[3.9] Gryph's CI Vortex + Coldsnap Trickster || Uber Elder+Everything Else

Reopss написал:
Hellо there,

Thanks fоr taking the time tо share this lоvely build, Im running it оn a budget оf 2 exalts and managed tо get uber elder dоwn withоut much prоblems.

Hоwever my оnly issue is that especially in memоries when i get surrоunded and lоse all ghоst shrоuds i immediately get chain stunned and killed. Am i missing sоme aspect that helps tо prevent this?

I understand that оne оptiоn is to equip a shaper ring but that wоuld mean lоsing all that spell damage.

If you are using Brine King Pantheon this shouldn't be too much of an issue.
Brine King gives you 2 seconds of relief between stuns if you're getting bombarded. This should be plenty of time to relocate and reengage.

If you're still having issues, try getting the boot enchant with 80% Stun Avoidance if you've killed recently or 8% Spell Dodge if you've been hit by spell damage recently.

An ES on Hit Watcher's Eye + CWDT Ball Lightning would also help immensely when you get surrounded, though these are 4-5exalts right now.

I took a look at your gear, you may find having a Quartz Flask will also help in dicey situations. The extra 10% Spell Dodge + Phasing are really a great help.

Hope that helps!
Thank you, indeed I totally forgot to use the Brine King pantheon.

After switching it seems that its not an issue anymore. Now this truly feels like a very smooth build.
Reopss написал:
Thank you, indeed I totally forgot to use the Brine King pantheon.

After switching it seems that its not an issue anymore. Now this truly feels like a very smooth build.

Very nice! I'm glad you're enjoying the build. :D

Added these to my gear. Decided to go lower ES so I could have the Cannot be Frozen mod. Frees up a flask slot. Also, Dream Fragments on boots! :D

I used Deafening Essences of Scorn to get the Spell Dodge (7-8%)
Последняя редакция: Gryphenprey#0653. Время: 9 апр. 2019 г., 8:42:58
Gryphenprey написал:
Reopss написал:
Thank you, indeed I totally forgot to use the Brine King pantheon.

After switching it seems that its not an issue anymore. Now this truly feels like a very smooth build.

Very nice! I'm glad you're enjoying the build. :D

Added these to my gear. Decided to go lower ES so I could have the Cannot be Frozen mod. Frees up a flask slot. Also, Dream Fragments on boots! :D

I used Deafening Essences of Scorn to get the Spell Dodge (7-8%)

thats a good idea ^^ when we dont have the flasks up it might come in handy^^
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
MrsDeath_ написал:

thats a good idea ^^ when we dont have the flasks up it might come in handy^^

Yeah. I like having as little to think about as possible. So for me it's worth losing some ES for convenience + flask slot.

Also! made some more updates to the guide.

Added Gem links section, a couple of different trees, reformatted the title, and some other stuff.
Very nice build, i tried it and i can say that it is very powerful and tanky build(with endgame gears).Leveling with vortex is so much fun and so fast.I levelup with hybrid gear(es and life after lvl 20 or 25 idk) and i not have any problems with any boss,he die instant.But i think for build little spell block chance is better for Uber Elder fights,idk.I want to try CWDT+Lightning warp on uber elder,maybe work for me cuz i cant play safe :D(sry for my bad english,i am from Mars :D).
Последняя редакция: ayhanayhan1#7639. Время: 11 апр. 2019 г., 13:43:05
Nice guide! Probably the strongest build i have played tied with ms jugg. Smooth leveling as you are so tanky and bosses are a breeze uber elder included

ayhanayhan1 написал:
Very nice build, i tried it and i can say that it is very powerful and tanky build(with endgame gears).Leveling with vortex is so much fun and so fast.I levelup with hybrid gear(es and life after lvl 20 or 25 idk) and i not have any problems with any boss,he die instant.But i think for build little spell block chance is better for Uber Elder fights,idk.I want to try CWDT+Lightning warp on uber elder,maybe work for me cuz i cant play safe :D(sry for my bad english,i am from Mars :D).

Glad you're enjoying it! We get 20% Spell dodge from our ascendancy. I also like getting a little more from boots (8% from Deafening of Scorn Essence in my case). Definitely helps.

Also CWDT+LW sounds like it would be fun to watch. XD

TonttuSutenööri написал:
Nice guide! Probably the strongest build i have played tied with ms jugg. Smooth leveling as you are so tanky and bosses are a breeze uber elder included

Hey thanks! Your gear looks sweet! I especially like the implicit on your chest. That's really cool!
Been crafting some chests.

The second one is a WIP. I finally got the 3 Fossil Suffixes I wanted on one of these. All that's left is to meta craft it. Just gotta build up that sweet sweet currency again. ^^
Hi, very nice build, i actually level it up and i have some questions, if you mind answer.

- You don't have many jewels, you just don't like or they scale poorly with dot build like this ?

- what do you think about taking Ethereal Feast or Light Eater ?

Ty for your very good job.
Последняя редакция: Jueyintan#6964. Время: 14 апр. 2019 г., 5:13:00

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