[3.7] Untouchable Ghost. 50k Evasion 10k ES HOWA Charged Dash

While this is an Elemental Overload build rather than crit, the claw/dagger-specific support and it's associated buff might be worth considering for Charged Dash:

The new Elusive buff grants 40% increased movement speed as well as 20% attack and spell dodge. Unlike other buffs, Elusive doesn't have a duration, but instead loses buff over time, until it is removed on reaching 0% effect. This means that increasing your buff effect also increases how long the effect on you lasts. Most sources of Elusive won't overwrite an existing Elusive buff on you.

A new notable on the Assassin Ascendancy will have a chance to grant Elusive, and the buff can also be gained from the following two gems:
Nightblade Support
The Nightblade Support is exclusive to Daggers and Claws, just as Close Combat and Shockwave Supports are exclusive to other melee weapon types. Nightblade grants base critical strike chance, and supported skills will also grant Elusive on Critical Hit. Elusive granted by attacks supported by Nightblade also grants Critical Multiplier to Nightblade supported skills, and because the multiplier is part of Elusive, it scales with Elusive Effect, granting over +100% to Critical Strike Multiplier at level 20 when first applied.

This means the supported skill will give you sudden bursts of speed and critical multiplier when you first critically hit, and any Elusive effect gained from other sources like the Assassin ascendancy will further enhance the power of the buff.

I will probably ask a stupid question, but is it possible to make a fusion of your build and the Winter Orb build like that ?

Thauma написал:
braniels2 написал:
Hello, how cyclone can be used with this build?? or another skill, dont like charge dash xD

You can basically replace Charged Dash with Cyclone. If you do this, definitely include Pulverise or Increased Area of Effect Support otherwise your AoE will be tiny.
Charged Dash is way more powerful however.

With a 5L, my tooltip with Cyclone (19/20) is 135K (in Ho, without charges/flask).
With Frenzy and Power charges, I see like 250K+ dps.
And I'm delving around depth 250.
Ten Thousand Ways To Die ...
Is the build still viable considering the changes (nerf) to Trickster's Ghost Dance in the 3.8. patch?

Wanted to try something different than what I have been playing in Betrayal and this fits the bill but do not have a lot of time to play and research other builds for at least 2-3 more months :/
Последняя редакция: Moth86#5698. Время: 6 сент. 2019 г., 14:51:24
Hi all.
Whoever plays this build?
Waffle, tell me if this nerf will greatly affect the endgame?
I'm giving it a go but will take me quite a while to get up there to answer that sorry :D
For those of you looking for a 3.8 tree, I did a little rerouting based on what I felt the build needed after last league. I picked up wicked ward to make up for the nerf and rerouted to grab the new Utmost Intellect, but I had to drop a few nodes on the west side of the tree, notably : Sanctity, Precision, and Retribution. According to PoB this is only 5% of your damage and some other misc stats lost, plus if you really wanted any of these notables you could annoint them in, though i think the best annoint option is clearly Transfiguration of the Soul.

Click to Reveal Tree

Последняя редакция: Cabledragon#2599. Время: 10 сент. 2019 г., 20:07:33
I've been screwing around figuring out how to make this build go crit and I think I got the right balance.

Biggest Changes from my previous incarnation:
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Rerouted my tree extensively, cut out left side.
Dropped Weave of Arcane for Harness the Void to trigger new skill gem Inspiration
Added Nightblade
Added Precision
Finally dropped Perandus rings

Here's my min/max'd version:

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Note: Nightblade still doesn't work so I had to fake it via added stats to my amulet.

2.667m Charged Dash DPS
2.4m Cyclone DPS

62.33% Crit Chance
424% Crit Multi

10,8000 ES
51k EV

6 Auras (Precision, Clarity, Wrath, Discipline, Grace, Blood and Sand)

Here's my min/max'd version:

Very nice build but not very cheap ;)

For me, the problem n°1 is to be frozen when I'm delving.
I can use a Dream Fragment, but it's the only stat that I need.
Ten Thousand Ways To Die ...
Последняя редакция: titides#7182. Время: 25 сент. 2019 г., 6:34:35
titides написал:
Here's my min/max'd version:

Very nice build but not very cheap ;)

For me, the problem n°1 is to be frozen when I'm delving.
I can use a Dream Fragment, but it's the only stat that I need.

Same here, getting frozen is probably 90% of my deaths and its so annoying lol

Problem is dream fragments is terrible compared to a perandus. Kills your dps and ES due to lower int and also makes the wise oak flask useless as your cold res goes trough the roof so it suddenly only works for Cold damage while we do lightning :(

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