[3.9] Physical Conversion Bowyer | Wander [TS/LA/IS + Barrage] [KB + Power Siphon] [All Content]
" Hey there this is a more in-depth response to how to improve your setup. Because GGG buffed monster life by a lot and also overtuned Legion damage, it's more of a struggle atm when you aren't fully geared yet but it will get much better as you acquire the required gear pieces. Right now you have less than 4k life which is very rippy indeed. I suggest for the meantime you skip the rippy content until you get to a higher level, maybe 92+ish. Skip bosses that you think you might rip too; it should still be enough to sustain in the low to mid tier red maps. With gear and levels naturally comes more tankiness. You're still missing a lot of flat life on gear like your amulet, stygian vise w/ abyss jewel, gloves, Watcher's, more jewels, etc. Taste of Hate + Fortify scale your tankiness based on how much life you have, so once you get closer to 5k life with gear improvements the difference will be significant. Also another thing is that as you get a bigger life pool, your leech rate increases so you will find yourself recovering life fast enough to face tank more often. Make sure you're proccing fortify every 4-5 seconds in dangerous situations. One last thing is that the more damage you have the safer it becomes too. Right now you have 1.3mil shaper dps but it's very straightforward for you to more than double or perhaps even triple your damage. This will make fights much shorter, which indirectly makes them easier. For example, if a T16 guardian takes 5 seconds instead of 15 seconds, you're much less likely to die. You need to drop the "heat" suffix on your diamond flask and replace it with a warding. Pathfinders are elemental ailment immune so that "heat" is pointless. A lot of times you'll die to curse maps like ele weakness/vulnerability. Temp chains and enfeeble maps affect your damage significantly which also contribute to deaths. Using a warding gets rid of all those curse-related issues; I'm willing to bet you've died multiple times b/c of not having warding. The biggest upgrade you're in need of right now is a 6 link. You want Energy Leech gem with blood rage active for single target. This will get you close to 2mil shaper dps. I think the 6L gives more dps than your rare wand. I suggest you drop your corrupted blood jewel b/c the one you're using gives virtually no damage or life. Plus you're using a staunching flask already so it's not necessary. Might as well replace it with a Lethal Pride. Buy one for cheap and throw a few divines; check the two sockets where it works and if you get 2-3 good mods from the list in guide, stop there for now. The two locations are the socket next to heartseeker and the one next to Alchemist. You also need to take Cruel Preparation and Blood Drinker as they are easy life mods to access and drop the less important damage nodes like Precise Interception etc. I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do at the top right of the tree tbh. I'm sorry I can't give you any more specific advice; the changes that GGG made in 3.7 has affected wanders a lot on the low-end, but a lot of it goes away once your gear is improved. The only cliche but valid advice I can give is to keep gearing up as you are right now; you will reach a point where it becomes much much more comfortable than what you're currently experiencing, and that point isn't too far away. If you are hesitant to buy an item feel free to PM me and I can lyk whether it's worth it or not. Последняя редакция: Enahkra#7073. Время: 1 июля 2019 г., 23:17:50
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" Haha thanks, maybe I had my search criteria too strict, should've tried to get les. I'm so used to 30% ms boots now, not sure how the change's gonna feel but I'll try. Need to figure out my reservation right now so I'll take your ammy later, thanks anw. I just bought the boots too, but you gotta upgrade I guess |
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" I get that you were stuck in that vicious cycle, but the wand was also the one spot with a point of no return. The currency could have been spent optimizing all other aspects of the build such as 6 link, Hatred eye, gloves, etc. Those combined improvements would have outweighed the wand. In fact, some people I've talked with not on this thread have been able to do all content, reach lvl 95 with just poet's pen. But the only reason this was possible was b/c the rest of their gear was up to par. What NameMerken says is 100% true about the amulet spot and barely capping resists; it's really easy to dig yourself into a hole while gearing. And by hole I mean you experience this thing I call "gear interdependency". Basically you skip out on some resists in a spot where resists are easy to get, and that forces you to get resists in less optimal spots, which leads to loss of damage and forces you into this state where you become unable to make improvements to single pieces of gear without having to replace all other pieces of gear. One gear becomes "dependent" on another. It just snowballs into a depressing mess. But the worst part though is that by paying less for certain items to save money, you actually end up paying more in the long run, b/c you spend more in other places to get a worst result. So for example, if you had invested 1-2 ex more rolling a helm with a third high-tier resist, you wouldn't have needed the fire resist on your gloves, which meant you could have crafted the 2 ex pure dps glove giving you a lot more damage. Now sure, yes I understand 3-4 ex cost might be a lot, but the damage you get from doing this is very good + efficient, and you wouldn't have needed to buy two pairs of gloves. If you tried to get the same amount of damage by upgrading jewelry instead, you might need to spend 20-30 ex. So indirectly, that third resist on your helm just gave you damage equivalent to spending 20-30 ex on jewelry. But this isn't stuff many people take into account. So what happens is that you decide to spend 3-4 ex on jewelry instead to compensate for the lack of resist on your helm + dps on your gloves but only get a fraction of the damage. Also if you get something good to start out with, you don't have to waste money re-upgrading that slot. To reduce this "interdependency" effect it's best to stack, and I mean STACK a shit ton of resists in as few spots as possible. Since you opted not to use Bubonics, sure that's fine, you get less damage, but to compensate you needed to stack a ton of resists on shield, boots, and helm, and use rings to barely reach the resist cap. Every point above the resist cap is just inefficiency. Every other slot at your disposal should be dedicated to pure damage. So for the amulet spot; it's ridiculously easy to get truckloads of damage there. Even 2 T1 mods and a self-crafted good suffix is a huge difference. If you decided to put resists there you would have continued to perpetuate the vicious cycle and dig yourself deeper into the hole. As for the mana jewel, I think that being unable to sustain barrage is probably the biggest issue that needs addressing. Are you really unable to find a single jewel with even just 2 mods including the +2 mana gain on hit? It doesn't have to be a good jewel but not having that +2 cripples the build I think. My advice is first, farm lower? content and gather more resources, then make these fundamental changes to your setup, reverse this cycle and dig yourself out the hole. One good investment will lead to another. Learn to utilize live search for good amulets and items in general; they do appear pretty often; you're bound to find a good one for relatively cheap. Like how NameMerken found that crazy one for only 5c rofl. I probably would have paid 2-3 ex for it. I suggest the goal is not to just make improvements, but make smart, meaningful improvements with the long -term goal in mind. Before you blow your exalts on something, feel free to PM me and I'll let you know if it's worth it. I think it's worth crafting your helm again, but ofc only once you acquire a big enough budget, bc if you run out of money and brick your helm then that's super RIP. In the meantime 6 link takes priority. Edit: All the tools requierd to set up good live searches are on my guide. Under every gear section I have a list of T1 suffixes and prefixes from best to worst. I also have trade links with all possible mods. All you would need to do is look at the list of mods, determine which ones you really want, set it to T1 or T2 minimum by checking poecraft or poedb, and set it "COUNT" instead of "AND", and just be patient... Might take a few hours or might take a few days but you'll get what you're looking for Последняя редакция: Enahkra#7073. Время: 2 июля 2019 г., 0:17:25
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" Exactly, lol. I have the mindset of a poor guy so I also have the tendency to cut cheap on my upgrades, like I still try to find good jewel/ammy for under 20c, and that's definetly not gonna make it lol. I'll try to change my view on things and be smort next time, I've only play seriously since Incursion and got my first (after many, MANY set) uElder kill in Synthesis on my WOrb/Ice Spear trickster so I'm still very very inexperienced, thanks for being patient with me. I do use your live search actually, but I switch to online only because it's easier for me, and prioritize needed stat (like +2 mana) first. Thanks for all the advices, I'll try to get some good stuffs after getting some good money. Also I realized that Loreweave cap your max res at 78%, I didn't know that's why I have the Survivalist node for so long yikes, it gives +20 STR with Lethal Pride anw so I don't think it was worth taking. Последняя редакция: oMySunshine#7356. Время: 2 июля 2019 г., 1:11:31
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Dont be disheartned. This is the way I play Path of exile. I take build, buy core items and will try to push content, goal is to kill uberelder. If I need upgrades, I will buy upgrades. I personally hate minmaxing, so extra projectile, mana gain on hit and imbued wand is unnecessary luxury for my level of skill. I build characters for my skill level of gaming. Your guide goes in depth and I read most of the things you wrote, but I hate minmaxing. Even without upgrades in your post uberelder kill went smooth, because I did that fight many times before. I played this build for 20 hours, had shitload of fun with it and its time for me to move on next build. I personnaly have respect for people like you that dedicate their time for guides and help another players. I cant play same build more than couple of evenings.
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Wouldn't this had been nice? |
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jewel i have a question would it be more effective if I used this ring? will this ring be more effective Poacher's Mark Cursed enemies grant (16) Life when Hit by Attacks Cursed enemies grant (9) Mana when Hit by Attacks Do you have any advice? convert physical damage to cold damage %101 with wathcher's eye Difficulty with single targets. new video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGbUmYjga-I Последняя редакция: pokebuha#5615. Время: 3 июля 2019 г., 7:13:10
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" Lol time to buy a second wand " Ah I see now. accidentally mistook you for a different type of POE player. Best of luck on your future builds! |
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" Hey im currently not home but when I get home later Ill do a POB analysis. I have a few questions. How much did you pay for the wand, amulet, and gloves each and which bosses do you struggle on for single target? Do you struggle with survivability? Lastly, do you use POB? Последняя редакция: Enahkra#7073. Время: 2 июля 2019 г., 16:26:14
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" The poor guys attitude is good to have especially if you are the type to play a bunch of builds up to mid 80s to low 90s, sort of like the typical Mathil follower. This is fine most of the time bc those ppl tend to play meta builds which have high base damage or some sort of broken scaling mechanic that make the nuances of gearing not matter. Wanders are the opposite so to make a good one you have to be pretty anal when it comes to gearing and optimizing on POB. But most people just want to play the game and not deal with that stuff so their wanders end up underperforming. This is even more so for phys wanders than ele since theres an added level of complexity. One benefit of playing a phys wander though is that you get better at knowing what to prioritize and how to get the most out of your money, and this skill applies to your future builds. Ever since I started wanding, its forced me to think about damage scaling in a more nuanced way and improved my understanding by a lot, bc the alternative is... well, sucking. I also really enjoy seeing my progression over time which is why I play mainly wanders. At the end of a league I would look back and feel satisfied at how much progress Ive made from struggling with act bosses to the point where you down shaper in 2 seconds its truly gratifying.. And this progression is more prominent for wanders since a lot of other builds sort of hit a ceiling pretty quick while wanders damage only gets crazier. This progression itself is more enjoyable for me than running around playing a crazy meta build. Plus, an optimized wander feels truly amazing to play. My live search links on guide were very generalized so you may need to fine tune things to suit your specific needs. And yea any max res mod is essentially wasted with Loreweave; youll prob find other inefficient things in your setup that youll iron out eventually. |
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