[3.9] Physical Conversion Bowyer | Wander [TS/LA/IS + Barrage] [KB + Power Siphon] [All Content]
Turns out you can make a viable build from you'r tree with cyclone few changes of course!
New Project https://pastebin.com/XnRjcPd7 |
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" Honestly you don't need mirrored gear, the most important thing you should save up for is vinktar, b/c with it, your survivability goes up by like 500% and plus its legacy so its always going up in value. The sooner you get it the better since its an investment. Holding on to one can get u more ex in the long run. Last yeah it was maybe 1 mirror, now its closer to 2 mirrors so yea. If you had vinktar you can drop all the res gear you have and go for pure damage so it will raise your dps more than mirrored items. |
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" " Nice! Congratz on your first uber kill! With more practice and upgrades it will become super easy; just keep going at it and you'll be doing deathless runs all the time :) |
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" Hi, below is my analysis for your build. Someone else already gave you some good advice so I will just add some more here. First, I suggest you reread my guide again because there were some points missing in your build that was mentioned in my guide. I wrote to never get the attack speed + quality mod on your wand, but I see you have that mod on your wand. It's too late now to change that but that's a loss of a little dps + also life recovery. Also I wrote in the guide to use Energy Leech gem instead of Slower Projectiles. I noticed you have Slower Projectiles but no Energy Leech. If you use Blood Rage, Energy Leech will give you a lot more damage than Slower Projectiles. Also you have higher proj speed so it makes hitting w/ Barrage easier + it's lower mana cost. So it's better than slower proj in every way. This build relies on barrage to facetank as you know, so leech rate is very important. If your leech rate is not high enough, you can't facetank and have to run around. Running around means you lose dps. This is why Vaal Pact is important b/c it raises your leech rate by ~1k which is a lot. Sure you can choose not to use Vaal Pact but it will hurt your ability to do end game content like uber elder. As for the hybrid leech node. Yes, I had a choice between choosing hybrid leech node or the mana leech node, because both cost only 1 point. I had to think about which node would benefit the most people following the guide. This is my reasoning for why: Leech is capped by 20% of the total life/mana pool. For example, you only have ~800 mana, so at most you can leech 160 mana per second. You have ~5k life, so you can leech 1k/second or 2k/second with Vaal Pact. Compare 160 mana/sec to 2k life/second. Life can leech >10x faster than mana! This means you need much higher damage/more leech before you can reach the leech cap. That's why I picked the hybrid node. Because early on, your damage will be bad, and with bad damage, you can't reach the life leech cap, but you can easily reach the mana leech one. Of course later on once you're fully geared you can reach both mana + life leech cap easily so it doesn't matter anymore which you choose. As someone else already mentioned, you must get a Lethal Pride. Once you do, you can drop Master of Force cluster and take Snowforged cluster. This will give you 20% more resists and more damage. Once you have more resists, you can convert this overcap resist into damage by dropping resist mods on your gear for damage. I suggest you consider my multimod amulet section, because if you craft an amulet like that your damage will be improved by a lot. Alira will help you maintain res cap without relying on belt, so you can raise the damage there to probably 70%+ too. You should also consider a new pair of boots with tri-res. This is not hard b/c you can use Two-Tone boots to easily get 120+ res. If you have this res, you will free up your ring slot for more damage via multimodded ring in the future. If you have any more questions let me know Последняя редакция: Enahkra#7073. Время: 19 июля 2019 г., 17:37:47
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" You'll want to take Snowforged over Master of Force if you met the strength req. Right now your resists is undercapped without flasks which is an issue sometimes for end game bossing. Snowforged will help with that + also give more dps. You'll also want Alira (not sure if you have this already, but doesn't show it on POB). This is a bit concerning since you aren't using Bubonics in the first place, so res capping shouldn't be an issue. You may also want to divine your watcher's above 35% for full conversion. The crit chance for this build will be around 65-75%. This might seem a bit low if you're used to very high crit builds, but I had to make a choice between higher damage or higher crit, and I figured damage was more important than crit. If the crit is too low for your tastes, you're better off getting +1 power on both rings which would amount to 80% crit. However, I don't suggest crafting the rings at this point. Your dps is ~4.17mil which is decent, however your life is a bit on the low side and you're undercapped on resists. This seems to indicate that your current level of dps comes at the expense of the other two. With 20/20 gems and the 21/20 added cold gem you would be around 4.5mil shaper. Right now the easiest thing you can upgrade is your amulet since it's not resist dependent. If you follow my multimod instructions very carefully, it should cost you around 3-4 ex depending on how patient you are with livesearch. This will be the biggest single upgrade bringing your dps from 4.5mil --> 5 mil. As for other upgrades, it will be hard because of how "interlocked" your gear pieces are. If you want to improve your build in general beyond the amulet it would require some restructuring. Like for example, getting 120%+ res + high life on your helm as mentioned in the guide, and stacking 120%+ res + high life on your boots (easy with two-toned). And on top of this getting a rare shield with high life + very high resists + maybe 1 slot for a damage prefix. This will give you the freedom to craft better rings at ~3 ex per slot and also stack 70%+ WED on your belt. If you do all this you should be able to break 6-6.5 mil without issue. But of course this will likely be outside your 11 ex budget. So it depends on what your long term goals are. As for right now, all I can recommend is improving your amulet. After improving your amulet, you would be left with ~7 ex. This is enough to find replacements for your boots + shield with plenty left over to buy essences for rerolling your helm. For boots and shield I'd probably utilize live searches and get replacements w/ under 2-3 ex. With the remaining 4 ex, you can begin essence rerolling your helm. However, I'd probably buy another base for cheap and reroll on there b/c if you essence craft your current helm, it might make build unplayable due to resists. This should cost 1-2 ex if things go well and you don't have super terrible RNG. This leaves you with ~2 ex left. This is enough to buy a stygian with high life + 70%+ WED (suffix + prefix). I see some for 1 ex on poe.trade atm. At this point you shouldn't need any resists on your belt. Doing all this will set the stage for you to improve your rings which would cost ~6 ex beyond what you currently have. But doing this will bring you to an optimal level of damage as well as having more life. I'm going to add a POB using mainly mastercrafted gear to the guide in the next few hours, so I recommend you check later and use that as a blueprint. If you have any more questions let me know~ Edit: Also which mod is on your Frenzy node? The Intimidate or double damage? Having to sacrifice 2 extra passive points counteracts a lot of damage Lethal pride offers. I'm not sure it's worth for you unless I know a bit more on the details. Последняя редакция: Enahkra#7073. Время: 19 июля 2019 г., 18:23:45
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" Thanks a lot for the advice! There is 5% chance to deal double damage on the frenzy node. I might have a better jewel if the 5% of frenzy isn't worth it. I think I have jewel with 2x double damage on allocated nodes. Swapping to Snowforged. I'll upgrade my shield for high life+resists+attack speed if possible and search for some boots. The amulet will take time because the cheapest one with the 2 mods was 5 exalts last time. Need also the syndicate mods. I will leave the rings for later then, was originally planning to upgrade them first and then the amulet. |
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" If that's the case, you're better off just not taking the frenzy node. A damage node on average gives ~3% dps. So giving up 6% damage for 5% double damage is actually a loss of dps. May as well spend the 2 nodes on other stuff like more life or take Alira if you haven't already. There's also always the spare 16% damage node near the ranger start. If you do manage to upgrade rings, you'll be able to access Elder Power for 20% damage if you have a spare node. Being lvl 93, you should have a spare point that you can easily move around without breaking any clusters. And yeah my reasoning behind not upgrading rings first is that multimodding requires you to make a specific choice of which resist(s) to craft (both the implicit and possibly an explicit). If you choose to upgrade them now, it becomes much harder for you to make improvements elsewhere + in the future. Given your current setup you most likely need to craft a resist suffix on each of your rings. This is very detrimental to your dps since your setup has 3 good sources of high resists (helm + boots + shield) that you currently aren't taking full advantage of. So if you went ahead and crafted your rings w/ resist suffixes, and later upgrade your boots, or shield, you'll be unable to change the resist on your ring to +1 power charge w/o multimodding once again (another several ex cost). Also, crafting the rings first makes your resist requirement elsewhere more specific, perhaps you need mostly fire res, or a balance between lightning + cold res, etc. This means less options on the market = more cost. Or perhaps you reroll your helm with high resists, but end up overcapped b/c you have too much resists on your rings now. All this eats into your damage. If you do it the other way with resist gear first, you'll know exactly how much resists you're lacking when you craft your rings. That way you won't have any regrets when you craft them. I highly suggest you craft the helmet first, because you have almost no control over what kinds of resist combinations you hit w/ essences. At least you have some control over buying the boots/shield. If you bought your shield + boots first it will make the helm harder to craft by requiring specific resist combos, or if you craft a good one, it might leave you very overcapped in the wrong resist. You should also make sure you can reach the resist cap using your helm + shield + boots. This should be very easy to do with rare boots (I provide an analysis in my guide under resists + inter gear dependancy). That way your rings can provide pure damage. In fact, if your resists gear is good enough, you should be able to craft on diamond/steel/opal elder rings for even more dps. This is a luxury that bubonic trail users can't afford. But then again they do have a lead on dps. Opals will give the most dps but you'll probably want diamond rings since you find crit lacking. 60% crit from both diamond implicits +2 minimum power charges should give you a high enough crit that shatters are consistent. A few days ago I saw some amulet bases for <2 ex. Not sure if they already sold, but there are multiple combinations (not sure if you saw this in guide), the only constant is T1 crit multi. You could even lower it to T2 multi without it being that big of a deal. Good luck if you need further advice let me know. Последняя редакция: Enahkra#7073. Время: 20 июля 2019 г., 4:55:33
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Thank you so much, Enahkra!
Swapped out my boots, helmet and shield for resists and life. Now sitting at 4,922 life with capped resistances without rings and belt. Also upgraded one of my jewels. Now at 3.6m dps. Swapped out my Lethal pride for another one that has 5% double damage both on Heartseeker and Winter spirit. Gonna start farming syndicate for amulet crafts and lookout for possible belts to use. Still have 9 ex left after upgrades, since my +1 barrage helmet125% resist and 90 life only cost me 21c (thanks lucky alc). Got boots with 115% resists, 89 life, T1 cold damage when hit enchant and crafted movement speed+onslaught. Shield has 160 life, 85% resistances and 35 strength for requirements. Allows me to swap out my belt later. Again, massive thanks for helping me out! Последняя редакция: Realshing#6530. Время: 20 июля 2019 г., 6:23:37
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Not sure what to do now. I want to chain T16 comfortably but some damage mods are just too rippy even with Fortify and ToH, I don't think getting more HP will help so I get Phase Acro and go for RNG defense instead. Not sure what noticable upgrade I can make for now, sure I can get another multimod ring, a new belt (I know it's T2 WED, didn't check thoroughly) and.. that's it? 2 more passive points will put me at 4.8k HP (I'm now at 4.6k) but I can't get to that point with my handicapped skills. Sometimes Barrage misses and that's the end of me, really frustrating. I compare Country_Fall's and NameMerken's POB but I can't make out the difference between us. With uElder down, it's just the matter of skill and mechanic so I don't know how much gear will help me right now. I really don't get why we're this squishy after all. With ToH/Dying Sun being up most of the time, we have 25% less cold/fire dmg taken, Fortify, 15% Att. Block, 40% Att. Dodge and around 4.8k HP, things shouldn't be this hard. I think 40/30 Dodge won't work because it goes better with high evasion and we're lacking at that. I know you tried to make a defensive and offensive build before but I'm gonna brainstorm a bit more. Последняя редакция: oMySunshine#7356. Время: 20 июля 2019 г., 11:30:06
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![]() I DID IT, I FUCKING DID IT IN ONE SET AKJDAJDOWADOADSIOADJOI 3 deaths, 2 because of desync (I dodge the balls but I still get hit like bruh), other one I got succ by Elder, it deals a lot more damage than I had anticipated. Swapping out a Warding Flask for a Heat Flask might be my best decision, also helps (got a bro on 4040 to craft for me, T2 still decent). Gradually getting better, my gear is quite set in stone now so it all comes down to skill, really happy to know that I just need to improve, not upgrade. |
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