[3.5] Wretched Orb (Insane duration Winter orb) Shaper, Uber elder, end game

FaytePGN написал:
Absolutely love the build, and I've been messing with it just a little bit to incorporate a Headhunter for maximum enjoyment.

In order to do this, I had to get rid of Cowards Legacy, which drops the Lowlife status and the 50% increased Effect of Curses on you. This is a pretty big deal.

However, what we can do is wear the Solstice Vigil to make debuffs expire 33% slower to free up the belt slot which helps partially.

Then we use an Aspect of the Spider ring to make up for the loss of Pain Atonement somewhat.

Additionally, we use Herald of Thunder instead of BV for mapping in our Shackles to proc temp chains, so your now a one tap build for mapping, and can use the DPS BV helm for additional boss damage.

The result is massive memes, very long HH buffs, great gameplay, and surprisingly high boss damage even without HH buffs. It almost feels like an autobomber, but I can kill bosses.

Gear so far:

Working on a BV Helmet as well and a corrupted Shackles of the Wretched.

Nice one! If only they would finally get around and do what they said a long time ago... Make the Shackles work with Blasphemy.

How is the survivability? Sustain looks to be flasks only. Which from former experience, means many deaths in Betrayal. Would be level 97 by now with my Atziris Reflection build, but yea, flask only too.

And one other thing I saw on your character and many others: Use an increased effect adrenaline quicksilver already! With durations this long, there really is no need for surgeons. And for a build where movement speed equals clear speed, it is a huge difference.
Последняя редакция: Mecielle#3021. Время: 19 дек. 2018 г., 18:01:20
Mecielle написал:

Nice one! If only they would finally get around and do what they said a long time ago... Make the Shackles work with Blasphemy.

How is the survivability? Sustain looks to be flasks only. Which from former experience, means many deaths in Betrayal. Would be level 97 by now with my Atziris Reflection build, but yea, flask only too.

And one other thing I saw on your character and many others: Use an increased effect adrenaline quicksilver already! With durations this long, there really is no need for surgeons. And for a build where movement speed equals clear speed, it is a huge difference.

Being a HH build and having all my buffs for the entire duration of a map, means maximum survivability. All I'm doing atm is Elder Underground Seas.

With HH buffs down, it's still doing pretty well since I'm playing ranged and can kite betrayal content assuming it doesn't just die instantly.

I would not take this variation of the build to any sort of boss content (Uber Elder/etc) since it's only for very fun mapping.

As for the flask tip, I completely forgot about it, will look into getting a better flask.
How much worse off is the Occultist version and does anybody have POB?

Otherwise, I can level an Assassin.
How is Elementalist for this build? Would I need to change anything? Also the Coward's Legacy belt looks like its gonna be a pain to get seeing how often we see Alva.

I just ran the PoB with some miner changes to a few different classes. Assassin just seemed all-round the most streamlined. Elementalist should work if you can work out what to do with power charges. As for the belt, I actually farmed 2 of them and gave 1 to my friend. But thats RNG

Easy solution to the Elementalist Power Charge is The Blue Dream Jewel. Stick it in the Scion res wheel for 28% chance on kill for a power charge and I have pretty much 100% uptime during maps.

Also I assume you rely on Atziri's Promise's high uptime for your leech? If I forget to hit it and I'm fighting some mean syndicate members, shit get pretty dicey really fast lol.
How important is Hex Master node?

Could go for 2x Void Battery and take 2 more power charges for even more DPS.
Hejti написал:
How important is Hex Master node?

Could go for 2x Void Battery and take 2 more power charges for even more DPS.

You lose 10% curse effect. After doing the math that means instead of multiplying all durations of effects by 3.5714 you multiply them by 3.125.

And you save 4 points. While needing 7 to get the two Power Charges.

But yea, have been thinking about dual VB too. It is a ~35%+ damage increase after all.

I guess you will have to try it yourself and see if the lower Durations are worth the damage increase. For mapping I really don't see the point, but if you are focusing on bosses, it should be worth it.

Or you could use Solstice Vigil as FaytePGN suggested in his solution to incorporate HH in the build. You lose some crit multi and resists from the amulet, but overall it will still result in around 30% higher damage while your effect duration multiplier will also be much higher than the 3.5 with the original tree.
Последняя редакция: Mecielle#3021. Время: 20 дек. 2018 г., 16:38:25
why do you use lesser multiple support instead of greater multiple support?
following this build right now
First Mirror drop at t8 pier map in legacy league :D
Second Mirror drop at t16 promenade map in delirium league :D
Gods knows what happened in affliction league... :L
Cool concept, I think I'll try after I tire of the current build. :)
Guides made by me:
Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast
Damn, getting shackles with the crit chance mod seems hard as hell haha. theres so many corruption mods now for gloves... Otherwise enjoying the build, a bit squishy because i need jewels with % increased health.

I think i should prioritize a proper 6L with crit or +1 gems over the shackles corruption right now...

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