[3.17] Beginner Friendly Arc Mines Guide | All Content on 5L | Lvling Guide

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Xiaobear6 написал:
FirewalkerPuncher написал:
Can anyone give me some tips to improve my build? What are my weak pieces that I should focus on upgrading?

My ingame tooltip for lightning spire trap is 15,636 DPS and Arc is 7,926 with stone golem, herald of thunder, and clarity activated.

My life is at 3937.

Thanks!! i'm at power level XP 80 right now.

also have watcher's eye with 99% increased crit strike chance while affected by wrath - not sure if it helps or not but have it from my previous character. if there's something better i should pop in, lmk.


Xiaobear6 написал:

Your Loreweave and Ahn's are actually conflicting with each other. Loreweave sets your maximum resists to a number, 76 - 80. That number cannot be changed by other effects, so + or - to maximum resists don't affect you anymore. I would suggest you buy some Divine orbs and reroll Loreweave until it's maximum resists are 80%. This will significantly reduce the elemental damage you take.

Then replace the shield with something else, either dual wield wands for more damage, or get an ES shield with resists, life and spell crit/damage if you can.

Your belt is also not good. Elemental damage to attack skills does nothing for us, since Arc is not an attack skill. You could easily get 60 more life on the belt. If you're using Mind over Matter, you also need to get some mana on gear, most likely rings and amulet.

Also, get a level 21 Arc, either by leveling a bunch yourself in your weapon swap and corrupting them, or buying one. Lvl 21 Arc is a pretty significant improvement over lvl 20. Arc gem quality isn't that important for us.

Lastly, when you can, run Uber Lab to get the highest tier version of your boot enchant, or the elemental penetration or crit one.

Thanks so much for the feedback. I will try the stuff you said and report back with the results!
DerKiLLaX написал:
Thanks for all your help here!

Can u say something about my setup?

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I know, i need better flasks. What can u say about my gem-setups? Is it better to use Arc in 6L and if yes, what should i add to Arc - Minefield - Increased Critical Strikes - Added Lightning?

4L Spire with Trap and Mine Damage - Lightning Penetration - Added Lightning?

Maybe i will change to dual wield ...

I hope you're not actually using Herald of Thunder. The whole point of Mind over Matter is to use your mana as extra HP. That's why we put Wrath in Essence Worm. You need around 43% of your HP in unreserved mana to maximize the effective HP you have. So, if you have 5000 HP, you need 2150 unreserved mana.

If you take a look at my setup, I'm only using lvl 1 Clarity for the Watcher's Eye bonus: "#% chance to recover 10% of maximum mana when you use a skill while affected by Clarity"

This mod is actually great for arc mines because it can trigger when you lay the mines AND when you detonate each mine. It'll basically keep your mana close to full while spamming mines. These jewels cost about 30c, not super expensive.

Since you have a place additional mine helmet, you don't need Minefield in the chain anymore. With Minefield, you place 4 mines, but theres a maximum limit of 8. If you replace Minefield with another damage gem, you will deal a bit more than 2x the damage, but place only 2 mines. Your dps will actually go up, and your mines are more powerful so if you can pre-lay the mines before a boss encounter, you'll do more burst damage at the beginning.

Since you have Call of the Brotherhood, I would suggest for Arc 6L:
Arc - Remote Mine - Increased Crit - Controlled Destruction - Trap and Mine Damage - Lightning Penetration

As to whether you should 6L Trap or Mines, you need to go test in whatever tier map you're doing right now. If 6L Arc can kill the boss easy, then you don't need the trap anymore. If the boss damage is low, then keep 6L trap and get better gear for more damage.

And ofc flasks. They're relatively cheap to upgrade, and give you a big boost to offense, defense and recovery. Lavianga is 3c, and literally solves any mana issues you'll ever have. Wise Oak or Atziri will give you 10% more damage. Make sure to quality all of them.
McJazzy написал:

I deal plenty of damage, but have problems surviving against Uber Elder. Any tips?
I use one wrath jewel, and rest life jewels.

How much mana do you have? In order to maximize effective HP from Mind over Matter, you need 43% of your HP in mana. I only see one mana roll on your gloves. You could have alot more on gear, and from your jewels. The maximum mana you can get on a jewel is +8% or +50.

Also, due to Phase Acro, evasion is the best defensive stat for us. Armor is halved, energy shield is -30% and we have very little +ES from tree. If you can, I'd suggest switching your gloves, helm, and boots to evasion.

Lastly, since damage isn't an issue, you could switch out Atziri for a defensive flask like Basalt, Jade or Quartz.
HI, AnActualHorn, thanks for your comprehensive tutorial, it helped me a lot. I just have one questions, do you suggest i use Watcher's Eyes(Lightning penetrate) to boost up my DPS or just use your suggested jewels? Many thanks.
Xiaobear6 написал:
I hope you're not actually using Herald of Thunder. The whole point of Mind over Matter is to use your mana as extra HP. That's why we put Wrath in Essence Worm. You need around 43% of your HP in unreserved mana to maximize the effective HP you have. So, if you have 5000 HP, you need 2150 unreserved mana.

Not, i'm not using Herald of Thunder. Just Clarity and Wrath. Thanks for your help! Will upgrade my flask-setup, buy a Watcher's Eye, change my setup to 6L Arc and remove Minefield from Spire-Trap.

atm i use a Level 20 Vaal Arc Gem, but never use the vaal skill. Should i better use the vaal skill also or just buy a lvl21 arc gem?

Saw stone golem in your setup and RF in other setups ... maybe i will try that :)
Последняя редакция: DerKiLLaX#1337. Время: 25 янв. 2019 г., 3:05:54
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Is this amulet gonna work on this build? (got it via syndicate bench)
Provided that i have resistances n stat requirements done by other pieces of gear.

Or do i need a neck with crit mult?
Buy level 21 Arc, the extra damage is nice but the big upgrade is an extra chain at level 21. Helps with both clearing and bossing.
Which enchantment for boots will be better?
Adds 1-160 Lightning Damage if you haven't Killed Recently or
Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently. As I checked on pob, for me, flat damage is better because I get 14k more damage.
Последняя редакция: Vergenter#2900. Время: 26 янв. 2019 г., 4:39:18
pavlosd написал:
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Is this amulet gonna work on this build? (got it via syndicate bench)
Provided that i have resistances n stat requirements done by other pieces of gear.

Or do i need a neck with crit mult?

You don't absolutely need crit multi. It's all about how to get more damage, and crit multi will typically add the most damage. Usually, % damage increases aren't as effective. But you're getting 72% damage from that amulet, which is quite high. Your amulet is very good and would work fine for this build.

The best amulet is something with crit multi AND %damage, but those are more expensive and harder to find.
Xiaobear6 написал:

I would suggest for mapping:
Arc - Remote Mine - Increased Crit - Controlled Destruction - Trap and Mine Damage - Added Cold Damage
For bossing, replace Added Cold with Elemental Focus, replace Increased Crit with Lightning Penetration.

Your bossing recommends swap a green and a blue gem for two blue gems? Do you have two chests that you swap too?

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