Malevolence, Zealotry and Aura Changes

siyarkinv написал:
Malevolence Mana Reserved: 35% or less PLS

Malevolence and Zealotry 50% reserved rip
dylogys написал:

Wtf why is everybody whining about Melee?
Melee is still strong in delve the deepest delves were done by meele chars. Consecrated path tectonic slam molten strike bladeflurry doublestrike all perfectly strong options. And that's just the skills I tried recently.

No idea what high delve you talking about but after 800+ its CI occultist molten strike HOWA or go home.

Arc traps with Three Dragon is pretty darn viable / op in deep delve too. (especially with the icewall set up, just set up ice wall and spam that aoe range auto track map clear with insane dps)

Coc Cyclone with Ice Nova, using the Unnatural instinct setup (cuz highest dps so far) can go through deep delve pretty comfortable with their insane dps, moving forward quickly while freeze/ shatter/ kill everything in the process. Super fluid style.

Oh wait they're all spells lolz.

The only reason why MS is best in deep delve is because of ascendency itself being op, with amazing defensive layer or OP Jewels, like playing a Jugg/ Ascendent, with some stupid ES like 15k~20k (Thx to fossil crafting creating broken shit es gear, as well as some ascendency granting too much free ES while no ascendency grants life), like twice or thrice amount of effective life pool of any normal build, that they're able to play melee cuz they're just this brokenly tanky.

But beware, this does NOT apply to all other ascendencies that try to play melee, which is totally busted in the process cuz they don't have op tanky ascendency to utilize.
Последняя редакция: mic01851165. Время: 21 февр. 2019 г., 15:17:39
A decent aura for my viper strike characters? About time :D
I'm REAAAALY dubious about the change to Hatred; I mean, it might make some sense for cold-spell-using players to have access to an aura for "more cold damage," but... The change will bust the aura and limit its use to one build. Since for balance reasons, we have to assume that GGG isn't lying, so:

  • The "gain xx% of physical damage as extra cold damage" is still being reduced, making it not-so-viable for that alone.
  • The "more cold damage" isn't going to be incredibly strong; weaker than Wrath's "more lightning damage" probably.

So as a result, that means that if you're just using it for a non-converted cold spell (e.g, freezing pulse, frostbolt) this will be weak; you probably would be better off still using Herald of Ice.

Meanwhile, for those that convert all of their physical damage to cold? You basically have a mandatory aura now.

That's right, it'll be exclusively the purview of 100% physical-to-cold builds. As if, y'know, these weren't ALREADY super-great. And depending on the numbers, it may even be still better for those that do 50/50 lightning/cold conversion (like most BV builds) to say nothing of more conventional "convert all to cold" builds like Glacial Cascade and Tornado Shot.

This REAAAALY only seems to benefit skills that were already incredibly powerful and popular; that makes this a REALLY bad move. "unifying" the auras to all act similar is NOT that compelling enough difference; the elements aren't supposed to be just palette-swaps of each other, but impact your build decisions. So we definitely shouldn't throw all the un-loved skills under the bus even more just to accomplish this.
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
Zealotry so good for my Betrayal build (crit brands)
holy themed aura
arcane themed aura
alright. next will be "WTFBBQ themed aura" I guess ?

Seriously, stop speaking nonsense.
mic01851165 написал:
dylogys написал:

Wtf why is everybody whining about Melee?
Melee is still strong in delve the deepest delves were done by meele chars. Consecrated path tectonic slam molten strike bladeflurry doublestrike all perfectly strong options. And that's just the skills I tried recently.

No idea what high delve you talking about but after 800+ its CI occultist molten strike HOWA or go home.

Arc traps with Three Dragon is pretty darn viable / op in deep delve too. (especially with the icewall set up, just set up ice wall and spam that aoe range auto track map clear with insane dps)

Coc Cyclone with Ice Nova, using the Unnatural instinct setup (cuz highest dps so far) can go through deep delve pretty comfortable with their insane dps, moving forward quickly while freeze/ shatter/ kill everything in the process. Super fluid style.

Oh wait they're all spells lolz.

The only reason why MS is best in deep delve is because of ascendency itself being op, with amazing defensive layer or OP Jewels, like playing a Jugg/ Ascendent, with some stupid ES like 15k~20k (Thx to fossil crafting creating broken shit es gear, as well as some ascendency granting too much free ES while no ascendency grants life), like twice or thrice amount of effective life pool of any normal build, that they're able to play melee cuz they're just this brokenly tanky.

But beware, this does NOT apply to all other ascendencies that try to play melee, which is totally busted in the process cuz they don't have op tanky ascendency to utilize.

Yes life vs Es is still very unbalanced , i don't get it why GGG don't want give us enought HP to buid a char .
So will the DoT damage bonus affwect Righteous Fire or not?
ActuallyAMan написал:
So will the DoT damage bonus affwect Righteous Fire or not?

Shotgun skill!

Got something in mind already for fun build.
So exciting! :)

Keep it up GGG!

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