[3.5] (This is a bad league starter) Lancing Steel + Shattering Steel - Deadeye - League Starter

Hollyphantom написал:
Guys, see my leveling updates. It gets a lot better as you level. Early levels are pretty bad tho.

Have you tested maybe Lancing steel? There is any way to make it good? :)
Lunatyk написал:
Hollyphantom написал:
Guys, see my leveling updates. It gets a lot better as you level. Early levels are pretty bad tho.

Have you tested maybe Lancing steel? There is any way to make it good? :)

My opionion is its woay way way way worse than SS. I tried different variations, its always slower clearing/leveling than SS.
This is how shattering steel looks like:
What are the Optimal 6-link Support gems for Shattering steel, or are we not too sure yet?
How is the damage at later levels? 50+

Sadly I couldn't bare sticking with shattering/lancing so I completely rerolled a new class..
What about Grelwood Shank for shattering steel? If you're going to go point blank anyways? https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Grelwood_Shank
KuguReborn написал:
What about Grelwood Shank for shattering steel? If you're going to go point blank anyways? https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Grelwood_Shank

u have to get hit, which sucks
Axiel_Ram написал:
What are the Optimal 6-link Support gems for Shattering steel, or are we not too sure yet?

not sure yet. probably depends on how many proj u have from other sources. if u have many, then dont use GMP
does anyone have a recomended lootfilter?
[removed by suppo...me]
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