[3.6] Pure Incinerate Trickster - 25M Shaper DPS - Videos Up - Uber Elder Down (Deathless)
" I just spent quite some time in PoB trying to figure this out, here's my results and some changes I would make to the build: For starters - this was tested with my lvl 88 trickster, who currently has about 16.6 million dps against shaper in PoB. I absolutely shred everything in the game, with my only gripe being some more annoying bosses such as chimera/uber elder where you cannot avoid everything.
The Body Armor Issue
Issue 1 - The Body Armor:
I believe that The Perfect form is the best chest we can go with, even over carcass or a mirror tier crafted chest, here's why: Running the perfect form over carcass, assuming perfect life rolls, we get about 100 extra life and only lose about 300 es. My personal life pool goes to almost 4600 and my es is 1700. The DPS Loss equates to roughly 950k dps loss. With carcass I am at 17.5 M shaper dps, with Perfect form I am at 16.6M, at these numbers it is 100% not noticeable dps loss, mino still dies in less than 3 seconds. What we gain: Phase acrobatics - Much noticeable spell dodge. More Evasion - Roughly 10% more evasion, this is definitely noticeable. Arctic armor - I will explain what we do to gem links in a later section. This is 13% LESS physical damage taken and 12% LESS fire damage taken. While stationary, which we always are while casting. The downside is we need much more dex, and I will explain how to get that in the next section.
The Solution to Dex + Gem links
First, I agree that having a Volatile dead setup makes mapping much smoother, however, in my opinion, this build is designed to delete bosses, not speed through maps. We have storm brand, which clears maps already at a very decent speed. So we drop our unearth/spelltotem boot link in exchange for the following: Vaal Grace + Vaal Haste + Arctic Armour + Increased Duration What does this give us? Well, for starters, vaal grace means we now go up to 65% spell dodge and 35% attack dodge, in addition to our now 40%ish evasion chance. Vaal Haste gives us 2 million DPS and 9% move speed. Arctic Armour gives us the Phys/fire reduction AS WELL AS CHILL, anything that hits you is now slowed. The issue: Dex requirement is now 195. This is actually not too bad, we lose a very minor amount of DPS on jewels , assuming you were running mirror tier jewels which you most likely weren't. We now look for Regular Jewels with the following: + Dex, % Life, % crit multi to ELEMENTAL SKILLS (better than flat crit multi), % spell dmg while wielding a staff (or cast speed) On Our abyss Jewels we look for: + Dex, % Global Crit Multi, + Max Life, Add # Fire damage to spells while wielding a two handed weapon. For our elder ring we get a two-stone ring (or opal if you have insane resists on everything else) with Dex + crit multi + life + resists + Fire damage against ignited enemies. Drop Fire damage against ignited enemies if you use anger and you need to budget this. We pickup a SINGLE +30 dex node on the tree. This requires you to be level 95 OR take it before you finish jewels (this is what I did). At level 89 I have 3 jewels + 1 abyss. I'm still at 15m shaper dps. PoB: https://pastebin.com/Aastgxxy I have included a PoB for my character here, with my dogshit jewels + watchers eye with Arcane Surge / Life leech while affected by anger. I have ZERO bullshit modifiers on that PoB, same as your original. With my exact gear and some gem levels scaled to 20/20 and 4 emp. Its 15 Million shaper dps. Since making the switch, I notice I die consistently less. Over 50 t15-16's yesterday I would die maybe 10 times (I would die at least 2 times on Chimera). Today, I died only twice so far - Chimera, where the smoke spawned literally all over the arena. And a Crit Chance/ Crit Multi Double added dmg T16 minotaur Where an accleration shrine spawned and I died when I turned the corner (on trash mobs not Mino). Let me know your thoughts. Последняя редакция: zazey#3314. Время: 25 марта 2019 г., 11:53:30
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" After dying a lot with Carcass Jack, i've switched to The Perfect Form too, and went okay ( as i thought ) I've stopped dying, and then i saw your 15m dps, my current dps is about 200k. I understand that my gear is still very bad, i don't have neither cast speed on boots/gloves nor mark of the shaper, my staff is solely for 6-link, its affixes sucks. But 8000% difference, jesus, i'm lvl 93, what am i doing wrong. |
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" I imported your character into PoB, there's a bunch of things you are missing for the multipliers of DPS. For starters, you currently, with everything rolling + charges you are at 483k dps. Your biggest loss in DPS is your staff and flasks. In order of priority and cheapness, this is what you want to do:
First step - Fix Flasks
Get an atziri's promise(decent rolls 5c), a wise oak (7c rolls not too important), a cinderswallow urn WITH CRITICAL STRIKE CHANCE MOD (30c), and a diamond flask (1 alt). Don't worry about the 3+ ex bottled faith yet. For Wise oak you need to change some gear to get fire res your highest , currently your cold rest has 45% more than fire, so wise oak will not work. You can do this for like 20c MAX. If you do this, your dps will go to 984k with legit middle of the pack rolls on all flasks.
Second Step - The Weapon
This is going to be the most expensive CORE part of your build, but it adds so, so, so much dps it's unreal. This is how you do it: First - Get an ilvl 84+ SHAPED Eclipse staff.(85 is bis but it's double the price). This will c ost you roughly 75-80c UNLINKED or about 5-7 ex if it's already 6L. You're call if you want to 6L yourself, I usually do. Now, scour it, make sure it's 20% Q and alt spam it until you roll ANY LEVEL Socketed gems are supported by Powercharge on crit + spell dmg (this is 1 mod, it comes with 16,18, or 20 Pcoc and 70-90% spell damage). We do not really care if it's 16/18/20, but feel free to go for the minmax. Once you have a blue staff with pcoc, regal it. It will either have 3 mods or 2. If that mod is ANYTHING other than t1 cast speed, or fire as extra chaos (t1), you need to annul it 1-2 times and hope that you ONLY have a staff with PCoC - spell dmg (again single mod here). Now you have a Rare Staff with 1 mod on it (or 2-3 if you hit mirror tier cast speed and fire as extra chaos). Now you will need to multimod it - 2 ex craft Now add cast speed - 1 ex craft Now add Fire as extra chaos - 8 Vaal craft (i think) Now add +2 Socketed support Gems - 1 Divine (i think) Now add Chance to deal double damage while Focused - 8c (i think). If you do not have all of these crafts, I suggest finding a reputable forum crafter for a fee, personally I use TreeofDead, but he's a bit pricey, however, he will have ALL of the best crafts. It will cost you roughly 8-9 ex for the 6l Staff with mods on it (if you buy the 6l staff base) Or less if you fuse it for cheap. The full crafts will probably cost you like 1 ex in fee, I could help if you need multimod i Wont charge fee. The staff + flasks, importing my staff to you, brings your DPS to 2.2 Million.
Step 3 - The watcher's Eye
Buy a Watcher's eye with Zealotry Arcane surge. (I also got leech fire dmg while affected by anger) - 2 ex. Or if you have big bucks, buy Zealotry Arcane surge + Crit chance on conc ground, which is like 8+ ex. The 2 ex watcher's eye will bring you up to 2.4 Million Dps.
Step 4 - 21/20 Incinerate + gems
Get a 21/20 incin for 1.5 ex. Other gems get to 20/20 Get at least lvl 3 empower - 80c Leave the lvl 4empower for last after all other gear fixes. get your zealotry/anger level 20. this brings your Dps to 4.7 million. lvl 20 Lightning golem - 4.9 million level 4 empower (7 ex) brings you to 5.4 million
step 5 - The rest of the gear
Get a mark of the shaper. Get better rolled jewels. Get a Bottled Faith. Последняя редакция: zazey#3314. Время: 25 марта 2019 г., 15:04:30
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Just wanted to thank zazey for going super hard in these comments, even helping other posters out with questions. All very in-depth, good stuff.
I noticed in your PoB that you have lost a bit of HP, which in the end I guess is offset by the boost in dodge/evasion you now have. Overall I think what you have there is great and I'm happy it's working for you. I may do a bit of testing myself with perhaps a really nice hybrid rare, we'll see what I can find. Oh, and as an aside, I've completely dropped the 4-link unearth spell totem setup. I never included those links in my guide but was testing them for a while. I've instead put in a 4-link lightning warp setup. Flame Dash is still amazing and definitely better in boss fights when you need to make, quick, precise movements, but Lightning Warp is so much better for mapping simply because it doesn't have a charge system. Highly recommended. @Profatum - The staff is the #1 piece of DPS gear in the build. Remember, it's a 7-link that boosts our Incinerate level by up to 5. Although not needed right away, if you're looking to upgrade gear, I'd say it has the highest priority if all your other gear is okay. As zazey has stated, the crafting process is relatively straightforward. So the hardest part in that sense is acquiring the currency for the multi-modding aspect. Finding the PCoC affix is very common, isolating that mod takes a bit of luck, and then once you have that you're good to go. |
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I think that the hybrid chest or pure ev chest would eventually be the way to go, however, it would be rediculously expensive, and probably mirror worthy. Optimally, you'd want: +100 Life, 10% mom, 15% taken as ele Prefix. And resists Suffix. |
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this may be dumb but why exactly do we want pcoc on staff? we get power charges anyway dont we?
anyway, nice build and very informative thread, ty |
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" 3 Reasons: 1- PCoC also gives 4% MORE damage per power charge, with 6 power charges thats 24% more. More is a multiplier, not additive. 2-Although we get power charges while channeling, we aren't garunteed one every second, the goal is to maintain max power charges at all times for fights like uber elder where we are constantly moving, so even just doing 1 tick of damage will give us a Power charge. 3- As well as the above, for a single mod you also get a shitload of % spell damage. So it's like we get an extra link for free. Последняя редакция: zazey#3314. Время: 25 марта 2019 г., 23:07:18
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To add on to zazey's explanation, the entire goal of the staff was to get as much damage out of it as possible, so how do we do that. Well, we take a look at all the available prefixes for staves, and we can deduce that Power Charge on Crit is the single best affix to have considering how many charges we pick up. Everything else either competes with a crafting bench mod that we need or takes more currency that I thought was worth it to spend, such as the Aetheric mod "socketed spells deal 20% more damage." In theory you could have both PCoC and the aetheric prefix, but again, it's entirely unnecessary.
I've seen a few people use the attack speed/double damage shaper suffix on some of their staves, but it competes with cast speed and the double damage while focused mod. Multimod is also a suffix, so we can only have 2 of these. |
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Thanks guys.
Started a generic Trickster this league to try all new spells and soon settled with Incinerate. This thread helps a ton. Got the +2 stage Hubris already in the works and need to optimize my tree based on OP's build. Staff will take a while prob. My gear so far: energy leech support is socketed only until i have other gems leveled. |
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" Oh, i didn't expect such reply. You're the most helpful person i've ever met in the internet may be. Thank you a lot. I have a question. You say that i should switch flasks to Atziri, Cinder, Wise Oak and diamond. But then there is no place for defensive flasks. How do i get curse/freeze/bleed immunity. And i'm not talking about losing these sweet evasion/dodge flasks. And also is diamond flask needed, i've tried to use it, it doesn't affect tooltip damage at all, and if i understand mechanics correctly, our crit chance on concetrated ground with cinderbellow is more than enough. Последняя редакция: Profatum#6473. Время: 26 марта 2019 г., 4:42:15
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