[3.9] Elemental Hit Crit | 7-9k Life | 3-7m DPS | Overleech + CC Immune | All Content

got a new bow, i want a +2 implicit later but they start at 30ex...


switched a lot in the last days to push dps and survival, farruls is nice for charges but with the slayer nerf you can die to easy.
With my new bow i was at ~3.7m shaper dps and ~6.6k life, thats for most content a good overkill. so i switched to a second bow setup and a kaoms, i got 2,7m Shaper dps and 8,1k life now.
PS The 2,7m shaper dps is with a Mirage archer support if i drop it for fire pen i'm at 3.6m shaper dps.
Последняя редакция: kelandi#2453. Время: 25 марта 2019 г., 14:06:18
harryloo написал:
Hi guys, I am new to the game and I'm trying to build this build, however i missed the Bandit quest and kill them all lol, is that i need to restart the character already ...? Also how can I apply the passive point in the bottom of the passive tree with no linkage :P ?

Considering the sizable budget just to get started, this is not the build for a beginner/new player. Also I suggest googling bandit quest, the poe wiki will show you how to undo any bandit choices you made.
Последняя редакция: mseabird#4808. Время: 25 марта 2019 г., 21:36:12
Got lucky craft today with only Prismatic and Shuddering fossil:

PS. Spent over 6000 fusings linking this.
santzu написал:
Got lucky craft today with only Prismatic and Shuddering fossil:

PS. Spent over 6000 fusings linking this.

Looks very hot, how is your crit chance with this?
mseabird написал:
santzu написал:
Got lucky craft today with only Prismatic and Shuddering fossil:

PS. Spent over 6000 fusings linking this.

Looks very hot, how is your crit chance with this?

Not that great actually about 50% effective. 1/15 odds to slam crit chance on it does not feel that tempting.

E: Leo slammed T5 Crit multi on it :/
Последняя редакция: santzu#3215. Время: 27 марта 2019 г., 10:46:28
ok i didn't have the balls to annul the life gain on hit suffix

Maybe later when i got enough resonator for 4fossil i try a new craft
Anyone with some insight into the minimum to make this build feel viable? And maybe the upgrade order for the items?
kelandi написал:
got a new bow, i want a +2 implicit later but they start at 30ex...


switched a lot in the last days to push dps and survival, farruls is nice for charges but with the slayer nerf you can die to easy.
With my new bow i was at ~3.7m shaper dps and ~6.6k life, thats for most content a good overkill. so i switched to a second bow setup and a kaoms, i got 2,7m Shaper dps and 8,1k life now.
PS The 2,7m shaper dps is with a Mirage archer support if i drop it for fire pen i'm at 3.6m shaper dps.

How are the gloves compared to the slayer leech node?

1)the 2 combat focus jewels ~2c
2)Tombfist 1c
3) you want a frostferno for singletarget dps push ~10c
4)Mark of the elder ring and a Shaper base ring with some life and resi maybe eledmg ~10c
5)craft or buy a bow with Double damage, +1 to Socketed Gems, +1/2 to socketed bow gems, Crit chance, attack speed you didn't need all mods aim for Double damage/ias and Crit chance at the start a 5l is fine for clearspeed. no links under 5c 5link (The Jeweller's Touch 20c)
6)Wise oak and other flask ~10c
7)Maloney's Mechanism, Ornate Quiver(Perma Frenzy and Power charges without 8loodrage degen) ~20c
---------------Farm a bit---------------

1)Cinderswallow ~20c
2)2x Might of the meek ~40c each

---------------Now you can cry---------------

1)Kaoms Heart ~170c
2)Xophs Blood ~4ex
3)Buy a new bow with more mods and/or 6l your old one ~5-10ex
3)Unnatural Instinct ~12ex

Maybe i forgot something hope not.

How are the gloves compared to the slayer leech node?

you need more talentpoints with ranger startarea and you lose culling strike, but you gain Pathfinder and that is a huge qol push for me. but remender the gloves cost more ~50c
Последняя редакция: kelandi#2453. Время: 28 марта 2019 г., 19:04:28
kelandi написал:
ok i didn't have the balls to annul the life gain on hit suffix

Maybe later when i got enough resonator for 4fossil i try a new craft

WHat fossil do you use ? Prismatic, Metallic, Corroded ?

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