[3.6] Divine Ire Trickster CRIT MOM/EB cheap leaguestarter

xKluz написал:
Build is good, but mediocore DMG... utill you get the helm enchant. The 40% DMG ench is OP imo. It takes you from running T5-T8 maps to killing Elder/Shaper in less than 2 minutes.

Placebo? lol

40% INCREASED damage is not going to shoot you into another tier of content.
Are the PoB gem links the optimal ones?

At around 50 and about to do Cruel Lab, stuggling with boss damage a bit. Other than Tabula, any leveling uniques to use?
Последняя редакция: IllusiveGuy#3506. Время: 17 марта 2019 г., 9:26:09
IllusiveGuy написал:
Are the PoB gem links the optimal ones?

At around 50 and about to do Cruel Lab, stuggling with boss damage a bit. Other than Tabula, any leveling uniques to use?

They worked really well for me. Was struggling at times but I was running 4-5 links the whole leveling. Shouldnt have any issues with 6link
Just killed Uber Elder today using Both Agnerod West And Dustdawn and a bit of gear changing able to phase both elder and shaper extremely fast with divine ire

sitting at about 5.3k life and 2k ES

still attempting to get a not shit helm enchant

Последняя редакция: VsDreaMz#6365. Время: 18 марта 2019 г., 0:55:30
VsDreaMz написал:
Just killed Uber Elder today using Both Agnerod West And Dustdawn and a bit of gear changing able to phase both elder and shaper extremely fast with divine ire

sitting at about 5.3k life and 2k ES

still attempting to get a not shit helm enchant

What is your opinion on the suggested MoM/EB route? What made you not choose that road?
Volband написал:
VsDreaMz написал:
Just killed Uber Elder today using Both Agnerod West And Dustdawn and a bit of gear changing able to phase both elder and shaper extremely fast with divine ire

sitting at about 5.3k life and 2k ES

still attempting to get a not shit helm enchant

What is your opinion on the suggested MoM/EB route? What made you not choose that road?

Im Still Running MoM and EB Ive seen some builds go full life over running a MoM build and they are still testing to see which is better But i prefer the MoM, EB Variant
Rhaxis написал:

Minotaur kill: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/394352119 (Sorry about the music :D )

I just wanted to say that you never have to apologize for Slayer
Any thoughts on taking Sovereignty in place of/until you get a Diadem?
Sorry but your PoB is not working correctly... the trees in there are all unfinished and show the same?
It worked for me. Are you sure your PoB client is updated?

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