Withering Rains Pathfinder 3.4 (Toxic Rain Dual Herald featuring Siege Basista)

DamageIncorporated написал:
Nepenthess написал:

I tried Added Chaos Damage, but it doesn't scale DoT

Incorrect :P


I think OP meant the pods' damage over time and not the poison chaos damage.
DamageIncorporated написал:
Nepenthess написал:

I tried Added Chaos Damage, but it doesn't scale DoT

Incorrect :P


With Toxic Rain, The initial hit (which is a tiny percentage of our damage) is phys/chaos damage, as is the explosion, both which would benefit from Added Chaos. Poison being based on Phys/Chaos also scales with flat chaos.

I am focusing on the DoT from pods, as stated in the intro, although I can see how you mayn't have realized that because I have poison in the same sentence-- I'll edit it. But no-- Added Chaos Damage does not affect the pod, only % increase to chaos damage.

Having said that, if the explosion is worth it, I'll keep Added Chaos in-- (I am currently running with it while I level Efficacy-- it is listed under Gems and is one of my Gem links) if not, I'll go with Deadly Ailments or Efficacy :P
Последняя редакция: Nepenthess#1557. Время: 29 сент. 2018 г., 20:32:53

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