[3.9] Physical Conversion Bowyer | Wander [TS/LA/IS + Barrage] [KB + Power Siphon] [All Content]
I just wanted to share my experience playing the build this expansion. After going with Cyclone for the launch, I decided to come back to the bow variant for its strong map clear and bossing potential.
My gear is below and this is in Standard, so obviously some legacy items including multi-mods are in play. I previously preferred triple legacy RotC and Rigwald's for the clear and QOL, but the changes to Tornado Shot projectile speed meant Rigwald's was scuffed. So I went back to Arborix and Voidfletcher, as I feel the extra single target burst is very helpful for the expanded boss health pool. Mapping flasks: Sirus flasks: I was able to do Awakener 8 deathless on my second try here (killed him about 10-15 times on other characters). The first try was a botched testing run to determine the limits of what I could and could not tank. My thoughts on the fight are as follows: 1) I never understood the complaints about this fight apart from the bug where he either turns invisible or never comes down. The remainder of the encounter always struck me as very fair (i.e. you deserve to die if you kite him to stairs and get the meteor, you deserve to die if you mismanage storms to the entrance, you deserve to die if you are not pan-ailment immune). The ailment immunity is important and obviously easy to achieve as a Pathfinder, but a Corrupted Blood jewel is fantastic. 2) I was able to tank every attack with the exception of the quadruple "Die" beam in the final phase. This was in part due to Loreweave and converting Physical damage taken as Elemental damage. The only lethal element of the fight is not noticing the ground degen and standing in it. He will use it soon after landing, so you can bait it out and then move once. An extremely strong option is the Arakaali and Shakari pantheon combo and using an Amethyst flask (further bolstered by Pathfinder flask effect). 3) I played the fight in melee range, not only for the bonus damage from Point Blank and Arborix, but also because there is a more favorable arc to dodge his beam attacks. 4) Perma-flasks seems important for this fight as you will want all defensive options up at all times. It isn't hard with Pathfinder, as you get full flasks back each intermission while waiting for him to float. I can see this being a pain point for other ascendancy variants of the build. 5) You can reproducibly position storms every time and there is an insignificant amount of RNG if you trigger him on the same "pixels" every engagement. First and second storms you move toward the left tent and wait him out, once aggro'd he will naturally drift up and left toward the stairs. Re-engage when he is about 1 screen breadth from your position. I found re-engaging too early positions his storms too far right in the arena and blocks re-entry if you die. You want his stuff middle-left in the arena. The third storm is managed by running upward toward the stair area as there will be insufficient room remaining near the left tent. If you don't linger in his immediate range, he will not meteor and will only spam the "Rain of Stars" attack. As he drifts upward again, re-engage and kill him. Overall, build continues to perform well in all end-game Atlas content. You can't tank everything but I believe it's a great balance of clear speed, DPS, survivability, and satisfying whole-screen shatters. Последняя редакция: Escalune#7452. Время: 2 янв. 2020 г., 14:54:23
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Hit absolute paydirt not once, but twice on int-stacking amulets. One clearly better than the other, but both still absolutely beast. Rolling this char tomorrow and very pumped for it.
Prylos // RoA Marauder 89+
My godly belt collection - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/334226 Mapping Discussion - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/361880/page/1 |
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TTL's Int Stacking Wander Mini Guide
The goal of the int stacking wander was to build a more tanky wander capable of all boss fights and not dying to metamorphs. I was getting tired of getting one shot at 5k life in T16 maps. Stacking int allows us to scale both offense and defense with a single stat. In addition, new influence mods and catalysts introduced in Metamorph gave us additional ways to scale int. Pros and Cons
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-Good Clear Speed -Fantastic single target damage -Far more tanky than life wanders and bowyers -Chaos immunity is very relevant on Sirus and certain Metamorph abilities -Can facetank most bosses -Delve up to 600 depths -Damage and defense can be scaled to extremes with more currency spent -Off meta, can get good gear for cheap (at least before this build blows up) Cons: -Not a good league starter -Do not level as this build, I personally leveled as Toxic Rain, transitioned to Phys wander, then transitioned to Int wander (cost ~60 regrets) -Expensive at the high end Checklist to get started
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1. int stacking wand 2. at least ~900 int 3. at least the budget flasks, I do not recommend skipping the stibnite flask of order as the blind and stun immunity is very nice for survivability 4. watchers eye with es on hit . This build's tankiness is gained mainly through this item, it is quite expensive but really once you have it, it is like playing with old instant leech. Add cwdt ball lightning + wave of conviction for extra spell es on hit. If you do not have this item, you will not be tanky in red maps. Videos
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mapping / delving https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7E_PbwzL7M sirus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV-T4MVbkvo Gear
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When I initially swapped to this build, I was able to buy/craft my budget gear, seen on p112 of this thread, for ~10 ex 1 week into the league and kill Sirus with it. Prices have gone up unfortunately. Wand
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my wand: note: wand must be shaper or hunter influenced to be able to roll damage/10 int crafting process: alt spam or buy a blue wand with damage/10 int and either critical strike or attack speed, beast imprint+regal for a good prefix, multimod attack speed or critical strike (that you are missing) and penetration search link: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Metamorph/pJqW36ef0 budget options: 1. start with a blue wand with just damage/10 int, regal for a prefix, and multimod both attack speed and critical strike chance, use annuls or prefix cant be changed + scouring if you need to clean suffixes 2. metallic fossil spam on hunter or shaper wand, hopefully hitting damage/10 int and either attack speed or crit, and crafting the other. The wand I started this build with, seen on p112 I was able to hit within 50 metallic fossils. BONUS CRAFTING METHOD: Crafting your endgame wand for ~9 ex Step 1. start with 2 wands, one with dmg/10 int, one with t1 crusaders prefix (either hybrid flat/pen, or 15 pen). Make sure there are no other influenced mods on the wands, also at least one of the wands must be an imbued wand. Either alt spam or buy the bases, you should be able to obtain both bases for less than 2 ex total. Example: Step 2. Use awakener's orb to combine the two wands, destroying the non imbued wand, and awaken onto the imbued wand. You should now create a wand with 2 good prefixes and random other affixes. Cost ~ 2 ex. Step 3. Assuming you did not get attack speed/crit strike on suffix, proceed to scour suffixes with prefix cannot be changed (2ex), then multimod(2 ex), attack speed (1 ex), and crit chance. You have now created a wand that is ~8% worse than my wand which is worth ~ 50ex. example finished wand: Total cost ~ 9 ex. Do not forget to divine to 1-6 flat / 10 int, it is a 10% dps upgrade! Also if you somehow hit a 3rd good t1 prefix, you might be able to make a mirror wand by metacrafting suffixes for t1 attack speed, but that will cost you 500-1000 ex, good luck! Shield
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my shield: very expensive, but it offers the highest int on a shield, plus curse immunity and high resists and high evasion. Note: if you get a Atziri's Mirror with high int and res rolls, then upgrade it by prophecy, it will keep the high rolls. budget option: any rare shield with high ES and int, and some resists Helm
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my helm: crafting process: metallic+dense fossils on a non influenced base with power siphon 2 projectiles enchant. Thanks to Mathil's ES PS wander video this base exploded in price. I bought my base week 1 for 1 ex. If you have an empty suffix, slam Hunter's Exalted Orb for 10% int. If you miss, you need to continue spamming dense+metallic fossils until you hit 10% int and nearby enemies -lightning res. budget options: Other PS enchants are cheaper, 40% damage or 15% attack speed are both good, providing ~5% more damage, while the 2 projectiles enchant provides 10% more damage. Similar crafting strategy, spam metallic+dense fossils until you hit something good Chest
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my chest: crafting process: buy the 5W 6L regalia base if you are in Metamorph SC, it is by far the best base to craft on. Make it double influence shaper + crusader, so you have double the chance of hitting % int suffix. Spam single dense fossils until you get a chest with good ES and % int. I hit my chest with 4 t1 mods within 200 dense fossils with open prefix, slammed flat life rip. budget option: buy any ES armor with high ES and flat int Belt
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my belts: Crafting process: deafening essence of spite is the only way to get int on belt. Spam it on elder or hunter influenced belt for % attributes. Also consider spamming it on non influenced belt until you have a empty suffix, then slamming Hunter's Exalted Orb after using intrinsic catalyst, as it improve the chance for the exalt to hit attributes craft 10% flask effect prefix if you are pathfinder and you want to be stun immune (combined with stibnite flask of order and heart of oak cluster) budget option: equal damage compare to my belts, but you lose a ton of ES and you cant be stun immune without extra work. Gloves
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my gloves: surprisingly cheap to buy as is, most builds using Shaper's Touch are not looking for attack speed, good to be off meta! Other options: gloves with accu+attack speed + int+high es. I slammed redeemers for some extra flat dmg. This provides more ES and dmg compared to Shaper's touch, but you will need to level up precision (mine is lvl 21). Trade off is you lose ~ 5k evasion rating. Boots
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my boots: I will be honest and say that I was ridiculously lucky to buy these elusive/tailwind boots with t1 int and movement speed for 12 ex. Good to be off meta! If you want to craft elusive/tailwind boots, you can use awakener orb to combine two pairs of boots, one with elusive, one with tailwind. Of course the remaining mods will be rolled randomly. Besides two-toned, also consider sorcerers as base. budget option: or rare boots with ES, Int, Movement, and resists Amulet
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my amulet: bought the base with crit multi, damage/10 int, and % int for 10 ex, slammed Wed crafting option: you can craft an amulet with both damage/10 int and %int mod, by using awakener's orb on a shaper amulet with damage/10 int, and crusaders amulet with % int, if no other influenced mods are on the amulet. Of course, all other mods are rolled randomly. budget option buy a rare amulet with two of the three: crit multi, damage/10 int, and % int, with other helpful affixes such as wed, ES, flat int, flat all attributes, resists, etc. Rings
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Buy rings with high flat ES and int, fill resists and stats as needed. If you have an empty suffix, craft +1 frenzy. If you have an empty prefix, consider slamming crusader's exalted orb, as half the mods it provides are beneficial to this build. Flasks
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Using this flask with 30 flask effect (PF + 10% on belt) + heart of oak cluster will get you 100% stun avoidance. If you don't care about stun immunity or are not PF, you can use another DPS flask such as Atziri's Promise. make sure your lightning resist is highest Make sure you have a source of fire damage for ignite, such as from a ring or an abyss jewel. Note that CWDT wave of conviction can ignite, but unreliably. I was able to reach 100% crit with Bottled Faith. For budget options use a diamond flask. Gotta run fast Jewels
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best place to get corrupted blood immunity use this in the jewel slot below mind drinker, take Assassination, Master of Force, Soul Raker, and Piercing Shots (optional) Having pierce on PS is a good quality of life, against multiple rares, such as vs metamorphs, or in delve This is the reason why the build is so tanky, it should be one of your first big purchases. ES on hit works with spells as well, so if you have CWDT wave of conviction + ball lightning, it is a ton of additional ES if you are fighting in a big pack. Watch the delve video to see the ES recovery in action vs some very hard hitting mobs. if you have mirrors to burn :) rare jewels to fill out your resists, or get some damage / es, 4 mod jewels are currently quite cheap, as this build is off meta. A lethal pride can be used on the jewel slot near overcharge, instability, or melding. Divine your jewel until you get intimidate on hit, + any double damage mods. Mine took ~50 divines and it gives intim on overcharge and DD on divine judgement. Don't forget if you get intim and DD on a node that we don't usually take, you can always anoint that node! Gem Links
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6L Single Target Power Siphon - Barrage Support - WED - Ele Focus - Added Lightning - Damage on Full Life. Use Awakened Gems if you are rich. 4L Clear Kinetic Blast - GMP - Pierce - WED Use added cold instead of WED if you need to shatter (porcupines/delve), or alternatively swap in a call of the brotherhood. You may want to use KB on 6L for deep delves / faster clearing, hopefully you crafted on that 5W regalia. In this case add damage on full life / inspiration / added lighting / added cold. Auras Discipline - Wrath - Precision I am using precision just because I have a watchers, you may want to use HOI/HOT instead, and link with enlighten if the mana is too much. Also consider skitterbots for shock (instead of wrath) CWDT setups CWDT - Projectile Weakness - Wave of Conviction - Immortal Call make sure your Wave of Conviction does most lightning damage (relevant if you use HOI and cold dmg boots enchant) CWDT - Ball Lightning extra cwdt for more es on hit (very nice in delve) CWDT - Cold Snap extra frenzy generation while mapping Current POB
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https://pastebin.com/vcJ4J6Xu chest is editted with barrage support, helm is editted for -9% nearby enemy lightning res penetration, Thread of Hope is editted with the passives I allocated pob 1/4/2020 https://pastebin.com/nruehYcg got a lethal pride with DD on divine judgement and intimidate on hit, changed up tree a little to accommodate for this, use the old tree if you don't have this jewel combo. pob 1/11/2020 https://pastebin.com/p6KgLJp9 swapped gloves for ES int+accu+attack speed gloves bought a triple watchers up to 16 mil shaper dps :) FAQ
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Why pathfinder? I rolled pathfinder because the league was advertised to be a bossing league. Now that we know the mechanics of Sirus, non pathfinders will have no way of sustaining flasks on the fight, making PF one of the best choices for fighting against Sirus. I was strongly considering going for Assassin for league start, but since I am now able to cap crit, and get elusive on boots, Assassin loses a lot of its appeal. How can I get better map clear? My current setup is focused on bossing, if you want better map clear, you can use Kinetic blast on a 6L, and use PS on 4L until you need to swap it for big bosses You can also use PS 6L by swapping barrage support with chain (you may not want to use piercing shots in this case) You can also use headhunter, because you are rich. Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, post on this thread, although I will be leaving the league soon after I hit 40/40 challenges. Последняя редакция: Stealthyy#2418. Время: 13 янв. 2020 г., 23:47:39
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Playing this aswell, really nice build.
Последняя редакция: majtyftw#0411. Время: 1 янв. 2020 г., 16:35:43
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Could anyone post video taking down Awakener? I feel like it's so hit or miss if I'll get him and would like see see how others approach the fight
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" You should check the Queenliness wanderfinder thread; the guide maker uploaded a video of him doing awakener 8 deathless; the approach should be very similar since queenliness is lower DPS/higher clearspeed compared to this wander build. If you're playing the bow version it should be even easier b/c you have at least 3 times more damage. |
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what would a CI wander version look like? if you for example played together with a Mana guardian
or would a ci version lose to much in comparison? main goal being i want to be immune to chaos and taking advantage of the insane ES mana guardian provides and that i get maxxed Resists from just the mana guardian Последняя редакция: shadowragex#4457. Время: 2 янв. 2020 г., 6:12:01
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" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV-T4MVbkvo Here is my video on killing Sirus with int stacking wander. Enjoy! |
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" You might wanna try out respeccing 2 points into wicked ward just for sirus, might make it feel a bit better. |
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" I'm having fun with this build, but I'm not quite sure what I should focus on next for upgrades. Nearly every slot could use some love, but I'm not quite sure where I'm losing roughly 8mil dps compared to your gear (even if I edit in like 300 more Int on body to simulate a bunch of increased int rolls I'm missing, I'm still way far behind in DPS). Obviously under leveled\qualitied gems contribute quite a bit, but just subbing in my equipment with your skill links still leaves me at 3mil dps or so compared to your 11mil+ POB: https://pastebin.com/KgWeT0b0 Not pictured, have thread of hope, watcher's eye with ES gain on hit and 2 fertile mind Последняя редакция: seandigs#7075. Время: 2 янв. 2020 г., 14:22:59
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