[3.6] Arborix Voidfletcher ScourgeArrow / all content / videos / 3.6 guide fully updated

premiumgrape написал:
flatcircled написал:
What's the point of including bonechill support in the barrage setup? Isn't the base duration of artic breath long enough as it is, since voidshot is blowing up enemies?

bonechill causes the target to take increased cold damage

Where in the skill description does it say that? I thought it only benefits cold DoTs.

ChudoLeto написал:
Hi, this build can kill ele/phys reflect and all others unpleasant map mods?

If you unskill the marauder ascendency and go elementalist, you can run ele reflect. You lose some DPS because of the accuracy hit, but you're doing so much DPS anyway its not too much of a problem.
flatcircled написал:
premiumgrape написал:
flatcircled написал:
What's the point of including bonechill support in the barrage setup? Isn't the base duration of artic breath long enough as it is, since voidshot is blowing up enemies?

bonechill causes the target to take increased cold damage

Where in the skill description does it say that? I thought it only benefits cold DoTs.

ChudoLeto написал:
Hi, this build can kill ele/phys reflect and all others unpleasant map mods?

If you unskill the marauder ascendency and go elementalist, you can run ele reflect. You lose some DPS because of the accuracy hit, but you're doing so much DPS anyway its not too much of a problem.


barrage, arctic breath's initial hit, arctic breath's chilled ground - all of these are supported by bonechill
Последняя редакция: premiumgrape#1054. Время: 5 мая 2019 г., 7:59:20
so for do some calc on pob can u share config page?

frenzy charge on
endurance charge on
onslaught on
enemy maimed on
enemy intimidate on
enemy chilled on

what else?
Beskaius написал:
so for do some calc on pob can u share config page?

frenzy charge on
endurance charge on
onslaught on
enemy maimed on
enemy intimidate on
enemy chilled on

what else?

I checked these items in config page

projectile travel distance : 10
is the enemy Chilled? on
is the enemy Intimidated? on
is the enemy a Boss? : Shaper / Guardian

please note that these are not supported by pob =p

- voidshot damage
- 30% more damage of arborix
- bonechill effect
- mirage archer damage

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