This build has been really fun so far, been doing t15s easily and shaper was a breeze. I made a couple small changes and I'm currently sitting at 2.8m dps, I'll hit 3m when I get better jewels. Thanks for the build :D
Trying to decide if I spend on a really good stygian belt so I can get another abyssal jewel or save up for an enchanted starkonja, or a 2 abyssal socket tombfist for more jewels.
I think I'm going to skip the 6L tempest for now; seems unnecessary for clearing.
Great work on the build, its my first ranger and im thoroughly enjoying the build.
When I import your POB skill tree for V1 or V2 there are 114/121 points allocated, where do the last 7 points go or have I totally missed something?
The last couple of points are very hard to get for most players since it requires heaps of EXP and not dying. If you're able to push yourself beyond level 93, then you can aim to allocate those points to Jewel Sockets.
Thanks for the reply, yeah I have no intention of getting anywhere near 100, what actually happened is I missed some nodes while leveling and couldn't figure out why the hell at level 80 I was so close to your completed POB tree
Great work on the build, its my first ranger and im thoroughly enjoying the build.
When I import your POB skill tree for V1 or V2 there are 114/121 points allocated, where do the last 7 points go or have I totally missed something?
The last couple of points are very hard to get for most players since it requires heaps of EXP and not dying. If you're able to push yourself beyond level 93, then you can aim to allocate those points to Jewel Sockets.
Thanks for the reply, yeah I have no intention of getting anywhere near 100, what actually happened is I missed some nodes while leveling and couldn't figure out why the hell at level 80 I was so close to your completed POB tree
First of all, I'd like to thank you for all your hard work, I really appreciate you going out of your way to answer every question and I believe I read nearly all of them.
Now for my own questions, I'd like to know if you'd still go shroud of the lightless and tombfist now that tombfist got nerfed and considering I don't have enough money to get 2 sockets one?
I just got to lvl 72 (started the league very late) and got my first exalt I'm looking to invest it in your build if you have any recommendations as to what order I should get the items, that'd be lovely (a priority list maybe?). For now I just used a couple chaos to cap my res and get some hp here and there since I finished the acts.
A last question i'm wondering about is how would you deal with my exalt (and my 5 chaos lol)? Break it into chaos considering the exalt could go up in price soon? Wait a bit for prices to go up? Wait to acquire more currency to use directly on a shroud or smth?
Again thank you for you work, even if you don't answer anything this was a lovely guide to follow and I'll gladly tell my friends about it.
Senocca (Synthesis SC)
Edit : I used 3 chaos to upgrade my storm cloud to a tempest and successfully 5 linked it
Edit 2 : I'm considering buying a 6l rare chest with like 40c (80 hp 78res, good evasion) from my exalt what do you think?
Последняя редакция: SuddenOcade#3607. Время: 21 марта 2019 г., 19:10:51
First of all, I'd like to thank you for all your hard work, I really appreciate you going out of your way to answer every question and I believe I read nearly all of them.
Now for my own questions, I'd like to know if you'd still go shroud of the lightless and tombfist now that tombfist got nerfed and considering I don't have enough money to get 2 sockets one?
I just got to lvl 72 (started the league very late) and got my first exalt I'm looking to invest it in your build if you have any recommendations as to what order I should get the items, that'd be lovely (a priority list maybe?). For now I just used a couple chaos to cap my res and get some hp here and there since I finished the acts.
A last question i'm wondering about is how would you deal with my exalt (and my 5 chaos lol)? Break it into chaos considering the exalt could go up in price soon? Wait a bit for prices to go up? Wait to acquire more currency to use directly on a shroud or smth?
Again thank you for you work, even if you don't answer anything this was a lovely guide to follow and I'll gladly tell my friends about it.
Senocca (Synthesis SC)
Edit : I used 3 chaos to upgrade my storm cloud to a tempest and successfully 5 linked it
Edit 2 : I'm considering buying a 6l rare chest with like 40c (80 hp 78res, good evasion) from my exalt what do you think?
Not OP, but I would generally advise against buying the 6L rare with res, because when you replace your chest, you'll likely have to replace other pieces of gear to replace the lost resistance, which becomes a hassle and can be expensive.
I would probably just grab a tabula for your chest, and focus on your other pieces (boots, jewelry, quiver) on the key stats - resistances, move speed for boots, WED on jewelry, and a good quiver. Also grab a Starkonja; they are super cheap right now.
First of all, I'd like to thank you for all your hard work, I really appreciate you going out of your way to answer every question and I believe I read nearly all of them.
Now for my own questions, I'd like to know if you'd still go shroud of the lightless and tombfist now that tombfist got nerfed and considering I don't have enough money to get 2 sockets one?
I just got to lvl 72 (started the league very late) and got my first exalt I'm looking to invest it in your build if you have any recommendations as to what order I should get the items, that'd be lovely (a priority list maybe?). For now I just used a couple chaos to cap my res and get some hp here and there since I finished the acts.
A last question i'm wondering about is how would you deal with my exalt (and my 5 chaos lol)? Break it into chaos considering the exalt could go up in price soon? Wait a bit for prices to go up? Wait to acquire more currency to use directly on a shroud or smth?
Again thank you for you work, even if you don't answer anything this was a lovely guide to follow and I'll gladly tell my friends about it.
Senocca (Synthesis SC)
Edit : I used 3 chaos to upgrade my storm cloud to a tempest and successfully 5 linked it
Edit 2 : I'm considering buying a 6l rare chest with like 40c (80 hp 78res, good evasion) from my exalt what do you think?
Not OP, but I would generally advise against buying the 6L rare with res, because when you replace your chest, you'll likely have to replace other pieces of gear to replace the lost resistance, which becomes a hassle and can be expensive.
I would probably just grab a tabula for your chest, and focus on your other pieces (boots, jewelry, quiver) on the key stats - resistances, move speed for boots, WED on jewelry, and a good quiver. Also grab a Starkonja; they are super cheap right now.
Then I would save up for your chest.
Thanks for your quick answer! I grabbed a starkonja but didn't change my chest yet, what's your take on shroud of the lightless and tombfist? Still worth even with my low budget (would go for a one socket tombfist)?
First of all, I'd like to thank you for all your hard work, I really appreciate you going out of your way to answer every question and I believe I read nearly all of them.
Now for my own questions, I'd like to know if you'd still go shroud of the lightless and tombfist now that tombfist got nerfed and considering I don't have enough money to get 2 sockets one?
I just got to lvl 72 (started the league very late) and got my first exalt I'm looking to invest it in your build if you have any recommendations as to what order I should get the items, that'd be lovely (a priority list maybe?). For now I just used a couple chaos to cap my res and get some hp here and there since I finished the acts.
A last question i'm wondering about is how would you deal with my exalt (and my 5 chaos lol)? Break it into chaos considering the exalt could go up in price soon? Wait a bit for prices to go up? Wait to acquire more currency to use directly on a shroud or smth?
Again thank you for you work, even if you don't answer anything this was a lovely guide to follow and I'll gladly tell my friends about it.
Senocca (Synthesis SC)
Edit : I used 3 chaos to upgrade my storm cloud to a tempest and successfully 5 linked it
Edit 2 : I'm considering buying a 6l rare chest with like 40c (80 hp 78res, good evasion) from my exalt what do you think?
Not OP, but I would generally advise against buying the 6L rare with res, because when you replace your chest, you'll likely have to replace other pieces of gear to replace the lost resistance, which becomes a hassle and can be expensive.
I would probably just grab a tabula for your chest, and focus on your other pieces (boots, jewelry, quiver) on the key stats - resistances, move speed for boots, WED on jewelry, and a good quiver. Also grab a Starkonja; they are super cheap right now.
Then I would save up for your chest.
Thanks for your quick answer! I grabbed a starkonja but didn't change my chest yet, what's your take on shroud of the lightless and tombfist? Still worth even with my low budget (would go for a one socket tombfist)?
I use shroud and 1 socket tombfist, and tear through T16 with ease.
My investment in the build continues and I am astonished how much I can continue to play with it!
With a Lunaris shield drop which I managed to sell for 1 ex, I started to think of ways to improve further. I also gathered near 1 ex in Chaos orbs farming Delve and up to Tier 11 maps.
Although I was feeling really good clearing maps with Queen of the Forest 5 link armor, I bought Shroud of the Lightless to achieve a budget 6 link and further increase my dps. I finally made the switch to Tombfist. Bought an abyss jewel and crafted 2 of the ones I already had dropped. Things were starting to look good! My boots are feeling quite good but was hard to turn them to 3 blue 1 green so to compensate my lack of sockets, I am utilizing my Impresence amulet with Conductivity + Blasphemy curse aura to keep applying Shock.
The final piece was Lioneye's Jewel combo with Soulraker nodes. Because I am only 89, this required me to drop Phase Acrobatics, but the boost in damage was worth it! I am struggling with lack of HP on my gear and my resists were barely on the spot but with a unique ring I had in my stash managed to keep it just barely. I have to improve my Lightning res further to utilize better Wise Oak flask.
Thank you for the build! I am yet to discover how far I can take it :)
EDIT: An important question I forgot, why use Mirage archer in Scourge arrow setup? PoB doesn't seem to show good enough dmg increase. Does it count it? Am I missing something important?
Последняя редакция: Ringlas#0785. Время: 23 марта 2019 г., 10:59:14