[3.8] [SC] TheEmperorSlayer's Autobomber - Pushing Boundaries
I have it already on the new league.
And just bought this budget helmet ![]() I think today im going to switch to autobombing from arcmining :D Последняя редакция: boki1337#6716. Время: 11 дек. 2018 г., 6:54:02
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"Best of luck with the transition, your gameplay will feel way different. Be sure to take some time to adapt, we don't want you ramming into your death at every corner :P |
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How this build feels like in Incursion 83lvl and Delve ~300lvl ?
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Anyone playing this in Betrayal?
I got lucky, found a couple exalts in the past 2 days in the new league plus made some decent chaos. I want a fast farming build to play that still manages betrayal bosses/map bosses/delving with out much difficulty. Is this the right build? |
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" I am also leveling as arcminer and want to switch to this. If you have any advice and feedback :) ---
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"It is not a build to faceroll bosses with, ability to tackle the tougher bosses will mostly depend on player skill and game knowledge. Delves are an absolute pleasure so far though, only tested up to 300ish. |
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Doing this auto bomber in betrayal and im enjoying alot!
(FOR YOU THAT WANT TO UNLOCK MAPS ON ATLAS OR DO THE LEAGUE MECHANIC I RECOMMEND TO DO OTHER BUILD FOR KILL THE BOSSES AND THEN USE THIS ONE FOR CLEAR ONLY). Lets start what I think: LEVELING First:there is no leveling session on this build so I will recommend what I did and works really freaking well (not judging your guide he is amazing dude!) If you want to leveling easy just pick 2 lifesprigs with tabula and leveling items such as Wanderlust, Goldrim, lochtonial and use this links: Tabula: Essence Drain, Void Manipulation, Controlled Destruction, Swift Affliction, Efficacy and Pierce. 4 Link Contagion: - Contagion, Faster Casting, Increased Area of Effect, Arcane Surge Contagion and essence drain is pretty amazing for leveling, you can even use blasphemy with enfeeble to reduce the damage of enemys when too close from them. Second:Try to pick some chaos damage nodes on shadow tree to boost your damage on early game, you can respec when reach 68 to equip Cospri's Malice and switch to auto bomber. Third: Try to reach blood aqueduct as soon as possible, its a awesome place and you can reach 68 there and make the transition to auto bomber at 68. That's my ''leveling help'' to the beginners and even experienced players that have problem to leveling with this build. Thats my gear so far and im working to improve it, buying a 6 link, watchers eye and leveling the gems to more damage and clear. Helmet: Gloves: Chest: Boots: Belt: Amulet: (Going to switch for biscos later, thirst for dex on my passives im only 83 now). Rings: Sword and shield: Thanks for the guide, all the mechanics are very well explained!! If I said something wrong sorry, english its not my first language and I hope this help someone! Последняя редакция: l1u2i3z123#6461. Время: 12 дек. 2018 г., 0:17:01
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Hey, as i said i switched yesterday to the Autobomber on the league! :)
Clearing narrow maps was pretty fun and fast! :) Is it "normal" to struggle at T7/T8 bosses or betrayal events on this tier with my gear? Im missing helmet, gloves and boot enchants, aswell as the jewels and Vaal Grace/Haste. Will it maybe get much better as soon as i get them? My current gear: My passive tree Последняя редакция: boki1337#6716. Время: 12 дек. 2018 г., 5:53:11
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"Hey, thank you very much for the kind words. Your gear looks very solid for a league starter, I'm sure you'll be able to achieve a great autobomber. As for your tips, I wouldn't recommend the Essence Drain + Contagion combo, as it doesn't scale with any of the elemental / critical strike related nodes we want to path through while leveling. I feel like it wouldn't be very smooth without a Tabula Rasa. "Hello again, as far as I can see, you haven't yet obtained any of the incredibly powerful jewels this build uses. If you can't afford a Hatred crit Watcher's Eye at the moment, prioritise the Grand Spectrum trio and Pure Talent. Other than that, it's just the fact that spells scale with gem levels. Maxing your gems at 20 or 21 really makes a difference, specifically when bossing. Keep going, and good luck! |
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How much mana does 6 link HoI in helm reserve?
I'm calculating 60% on Mikelat's calculator (total of +140% multiplier) Obviously if chest HoT is 45% this comes out to too much reserved mana. Where is my calc messed up? |
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