[3.9] Physical Conversion Bowyer | Wander [TS/LA/IS + Barrage] [KB + Power Siphon] [All Content]
" Hi, I can go over your POB in a bit; can you provide me your POB pastebin? Just upon a cursory glance that wand raises some alarm bells; I hope you didn't spend too much on it. I'll need to have a look at everything though to fully diagnose the problem. It's usually multiple factors. |
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Thanks for your efforts!
Here's the pastebin link: https://pastebin.com/38dSaH43 My flask setup isn't final yet, but I guess the impact on the overall damage is rather low if the diamond flask is already included in the calculations. The wand was quite "cheap" since I ran out of currency (~1ex) - wrong decision? Thanks so much. | |
" Yeah that wand won't be worth it in my opinion b/c it might be barely better than a Poet's Pen. I advise you reread my guide carefully until you've understood every concept, just to save yourself from any misery later on if you make a mistake. There's no problem sticking to Poet's Pen and upgrading that last.This build unfortunately doesn't leave much room for error or else it suffers quite a bit. I'll point out some major issues that are all addressed in the guide. First off, I edited your POB settings to include Point Blank, Energy Leech damage, and changed the calculations to shaper dps and included your last 2 ascendancy points. The net result of this is that you're sitting at around 1mil shaper dps w/ 20/20 gems. This is indeed 1/4 of what you should be expecting from the build. First off, for a pathfinder, flasks are everything. Without flasks pathfinder would be the most useless ascendancy ever. If you read the league-starter section of my guide, I wrote an order of upgrade basically ranking most important to least important. I should probably put this somewhere else so people can spot it more easily. Anyway, the first thing to upgrade for the build, even before you replace leveling gear, is to finish the flask setup. Add Dying Sun, Taste of Hate to your setup, and your damage goes from 1mil --> 1.5mil. A small difference only 500k? Think in terms of percentage. This is 50% of your damage, if you had more dps to start out with it would be bigger than 500k. Also your diamond flask needs warding or Order suffix. Adrenaline is useless since you have two. All this is outlined in my flask section. Another important thing I emphasized was getting extra proj from Dying Sun. This is discussed in the belt section so you should reread that. You need to take alchemist cluster + get %flask effect on your belt. That is the most important mod on your belt, but your current belt can't have that mod b/c prefixes are full. What happens when you change this? Your dps goes from 1.5mil --> 1.7mil. 200k, not bad.This can be achieved at lvl 88 although it should've been earlier. You want 100% conversion, right now your gloves give 25%,your hatred eye gives only 27%, and tree gives 40%. That's 92% conversion, you're missing 8%. You need to divine your hatred eye up to 35%+. Doing this gives only 40k dps atm but phys reflect immune is worth it. This is mentioned throughout guide and in hatred eye section. Lvl 80s is still considered pretty low; each passive point matters a lot up to the low 90s range, I suggest reaching 92-95ish. The higher the better. I set your tree to lvl 92 from 88, taking 3 damage nodes and 1 life node. Your dps goes from 1.7mil --> 2mil. Ok, not bad, at least double what you had before, and none of these things required ground-breaking changes. Many of your jewel slots are empty; I emphasized in the jewel section that you need to get regular jewels in the tree, b/c abyss jewels suck after nerf. You have searchings in your tree atm; the jewels are the hardest part to get I know since they require live search, but what happens when you get a full set of jewels as specified in the build? Your dps goes from 2mil --> 2.2mil. Doesn't seem like much only 200k, but this scales up later to 400-500k. Treat hunting jewels as a project and pursue them over the course of a few days/week(s),the links are on the guide and you will complete your set eventually. In the meantime, don't take the jewel sockets. I dropped one socket, and took some more damage nodes instead. 2.2mil --> 2.44mil. Lethal Pride is relatively cheap and should give you another ~7% damage as well as enough strength to drop Master of Force. This gives you the ability to get some more damage. Instead I will replace Master of Force with 2 damage nodes + 1 life node, which slighty reduces damage. Making all these changes and your dps goes from 2.44mil --> 2.6mil Now, assuming you get the wand specified in my guide. Your dps goes from 2.6mil --> 3mil. You should always be leveling gems in your offhand; if you were focusing on the three gems I mentioned in the gem section, your Precision/Hatred should be lvl 21, and 21/20 added cold. If you did this, your dps goes 3mil --> 3.23mil. Forgot to make some POB adjustments, also added Veteran Bowyer damage since POB doesn't calculate that.Your dps goes from 3.23mil --> 3.37mil If you somehow got flat cold enchant on bubonics: 3.37mil --> 3.64mil. All the things i mentioned above are straightforward upgrades, and by then you've probably reached the limit of what your build allows given your jewelry choices which is ~3.6mil at lvl 92. This is still 3.6x more damage than what you would have at your current level + gear. Now let's look at your jewelry, which I didn't adjust in the analysis above. I did include a %flask effect though, which your belt is missing. So in reality you would need to get a belt with an open prefix to mastercraft that on. Your build is suffering from what I mentioned before in the gearing section; it's under the title: "inter-gear dependency and capping resists". Your belt, rings, amulet all have resists spread out across them and this will prevent you from upgrading in the future as well as lower efficiency. Your sapphire ring has almost no damage on it, since flat fire/lightning are bad for the build (this is mentioned under "IMPORTANT READ THIS" of my guide where I show that 1 point of flat fire is only 40% of a flat cold point or 20% of a flat phys point), and accuracy is useless due to Precision. That's fine I'm not saying rings have to have damage, but then your amulet should be the focus of your damage stacking. On it, I see 2 damage mods which added together give you damage equal to a single T1 crit multi roll. The way you can tell is by looking in the amulet section under mods ranked which show the point values for each T1 mod. Using the point system from my guide you know that 23% WED = 23 points. 15% phys as extra cold = 37.5 points. In total your amulet gives you 60.5 points of damage. Under my "mods ranked" section, you see that a T1 crit multi roll = 61 points. Your rings give almost no damage and your amulet gives damage equal to a single T1 damage mod. On top of this all your jewelry pieces have resists spread across it which will make it hard to make changes in the future b/c your jewelry is interdependent on each other. All this is covered in the section called "inter-gear dependency". If your jewelry was more optimized you would be able to go from 3.61mil --> 4.5mil or higher with no issue. I see your helm and gloves are perfect,but they alone can't make up for these fundamental issues. Nevertheless, if you don't want to deal with the hassle of thinking about jewelry, the limit you can reach is 3.6mil ish at lvl 92, probably 4.5mil with smart updates to jewelry, and if you somehow reach closer to 95, you can break 5mil without issue. One other thing I mentioned in the guide, +2 mana gain on hit is mandatory for build to function; I don't see one in your setup. This means your barrage can't sustain beyond maybe 2-3 seconds, so you're using default attack most of the time which is not only terrible damage but also very rippy b/c no life recovery. Good luck let me know if you have further questions. This build is very complex to make despite looking pretty straightforward; it's all optimization which really sucks. I wish wanders had higher base damage where this wouldn't be necessary but sadly that's the state of things now. To fully understand all this and save you a lot of trouble, you will probably need to read the guide multiple times and doing so will help you better grasp how to maximize damage in general for any build. Here is the finalized POB: https://pastebin.com/SY680p6q Edit: Forgot to mention; if you used Order suffix on diamond, that can probably bring you over the 4mil shaper dps mark. Didn't include it on POB. Последняя редакция: Enahkra#7073. Время: 10 июля 2019 г., 4:44:43
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Good maps to grind with this build? im running glaciers atm but i think a map with walls or something could be better like arena or pit. what maps are u guys running? ty for the build! im loving it, crafting my helmet atm :)
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Oh, thanks for the detailed answer.
I have to admit that your guide is some heavy stuff for a casual gamer as I am, so maybe I didn't get as deep into the mechanics as your guide required and deserved it. But I'm pretty sure I'll be able to follow your step by step individual optimization guide (yeah, it's so much in detail, it deserves to be called "guide"). Thanks again and I'll keep you updated :) | |
" I wish I could give a good answer for that question, sadly I'm not playing this league due to irl stuff so idk what's fresh atm. Based on previous experience this build excelled in UGS, Haunted Mansions, etc. I'm guessing Cage + that other similar one is decent too for the 6L card drop, but I found the most fun farming T16 guardians nonstop and selling the shaper sets for profit, occasionally running an uber elder. It gave a lot of variety (9 different bosses), good profit, and also some challenging yet doable content. I'd go crazy if I chained the same maps over and over lol. This build is unbeatable in linear indoor maps, and most of the guardian maps were like that which was probably why it felt so nice. But as you progress with the build, even outdoor maps will start to feel much better. And thanks! I just glanced over your build; if you do decide to stick to Deadeye there will have to be adjustments made since they lack ailment immunity and also flask effect on belt/tree becomes unnecessary. Good luck! |
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" Lol no problem and sure keep me updated; I totally get what you mean. I kinda went too far in depth to the point that the guide's almost like a book now and isn't as easily accessible to a lot of ppl anymore. I also get that some people have less time on their hands and/or prefer to play the game rather than do math calculations all day lol. If this build naturally had good damage I'd be able to make things less detailed, b/c variations in gearing wouldn't affect the overall outcome by much. But sadly, phys wanders and wanders in general have always been naturally low damage builds, and add on top of that phys wanders being more complicated than ele wanders to create, so to compensate and try to make this build remotely competitive with meta ones, we kinda have to be more anal about certain things.I was also paranoid that if I left some things out people would waste exalts and it would be my fault lol, so I wanted to minimize my role in that as much as possible. I think the biggest takeaway from playing this build though is learning how to compare different pieces of gear and figure out which are ripoffs vs. sweet deals. It's why I tediously converted all modifiers into a point system and assigned point values to each possible mod for every item slot. This point system doesn't just apply to only this build; it tends to hold true for many builds out there. So learning to think in that way and treat modifiers as just points rather than a bunch of different things will open up a lot of doors and enable you to get better gear for cheaper prices, etc. further down the road. Последняя редакция: Enahkra#7073. Время: 10 июля 2019 г., 7:25:13
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PPL keep asking about MF for the build and can you do it. This prob isn't the most OP way to go about it but using some of the Original builds gear and MF stuff this is what I got https://pastebin.com/jZtgQgDz Change the DW points for shield ones if you like.
Or with Same jewels are fine if you like HH or your original belt is fine ect ...you get the idea. It kills but its not the best damage in the world. Doing T5 Burials atm Последняя редакция: ssgtparker#4262. Время: 10 июля 2019 г., 9:00:15
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" Yeah, most people prob wouldn't be able to do full MF like yours since you have like the highest dps build out of both wanders/bowyers in Legion lol... Sadly if GGG hadn't effectively nerfed KB damage by 50% with that stupid monster life buff, things would be a lot better right now. I think if going full MF, it's prob worth just ditching barrage and skipping bosses altogether unless it's indoor map. And buffing KB to 6L, and get a KB explosion enchant (= extra gem link) for that juicy 7L. Then wall banging Legion rares if necessary etc. Otherwise I'm out of ideas lol. Последняя редакция: Enahkra#7073. Время: 10 июля 2019 г., 7:31:24
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My KB stand still atm with all this on is 20k.... but it kills things Ill see what a 6link would look like then
Fixed it More damage Cold pen and freezing for when you really don't want them to touch you! Последняя редакция: ssgtparker#4262. Время: 10 июля 2019 г., 10:52:34
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