[3.5] Betreyal Lightning Bow CoC Ascendant - 7k+ life - 3-6m dps - Uber elder deathless - Fast clear
I made this build based on the pob tree from uber dan but took a more softcore aproach. i also did not find a guide to follow so i made this one because its a fairly complex build. This is the new scion build that centers around the shaper bows that allow you to 7 link cast on critical strike. CoC got buffed this league and made this build possible. It centers around some of the most powerful mechanics and items in the game atm (cast on crit - slayer leech - might of the meek - ascendant). Overall the build feels great for both mapping and bossing, its able to do all content and its super fun to play. It is not a cheap build but this kind of game play a league ago required mirror tier gear so i would say its worth it and highly recommend it. ![]() F.a.q
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What can this build do? this build can do all the content in the game including deathless uber elder, contrary to other builds that focus on high damage it is great for mapping, delving, and farming currency as well as killing bosses. How does this build work? Well we are using an elder bow that has the cast on critical strike gem in the item itself, this allows us to effectively 7 link cast on crit. other than that we focus on two of the most powerful spells in the game (arc and ball lightning) and scale lightning damage as well as crit chance and multiplier to be able to cast the spells several times each second. We also pick two of the most powerful ascendant options in slayer(that allows us to regen life at a fast rate and even allows to ditch life flask.) and pathfinder(that allows us to maintain high flask uptime even in boss fights). the fact that these two options add significant damage to the build is just insane given the amazing utility they also provide How expensive is it? this build is fairly expensive and require some high value uniques. I would say that you can do this with a budget of about 40 exalts, so mid high price range. What makes this build stand out? i have to say that this is the most powerful build i have played and it feels way above its league in terms of price. it focuses around some of the stronger poe mechanics and its super fun. Pros
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-High damage. -High life regeneration 99% of the time. -over 7k life and super tanky. -Ranged. -High mapping clear speed. -Great for delves. -Room for customization. -Simple and enjoyable game play. Cons
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-Expensive (40-100ex). -requires specific rare and unique items to function. -Dificult for league start. -Fairly complex to understand how it works. BUILD v1.0 Gear
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A bow with cast on crit. x2 might of the meek, the locations are on the pob.(they must go in those locations) a ring with warlords mark to leech. mark of the shaper gives us over 100% increased damge. has great synergy with the rest of the build. and adds a ton of crit chance. Unnatural instinct is expensive but its a must have, the build will work without it but you need to get it as soon as you can because it makes the build so much better. a watchers eye with critical strike chance while using wrath Recommended for each gear slot
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the key roll here is the negative lightning resist. a stygnian vise with alot of life and lightning damage if possible for the abbysal jewel look for something similar to the example and try to make the type different from the ones on your boots for more damage look for gloves with life accuracy and strength. the damage while leeching veiled mod has great synergy with the build because we are always leeching. for the quiver we want life, crit chance, crit multi, and some resistences the veiled mod on this example or the one that gives frenzy charge on crit are also recommended. you dont need to get the two socket boots right away. also look for abyssal jewels like the ones on this boots. try to use 2 different types to get bonus dps Flasks
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Those are the recomended flasks uniques are interchangeable but also you might want an instant life flask for some situations. Gem Links (and explanation)
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Main 7link(bow):
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Cast on crit(from bow)-Arc(*lvl 21)-Lightning ball-Blast rain(or barrage)-Lightning penetration-Increased critical strikes-Empower(*lvl 4) *the levels of this gems greatly impact dps if used at lower level. this is because with the +2 level of socketed support gems, empower lvl 4 and arc lvl 21 we can get arc to get to level 26. this adds an aditional chain along with the other gem level dmg gains. we get to have 9 chains, this adds alot of damage for single target and helps to make clear smother, highly recommended. Secondary 6kink(Body Armour):
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Vaal storm call-less duration-increased critical strikes-elemental focus-controlled destruction-lightning penetration.
Important!!: I use kaoms to get to 7.5k life but i also used vaal storm call on my chest as additional single target for some time, after some testing i found i like kaoms better. vaal storm call is over kill imo. Dps Buffs:
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Vaal righteous fire-blood rage-Arcane surge-Increased duration press blood rage every 6 seconds (along with the dps flasks) to proc arcane surge. vaal righteous fire is used for bosses and sindicate members mostly as an on demand 40% more damage for 8 seconds buff. Movement and cast auras(boots):
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Wrath-blink arrow-faster attacks remove faster attacks if you get a two abbysal socket bubonic plague boots, we have good movement speed so blink arrow is mostly for hard to reach places or to skip traps. defense(Cast when damage taken):
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Cast when damage taken-immortal call-ice golem ice golem gives realy good buffs for the build and don't like casting it all the time so i put it in the cwdt setup but its not necessary. other:
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war banner
war banner its here mostly to help with the accuracy so we can get 90% chance to hit. the only place i was able to place it was along with the rest of the cwdt but an unset ring is a posiblity. also the adrenaline buff is good for bosses. remember to pick it up!! Tree(PoB)
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Tips and tricks
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-Enchant aspect of the spider somewhere in your gear its op! -I dont use anti freeze flask but if you can fit it in it is a good idea. -atziri flask is also a good flask that works well in this build. -If you want a tankier version you can take more life on the witch side of the tree more to come... Dps Calcs
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Short version: A lot i calculate about 3-5 million shaper dps. Long version: With my gear i have enough dps to kill all the guardians in less that 5 seconds (facetanking) and to one shot the phases of the shaper and uber elder fights but actual numbers are complex. Calculating dps with this build is complex because of cast on crit, so pob does not show real dps. keep in mind that as long as you get 3 attacks per second you are casting each spell around 4 to 6 times. so you have to add the average damage of arc and multiply it by 5(that is the average times you will hit in one second). for ball lightning each ball hits about 5 times, so you have to take the pob average and multiply by 5 and by 5 again. then add the damage of both spells. but we also use choir of the storm and that adds a significant amount of dps to, that procs twice a second. Once again take the average multiply by 2 and add to the other skills. I might post actual numbers at a later time but for now go with the short version or you can do it yourself. Videos
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Deathless Uber elder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z27MI_9yAkk How to craft a Coc bow by ziggy d: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYbCXk-OJ24&t=84s monster level 83 safe house: https://youtu.be/N1qbPjD03lU More to come... Possible improvements
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My build is not in a gg state so here i will list things that will make the build even more over powered. -A better bow like the one uber dan or ziggy d has(20-30ex) -A better watchers eye with double or triple wrath mods(30-100ex) -A better enchantment for boots, would recomend damage penetration if you havent killed recently(5-8ex or farm the lab) -A better amlulet with life, damage penetration, crit multiplier, damage while leeching and crit chance or +1 minimum power charges.(8-20ex) -A better helment with +1 chain to arc lab enchant.(8-30ex) Последняя редакция: maniza#4366. Время: 20 янв. 2019 г., 5:49:04 Last bumped13 февр. 2019 г., 14:33:09
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Reserved for future updates.
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A few questions...
1. Why Blast Rain over Rain of Arrows? 2. Would it be better to just use 1 spell to cast on crit and another support? 3. Wouldn't EE be better than using Wrath? |
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" 1. blast rain is good for consistent area of effect and each blast rain hits 4 times and is able to cast more than one spell. rain of arrows is too random and ends up casting less spells in bosses. roa does feel good for clear because it has less delay. its a preference thing you can try roa barrage even toxic rain and see if you like it more than blast rain. 2.each spell has an individual 150ms cooldown. so you can cast a maximum of 6 of the same spell each second. i tested both setups and as long as your crit is good enough and you can attack about 3 times a second to cast about 10 spells each second ball lightning ends up giving you a lot more single target damage like 50% more. if you only use arc clear might be a little better overall. 3 with ee you get about 25% more damage but i cant use ee cause my bow has a lightning damage roll. if your bow can use ee then it should be a little better. wrath does gives a lot of crit with the watchers eye witch is good for consistency and makes up for part of the damage diference. with a two or three wrath roll watchers eye wrath might do more damage but i could not test ee due to the situation with my bow. on a side note if you use ee you cant use vaal storm call set up but i ditched that set up in favor of a kaoms aniway. Последняя редакция: maniza#4366. Время: 16 янв. 2019 г., 13:09:40
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EE would anyway hurt your DPS. Ball lightning hits each 150ms (each ball), you can't be sure your always update EE with your attacks in between.
I want to try something similar, but with Glacial Cascade + Bladefall and Hatred Crit Watcher's Eye. Still theorycrafting though. There are not many bow coc builds (very few actually) and storm brand which I currently pay is anyway better for bossing (cause the mechanics when you don't need to stop for dpsing but still can slayer VP leech from your dps is just ridiculous), but I've killed everything in "too easy" mode and it is time for cocing, I think. My only question is accuracy. It's not lioneye, we're not deadeye here, how much accuracy do I need on rares/abyss jewels to gain good enough chance to hit? Последняя редакция: dim.kiriyenko#4684. Время: 18 янв. 2019 г., 7:26:28
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" with my current gear i am able to have 90% chance to hit with the golem and war banner up wich is most of the time. when i acutaly place the banner it goes up to 92%. so acc is not too big of an issue for bows. ps: thanks for the ee insight. it is true, i guess if you wanna use ee you have to go with arc only. also i have not played storm brand but the only bosses that i cant one shot and actually require work are mastermind, uber elder, and the delve ones posibly. Последняя редакция: maniza#4366. Время: 18 янв. 2019 г., 8:16:22
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What is it about this build that makes it expensive? (other than unnatural instinct).
Would i be able to get off to a good start with 25ex? |
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" you might be if you happen to find a bow like mine that costs arround 10-15 but then the unique jewels will set you back another 15ex so you have not alot of budget for the other pieces of gear. performance would be worse but it is doable. |
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What do you guys think the smoothest way to level this build would be? Ele bows.....poets pen arc/bl.....or maybe storm brand? How did those of you playing the build go about it? Im looking to start this today. Thanks!
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" poet pen or storm brand are prety smooth unnatural instinct and two might of the meek help alot too pick the scion nodes, and start heading torwards the ranger starting zone, dont pick bow nodes yet. just pick life and the damage you feel like you need. then when you get the third lab you can regret the nodes between scion and ranger. Последняя редакция: maniza#4366. Время: 26 янв. 2019 г., 12:01:35
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