[3.5] (This is a bad league starter) Lancing Steel + Shattering Steel - Deadeye - League Starter
" In poe, it takes a ton of investment into 1 focused idea/skill to get it to do high DPS. this applies to bleed/poison and herald of purity too. bleed/poison builds in general are pretty bad right now. Theres exceptions like assassin poison and gladiator bleed explosions. But in general, you shouldnt think that just slapping it on any build will benefit u. About herald of purity. You'll lose sockets plus make it reserve more mana. you'll usually benefit more by using those extra sockets and mana reservations for skills/supports that actually benefit your main skill. Like a CWDT setup, or a power charge on crit setup. or blasphemy curse aura. Sockets are very limited. Последняя редакция: Hollyphantom#4741. Время: 27 нояб. 2018 г., 17:24:57
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Herald builds are pretty decent, but don't think this is the way to build one. Hell of a stretch to the minion nodes too.
It might be worth putting a utility support on Herald of Purity if we have mana spare though. though not sure what. Maim would be the obvious one though we would probably be using that on main links, unless you are on a 4l. Blind is ok, but fairly easy to get a similar effect with jewels. Chance to bleed, while using bloodlust on main links could work, but a bit tricksy, especially if relying on consistent bleeds for life on hit. Culling strike would be handy for auto culling bosses. |
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" I don't think going for minion nodes is worth it. What I meant is something close to Toxic Rain builds. Stacking everything poison with herald of Agony and Hearld of Purity as decent buffs/extra damage/more poison applying. Something like this (Using "Spectral Throw" as an example here, as the skills didn't release yet). It's also worth mentioning this tree is modified version of Angry_Roleplayer's Toxic Rain build. https://pastebin.com/URt5cytN Add flat Phy and convert to chaos, with all attack speed and several projectiles. Pierce node and Volley supp, that seems a good balance between single target and clearing speed. Poison Crit probably not stronger than pure phy build. But the Pathfinder safety and 100% flask uptime seems to make up for that, no? Also, if this guide is not suitable place for this post (since we are making DeadEye here) I can start new thread to discuss it freely. :) |
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" toxic rain is completely different than shattering/lancing steel. toxic rain is inherently a chaos skill. You can scale chaos damage in many different ways and they can synergize together. shattering/lancing steel on the other hand are phys skills. We dont know the skill details exactly yet, but chances are, the less phys-focused your build is, the worse your build becomes. Especially if youre not used to creating builds from scratch, it's a really bad idea is mash up many mechanics and jam them into 1 build. That often results in a bad build. A focused build often deals the most DPS. Trust me, it's really hard to make a good poison build in the current meta. If u really wanna make a damage over time build, bleed would suit shattering/lancing steel much better than poison. u can try that with probably gladiator if u want. ALso, feel free to post here. This "guide" is hardly a guide yet. I dont know the exact direction i'm going to go, so new ideas are welcome. Последняя редакция: Hollyphantom#4741. Время: 29 нояб. 2018 г., 17:34:48
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So, the both new banner skills sound a lot like they will benefit this build immensely. Either go war banner to further boost physical damage (and with that, get more out of impale), or use dread banner to evade attacks more safely and get fortify.
From the sound of it, going pure phys probably benefits more from war banner, paired with herald of purity and maybe a proj weakness/vulnerability blasphemy setup. Fortify you can easily get from whirling blades/leap slam here, so I don't think dread banner would be too important, maybe for hc. Either way, sounds like this is shaping up to be quite the starter build, getting very excited for next week. edit: I just realised how strong it would be to pair a vaal spectral throw with the impale stacks of the steel skills, assuming you add consistent impales with your skill, the multiple physical blows from spectral throw would trigger those more often and probably add a lot of single target that way, even with an unlinked vaal spectral throw (allthough you'd probably want to 4 link it with brutality, viscious proj and slower proj just to get a bit more out of it). Assuming you get a nice rhythm between ST hits and lancing/shattering steel hits(since the ST hits would consume some impale stacks, so you need to keep impaling after), this could be quite strong and since you scale projectile damage anyways, this sounds like an interesting synergy worth at least testing. Последняя редакция: ZoobieTV#6316. Время: 30 нояб. 2018 г., 3:29:15
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" Yup. I'm still a bit confused about how the banners work tho. From the text, I thought you can maybe maintain the fortify effect vs bosses as long as u keep impaling but i guess not. Or does the banner lose the impale bonus once you put it down? idk. But yea, both banners are buffs to this build and all phys builds. I'm not sure if Vaal spectral throw will be great synergy. It could be nice to have but I'd probably like vaal haste more if i had to choose 1 vaal skill. maybe even double strike even tho its melee. not sure. BTW, I also started to think that lancing steel Cast on crit ice spear could be really good with Beltimber blade deadeye. Lancing steel has inherently delayed hits/projectiles, so a single use of lancing can proc multiple COC ice spears I think. And lancing has great range, which is good because ice spear needs range. Deadeye can take care of the accuracy. Ice spear basically has 100% crit chance by default. So the only issue is to get enough crit chance for lancing steel. Then stack crit multi. Proj speed and +proj benefits both lancing and ice spear. I think it might look great visually too! Knockback from proj weakness can be nice too to keep enemies at range. It's possible that Lancing can do some significant dps with this setup, not just ice spear. So i'm thinking about starting with basic a shattering steel deadeye, then respec the build to Lancing CoCspear. Последняя редакция: Hollyphantom#4741. Время: 30 нояб. 2018 г., 6:02:18
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I think the banner once put down, stops building up stages and just emits whatever you built up to that point for a minute or so. Meaning you'll probably just get fortify + the lowered accuracy for enemies from the dread banner and lower phys defense on enemies as well as adrenaline from the war banner. That's how I took it, at least.
And for the impale scaling, basically any phys skill would be fine to enhance your dps through impale stacks. Vaal Double Strike or Vaal Summon Skeletons could also do the trick, basically anything you can use once and then have passively help you out, I just thought about ST because the damage from the skill itself should be respectable on a 4link and it can't be evaded. I feel like for coc builds, there's a lot better options, it could be viable, but I feel like that depends greatly on how many attacks per second you can scale on these skills. If they're fast, it's probably not bad at all. Especially with the Deadeye nodes. Though personally I think I'd prefer a pure phys build to abuse the impale. But obviously you can do whatever you see fit with your build, honestly next friday can't come soon enough. |
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" Well in the video, fortify only lasted like 3 seconds, while the banner stayed up longer. I was confused. For Coc, i really think lancing is good. The only other similar option is lightning strike, which seems a lot worse. You really dont need too much atk speed. If you see the original vid, the lancing projectiles have not finished shooting before he makes his next attack. This delay is helpful since you can only coc once every 150ms. Something like quill rain barrage will probably proc only 1 CoC per barrage use cuz of the 150ms rule. And the new ice spear only has 2 proj at baseline i think. So 2x beltimber is 200% more DPS. Ice spear should be one of the best single target spells. Add spark for clear maybe. I'll definitely do a pure phys build first. Coc is my potential 2nd build. Последняя редакция: Hollyphantom#4741. Время: 30 нояб. 2018 г., 8:49:03
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Hey nice to see you're making another guide again, I very much enjoyed your latest builds and I'm looking forward to this one aswell.
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" Awesome! I'm gonna focus on lancing/shattering steel and Cast on crit this league. should be fun |
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