(3.14) Toxic Rain + Caustic Arrow | 5-10m Sirus DPS | Fast + Durable | 50c Budget/SSF Uber Elder

Btw @Zambajzz I tried setting up the skill tree as you suggested ( with very large toh) and I really struggle with life wnd energy shield. In comparison I loose 500 hp and 500- 800 energie shield.
The damage goes up but I dont know if that is worth it.
RustyCrank_POE написал:
Btw @Zambajzz I tried setting up the skill tree as you suggested ( with very large toh) and I really struggle with life wnd energy shield. In comparison I loose 500 hp and 500- 800 energie shield.
The damage goes up but I dont know if that is worth it.

i dont know if its worth either, soon after i switched the passive tree around i switched to my ranger, who is currently a pathfinder, for testing purposes.

you loose a fair bit of defense, thats 100% true, but TR has horrible mana and health sustain, as we cant leech effectivly, so with low damage it essentially becomes a war of attrition, which we will lose, as we dont have flask sustain as tricksters.

currently also testing divine flesh with doppelgängers guise, with which i have somewhere between 11k-34k eHP with a 4k life pool, so if you struggle with defenses, i recommend at least a divine flesh, but make sure you are chaos res capped, because if not youll be far less tanky

Edit: also also, zizaran's TR Pob is just a pure goldmine
Последняя редакция: Zambajazz#2118. Время: 11 мая 2021 г., 6:17:36
Do you guys think it could ever be worth it to go down gracefull assault?
Or would it be enough to have onslaught abyss jewel?
It wont be so good on bosses though but I am tempted.
RustyCrank_POE написал:
Do you guys think it could ever be worth it to go down gracefull assault?
I don't think either that or fleetfoot are worth the points when you can have another cluster. If you want more powerful onslaught, reroll to raider. If you just want onslaught on mapping, use a cinderswallow.
RustyCrank_POE написал:
Do you guys think it could ever be worth it to go down gracefull assault?
Or would it be enough to have onslaught abyss jewel?
It wont be so good on bosses though but I am tempted.

i have to agree with Viktranka.

TR dps is a fine balance balance between inc chaos damage, chaos dot multi, attack speed and skill effect duration.

Graceful Aussault does not give enough for the 3 points you spend there, asuming you are right next to it.

we are so starved for passive points, that they just seem like a waste
Thank you very much for your answer about auras.
You have advice to avoid mana failure, especially in single target I find that Vaal Clarity is essential.
Zambajzz написал:
zooky написал:
could you help me once again and tell me what to upgrade next? i have 7ex left.

Also i still struggle with Blight as soon as many bosses come as i cant kill htem since they walk over the spores. No matter which towers i use..

as i was typing you bought an empower level 4, thats good

you also need to annoint exceptional performance soon, its a huge damage boost aswell.

after that you next big upgrade would be a bow like this one


ignore the white sockets and the fire res. ideally you want attack speed instead of fire res, but the base is important, you need a 1.5 attack speed base.

this bow costs 6 ex if you want to make it yourself or around 7.5-8 ex if you want to buy a finished one.

most of your gear is fine for now, as a budget option

i also highly recommend on switching your watchers eye for a Replica Conqueror's Efficiency, you are losing a bit of life and ES but you gain skill effect duration (which essentially is damage) and you can save up your currency for a dot multi while affected by malevolence watchers eye.


So the same bow with attack speed instead of res is 20ex + :O or am i searching wrong? :D

I will try replicas conquerers Efficiency
zooky написал:


So the same bow with attack speed instead of res is 20ex + :O or am i searching wrong? :D

I will try replicas conquerers Efficiency

unfortunatly you are not, AS on your bow is kind of luxuary, so use one without AS for now.
kenshin60500 написал:
Thank you very much for your answer about auras.
You have advice to avoid mana failure, especially in single target I find that Vaal Clarity is essential.

vaal clarity is not bad, but 3 times elreons craft with replica conquerers efficiency should be enough. you can also try an enduring mana flask alternatively, but if you are not a pathfinder sustaining that in singletarget is kinda difficult.
Anyone knows how to craft the amulet with chaos DOT, +1 level chaos skill and +1 dex spell skill?

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