[3.9] Speedclearing Quill Rain ELE hit | MoM | 7700 EHP W/O Kaoms | EO | <1 minute t16 clears
3.9 update: Quill rain was nerfed right after 3.4 to include a 40% damage reduction attached with it. It has since been reduced to 30% as of 3.9 so I will again be trying this build out to see if it viable with ele hit nerfs. To do this I will be switching to a +2 frostferno which puts us dealing 10% less damage than before, even with the quillrain nerf. The only real loss when switching out the helm is -20% movement speed from devotos, this means the build will feel slightly slower than previously but I don't see it effecting the builds overall identity. This build is not one for bossing but a different take on deadeye META that is typically dominated by Windripper builds. I got level 100 with this build in Delve so the power exists. I am confident in its ability to carry you through maps if your goal is to achieve level 100. We achieve this through many defensive layers as well as the ability to kill mobs before they ever have a chance to hit you. DEFENSIVE LAYERS: The core of this build is like I said earlier, to obtain level 100 by farming maps as safe and as quickly as possible. This is made possible through the use of evasion and MoM that we grab from the left side of the tree. Having this in mind I traveled over there early into my 90s which allowed me to also grab AoF while I was near it. You likely noticed that this is an EO build based on the title of this thread. We are going for sustained damage in order to get consistent damage output the entire time that we are mapping. I went through many different trees before deciding on this one for the reason that any more damage was simply unnecessary. I will now elaborate more on the layers that I have been talking about. Phase Acro: This one should be a no-brainer, we are stacking evasion because of QOTF. The synergies here are so perfect that not picking this up would be idiotic. It adds 40/30 dodge on top of our 80% chance that we already have from evasion stacking. MoM: Through the use of Mind over matter we are able to get an extra 1700 mana on top of our already existing rather impressive life pool. This brings our total EHP to around 7700 without a Kaom's. For a bow character, this is quite fantastic. Especially with our goal of again, getting to level 100. Phasing: We are pretty much 100% uptime on phasing due to getting it on 2 abyssal jewels. This allows us to never get stuck on mobs which means less chance of dying to misplays. This goes along with the entire "mobs can't hit us" thing that I was talking about a bit earlier. Shattering: On death effects are no funny. The only reasonable way around this is to avoid them altogether. We use Pyre ring to achieve this feat. This is an amazing added bonus here because we need Pyre anyways to convert our wasted cold damage to fire. Because ya know, We are AoF. VIDEOS:
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T16 sewers w/ HH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDeoP3TeqCg
T16 sewers wo/ HH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wc9OcBXp_U POB:
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3.4 HH tree: https://pastebin.com/egVm7UAa
3.9 Frostferno tree: https://pastebin.com/VcrKAMeA NOTES: You can replace Gluttony with whatever belt you feel like if you need more res/damage. The videos will speak for themselves. If you have any other questions or requests then feel free to comment below. BUDGET NOTES: In order to make this build budget, you simply need to remove HH, Rigwalds and the Taming. The build is still very manageable without these but I appreciate them for QoL. This build is likely achievable with a budget of a few ex. This is of course not counting the 6L qotf. Although assuming that you're farming T16s I would think that you already have those funds available to buy the gear. If this isn't the case you can just buy a 5L in it's place. I can't promise how smooth it will be at that point for T16 maps though. CLOSING NOTES: I didn't mention a lot of typical guide stuff here because I figured if you're here and looking for this kind of build then you would already know what pantheons to use. Most of that stuff isn't important anyways, just map fast and eat ass. Последняя редакция: SmallSon#5851. Время: 13 дек. 2019 г., 4:51:32 Last bumped16 окт. 2018 г., 17:47:04
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Excuse me sir but this isnt a budget character how am i gonna get this amount of currency. Your hacking or cheating or sucking someones dick for this amount of currency. Im telling Reddit that will show you
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I feel you can elaborate a lil be more about this guide, what delve did you reach with this char?
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How many times did you die to 100?
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i decide to give a go to this build and the clearspeed and dodge is much better than other build i have tried, the only problem is the single target damage is mediocre, i tried tier 16 map and to kill the guardian it will take like 10 minutes lol. any recommendation for single target set up.?
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single target you should probably log off and back on to another char that has much higher single target damage and kill the boss with them, lol
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" This build isn't for killing bosses. It has a quill rain as primary weapon. I had a chin sol on swap for bosses but I wouldn't recommend bossing on this build. Последняя редакция: SmallSon#5851. Время: 7 окт. 2018 г., 3:48:28
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"uhh.. Lag. |
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" Like I mentioned in the OP, this post isn't really made for pushing content like this. I did manage to make it to 550 delve but I didn't push past that because I just didn't care about it. This build has plenty of damage and defense layers to kill the trash in delve but any bosses will be a nightmare if you plan on trying them out. |
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This build is insane!! Thanks OP. I started a VD poet pen character and got it to level 70 but I was going crazy, hated the playstyle. I switched over to this and went from 70-77 in like 2 hours. I can easily do t15/t16 at lvl 77 lol. Bosses take a little longer but still aint bad.
I have 34ex saved up, what piece of gear should I aim to upgrade next? Sghould I just farm up another 20ex and get the headhunter? https://pastebin.com/m51BA7CN Последняя редакция: mrleak#6875. Время: 7 окт. 2018 г., 4:43:02
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