[3.9] Elemental Hit Crit | 7-9k Life | 3-7m DPS | Overleech + CC Immune | All Content

slayde123 написал:
Hi I was wondering If you could check out my gear and let me know where I could improve further.

Levels on helmet, crit on gloves and maybe an assassin's mark ring.
Should nicely boost your crit chance making it worth to invest in some decent crit multi jewels. You can use this tool to make a filter, instructions can be seen when you scroll down. Pretty nice bow btw.
Pancakezx написал:
This is what I've managed to aquire so far, Unnatural instinct is on my shadow at the moment. What is the best option gloves wise for this build?

Tombfist with crit implicit, try to raise ur crit as much as you can, maybe even with assassin's mark and then invest in some crit multi jewels which you can find using this tool. They can give you up to 8% more dps per slot. Flat added fire adds little to no damage compared to IAS and Crit Multi.
Последняя редакция: mseabird#4808. Время: 17 апр. 2019 г., 5:00:33
Waymith написал:
Thank u for your response! :)
I already changed my poachers aim jewel, bought 21 ELE and The Sorrow of The Divine.

Now I'm trying to find a new bow. It seems like "average" 6L with correct colors starts at 10ex. I'm thinking about crafting one on my own.


I managed to craft a decent base.
What do u think I should craft?
1 suffix & 3 prefixes left since I have to add "multiple crafted mods".

Multimodding that base, is problably cheaper and better than what you are going to find in the same price range. On the other hand you would lose a potential crit multi roll as you have to use multi and crit chance. But a nice thing about this tho, u can actually get all the right prefixes which can be done on bench (global modifier - pen/inc fire dmg etc.).

This is what I made of it in pob and its even better than my current bow hehehe.
400k DPS increase.

Последняя редакция: mseabird#4808. Время: 17 апр. 2019 г., 5:19:35
FAQ Updated with way to find the optimal jewels for build as it currently stands, for best results create ur own search following the instructions from the provided link.
do i need 6link on farrul fur if im going to use it?
naimhairix51 написал:
do i need 6link on farrul fur if im going to use it?

You don't need 6l, only as many links as you want to have linked with cwdt etc.
Mine just happened to be 6l already so I kept it that way, naturally.
just finished lvling until lvl 80 and done shaper too , build is too stronk. do u have a tree until lvl 95?i dont think i can make 100 in this league tho.

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naimhairix51 написал:
just finished lvling until lvl 80 and done shaper too , build is too stronk. do u have a tree until lvl 95?i dont think i can make 100 in this league tho.

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Depends on what u want to sacrifice, defence or dps?

This is for lvl94 with the least dps loss without sacrificing any defences.

You can also simply check node power in pob and, the more red something gets, the more dps gain it is. That way its easiest to see and u can just dump w/e u feel like dumping.
Последняя редакция: mseabird#4808. Время: 19 апр. 2019 г., 19:52:23

first of all, great guide. That's my second season and I am way further than first season in just a month

wondering what to upgrade next ?

i switch weapons for single target
forget unnatural instinct, too expensive

Jedam81 написал:

first of all, great guide. That's my second season and I am way further than first season in just a month

wondering what to upgrade next ?

i switch weapons for single target
forget unnatural instinct, too expensive


Try to craft a bow like this, get gloves with crit implicit (tombfist with murderous eye or the new overleech gloves).

Next step is to get a frostferno with atleast a +2 corruption so you can get some single target dmg going if that is something you want. Your current bow isnt bad if ur playing RT but u should really be looking for something with a crit.

To sum it up, pump up that crit and get single target link.

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