[3.7] ICE SPEAR TOTEM | 15.75 million shaper DPS! | 8k eHP (HP\ES - 38% MOM) | Easy all content

Hi , first of all , thank you for your guide , i really appreciate it and i learned a lot from it.
I'm pretty new at this game and i was wondering how can you summon 2totems at a time as a sion ?
I started this league with a Templar arc totem build and as far as i remember , it was a node in the hierophant ascendency who allowed us to do it.
Thanks a lot for replying , cheers .
Imagin314 написал:
Hi , first of all , thank you for your guide , i really appreciate it and i learned a lot from it.
I'm pretty new at this game and i was wondering how can you summon 2totems at a time as a sion ?
I started this league with a Templar arc totem build and as far as i remember , it was a node in the hierophant ascendency who allowed us to do it.
Thanks a lot for replying , cheers .

Multi totem support
Oh ! thank you i understand now xD

Ad i said i'm pretty new at this game lol.
Build looks cool! :D
Is it possible to swap Ice Spear for frostbolt while doing maps?
Benturds написал:
Build looks cool! :D
Is it possible to swap Ice Spear for frostbolt while doing maps?

Dont try it.
Ice spear hit 200k per projectile in 1st form (1.4 million from all proj) and pierce all enemy in 2nd form.
Frostbolt hit 400k.
good build
Последняя редакция: spajjons#6369. Время: 3 мая 2019 г., 4:57:18
This is my 2nd league, so i'm quite new to the game.

My question is, why attack speed nodes (at start of scion tree)?
It doesn't affect spell totems (since it casts a spell, should be cast speed).
Wouldn't be better to take spell damage nodes path to that jewel slot?

Am I missing something?
Последняя редакция: master922#7745. Время: 3 мая 2019 г., 10:12:08
master922 написал:
This is my 2nd league, so i'm quite new to the game.

My question is, why attack speed nodes (at start of scion tree)?
It doesn't affect spell totems (since it casts a spell, should be cast speed).
Wouldn't be better to take spell damage nodes path to that jewel slot?

Am I missing something?

I use unnatural instinct, but it cost much (near 20exs)

If y have not currency possible to swap dis for crit multi (i told about this in my build).
lllNonStop написал:
master922 написал:
This is my 2nd league, so i'm quite new to the game.

My question is, why attack speed nodes (at start of scion tree)?
It doesn't affect spell totems (since it casts a spell, should be cast speed).
Wouldn't be better to take spell damage nodes path to that jewel slot?

Am I missing something?

I use unnatural instinct, but it cost much (near 20exs)

If y have not currency possible to swap dis for crit multi (i told about this in my build).

Sorry, my bad. I totally missed that jewel, it makes sense now...
Thanks for reply :)
Did u test with Atziris Reflection instead of +1 totem shield?

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