(3.14) Toxic Rain + Caustic Arrow | 5-10m Sirus DPS | Fast + Durable | 50c Budget/SSF Uber Elder
Hey man. Props for great guide. I think i am ready to go but im looking into perfect form instead of qotf. Thoughts ?
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How do you calculate dps in pob with this build?
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I'd also be interested in finding out how to check the damage of the build on PoB, it's giving me a much lower number than expected (99259 total dps inc poison). The Pathfinder version from Angry Roleplayer is giving me 259257 dps, and I'm pretty sure it is actually less damage than this version, something feels off.
Edit: Just saw we don't take Deadly Draw anymore, what would you rush early game in the tree now? Master Fletcher? Everything looks so good, I have no idea how to path, anyone got some intermediate trees for the new build? Also since Maloney's will be out (probably), how do we change our links around to make up for not having the 3 link on the quiver? Последняя редакция: Noitee#4050. Время: 6 июня 2019 г., 18:10:49
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" Unless I'm mistaken, it's a Synthesis only drop. If it isn't limited to Synthesis bosses, however, it's still a great option. " Perfect Form is great. To be honest, there's a ton of amazing chest pieces we can use, I just really enjoy the movement speed from Queen of the Forest. A Perfect Form is probably the ideal budget chest for a defensive option, and if you really start investing currency into the build, a well rolled hybrid chest would be pretty insane. " I really should add a section for that. I'll amend the post and add it there. " I'll be adding a section soon to the guide for DPS calcuations. I will say to be wary of Toxic Rain builds that go for tooltip warrior status. I've messed around in POB, and when optimized for maximum damage (around 7.5m) the tooltip DPS is ~150k. We do still take "Deadly Draw", or at least what they changed its name to. They simply renamed the node to Master Fletcher, and renamed the old Master Fletcher to Deadly Draw. We'll still be rushing Master Fletcher, but I'll take your advice and update the leveling trees shortly. As for the missing Three link: the build already had open sockets. At some point in the league, I was leveling twelve gems. We can simply move the Curse set up to the empty sockets. Also CWDT-IC might be worth dropping now, I'll update that once I get a feel for it. " I went and ran his TR character, and it just isn't invested properly for TR. His build is more focused on the poison and Herald of Agony part of the build. I was being a little generous in my estimations for his build, and it came out to about 848,785 DPS from Toxic Rain, including his hit damage, DoT damage, and his poison damage. The build is also substantially weaker defensively, and slower in terms of movement speed and attack speed. I also wouldn't recommend Pathfinder for TR to begin with. Последняя редакция: typicaldemon#7238. Время: 6 июня 2019 г., 20:01:11
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I've added a budget/SSF set up for Uber Elder farming, but I wouldn't recommend fighting UE if you're HC with such little gear.
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I just watch Kammel_’s stream from hit TR run, he is doping it AS a deadeye. So just wanted to know abort using the HOA , should we do that aswell AS trickster when we are leveling ? |
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Hello, nice build will try it in legion, btw any substitute to that bow while leveling / getting enough currency for craft it?
Последняя редакция: El_Phosky#2511. Время: 7 июня 2019 г., 6:07:52
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" We don't get enough poison chance at Trickster to make it worth while. You might be able to swing it, but in my experience, TR leveling feels just fine on bosses. Make sure you're manually cursing Despair and things should be okay. " If you look in the gear section, I outlined my bow progression. " You can also look at doing a Porcupine bow and alting for +1 instead. If you look at the budget Uber Elder video, you can see an example of a super cheap set up. |
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Hey, strongly considering this for my league starter.
I am intending to push hard, my worry with the build is that you can't really use a tabula since without a rare chest you'll barely have any ES and the amount of life from the tree is fairly low. Also, early on in the league I guess the porcupine card will be hard to obtain as it only drops from t12-t13s maps (and high gardens area). So my question is, can the build suffice and progress smoothly up to t12ish maps on a 4 link? Or am I mistaken and using a Tabula won't absolutely destroy your survivability? |
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Would you ever consider survivalist / silent steps over acro? It ups your ES and gives you some other defences in return.
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