder chateu) and was fine

THanks for the info mate! I will try your tips.
As your equipment is pretty good, did you try end game bosses like guardians,elder(red),shaper and u.elder?

I want to know if this build could reach end game bosses.

zeldicx написал:
sielma написал:
zeldicx написал:
For everyone who is currently using conc. effect with CA. Is really viable to clear maps? Or just swap with efficacy for clearspeed?


i'm using conc with gmp for clear. Swamping gmp for swift afflication on bosses.
Ealier i swamped gmp for slower projectiles (havent empower yet)

Imo gmp with pierce give best aoe.

Was thinking about switching conc for effinacy but i will need more dmg to swamp it.

Did all t15 and one t16 (elder chateu) and was fine

THanks for the info mate! I will try your tips.
As your equipment is pretty good, did you try end game bosses like guardians,elder(red),shaper and u.elder?

I want to know if this build could reach end game bosses.


I've reached end-game with this build.. sort of. I kind of went down my own path but its more or less the same build.

I still struggle with end-game bosses but I believe its the effect of CA. The single target damage just isn't quite there. Its amazing for clear speed and delving, though. End-game bosses just take soooooo long to kill. More so if its a high mobility boss like Phoenix. I try to utilize HoAg a lot for single target using barrage to quickly stack virulence. I have mana issues a bit though.

Feel free to check out my character.
Havent try guardians and shaper yet. Cant find maps.

My few gems are low lvl just made them q20. N lvl up them befor end game.

Also friend told me that there is nice option to craft helment with fosils (more chaos) here is example :
I'm usually online at 18 gmt +1
Последняя редакция: sielma#4483. Время: 4 сент. 2018 г., 9:19:16

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